SWF character question

Ok, story time...

I usually don't play much survivor. I'm like a 15/85 split and when I do play... it's usually solo Q. Had a game while playing Xeno though that had 3 players all dropping event cakes. I decided to play a normal match, except for those 3... I wasn't gonna get that 3rd hook. Might slug em abit, but I decided going in that those 3 were gonna live.

After the match, I told them why I let em go and found out they were a 3 man SWF. They also weren't opposed to inviting the nice Xeno player as their 4th man. Thought that was neat, we're all on mics, they have a dragons hoard of event cakes...rock on. After like the 2nd game, I noticed a pattern though...

None of us are particularly good... but any time a killer would do ANYTHING against the "Survivor rulebook", these guys would get real nasty with the trashtalk. As a killer player, I can empathize various situations. Downing a survivor who just got off hook as we're all making a mad dash to the exit gates...ain't really tunneling IMO. Apparently my opinion is wrong though. We got a 3 man escape and I hear a rant about how this cheap killer should go kill themselves and just accept their loss rather than down the injured guy.

At this point... I was pretty uncomfortable. Figured the 3 event cakes just wasn't worth that kind of toxicity in my ear. I'd much rather a nice chill environment in the chat, even if I'm getting my cheeks clapped in-game.

My question... preferably from the survivor mains out there...What are your thoughts on this. Would you stay in a toxic group as long as your not the target of the REEEEEEE, or would you dip out as politely as possible because you just remembered you have an appointment?


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We play both but we would be calling them out on that kind of behavior, though we're the type that tends to be direct and blunt (usually for worse). Its not worth the risk of them rubbing off on us even a little to stay (its just a damn game ppl, its not real life or death at stake).

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    My group doesn’t do the whole toxic SWF thing. It’s always “ggs” in the chat and we go next no matter how the game went or how the killer played. No reason to be mean on the game.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389

    among the people I regularly play with there are some who get tilted when some things happen or they had just about enough ######### matches in a row and when they get tilted they get kinda nasty. - Pointing out that there's not really sth else a killer could have done on the occasion where it applies / they do the same when they play killer is usually enough to knock them out of toxicity. But on other occasions the reply to any defense of the killer is a very valid "but except for feeding their ego / being on some kind of power trip, what do they get out of this? - Excatly, nothing" and then getting nasty is, imo, just a very human response (and imo also why we tend to see this somewhat more often on the forums from killers: swf do have their swf to vent to, killers don't).

    If playing with people I don't know and/or that react badly to perspective/pointing out where the killer might be coming from I just dip, saying I got other things to do/go play some killer and try to not play with them in the future. - Sometimes some people are only like that in certain constellations, so if I already see them with these people in vc I just don't join.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    It's very understandable even i don't support this.

    As killer, i never got terrible loses in row. It's one or maybe two game. After that, i am always getting game where i can chill.

    But as survivor, you can lose 20 games in row and your next killer will be still P100 Blight who uses strongest build. It's really so hard to get chill games as survivor.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Mmm, if it made you uncomfortable leaving was the right decision for you. The reality is survivors have much less agency in this game than killers get. I understand their frustration.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    I think you're entitled to put up with whatever you want, even if the players simple says that match sucks.

    However - I'm also fully aware that 99% of survivors comms is never heard by the killer so it really doesn't matter what they say as long as it isn't taken to End Game Chat, but even then, the Devs themselves have said a little heat (nothing offensive) is fine in a game like this.

    I just shrug off what people say when I SWF if it's something that particularly bothers me because ultimately no one is really affected by it. I've seen huge content creators down survivors and it's been laughed at when they down them and call them something spicy and that's essentially what private comms is, spicy words without any meaning, at least to me it is.