New killer tier list?

With the Xeno release, what's your new tier list? Xeno's perks were decent too, which could improve some of the other killers.
- PC
- BEST ADDONS (thats why Myers is B-Tier for me for example)
- Current Survivor-Meta
Personal Opinion!
Its fine having another one!
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Pig is way stronger than you think. Actually stronger than most players think.
I would also put Plague a lot higher. Her addons are pretty insane on top of the no healing basekit.
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Well Pig has some deadly combo of add-ons (almost garantee at least 1K on some maps), but in the end, her crouch power is the worst "anti-loop" ever since survivors will just leave the loop and it doesn't work on every loop. She is just basic Killer with slowdown power (that is good) but you need to catch them first. Againts good Survivors, you will most likely get destroyed.
Plague is good but again, without some great add-ons, good Survivors will make you basic M1 Killer and can loop you to oblivion. With apple add-ons and other stuff she can be more deadly of course.
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Would you say that a nerf for Pig would be in place?
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I do think that her strongest addon combination is actually pretty busted. And I say that with 2000h on her alone. We are talking about a killer that can kill survivors passively. If it was possible to buff her Stealth and ambush I think the perfect nerf would be that you can't die when you are on a jigsaw box. This seems like a very small nerf but believe me it would make a huge difference.
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I have 2000h on pig in the pocket. We are talking about the only killer that can kill survivors passively and has the strongest slowdown in the game as of now. Nothing comes close. I've had games, where survivors delayed me in chase due to predropping pallets so that they finished 4 gens for my first down. I still 12 hooked them because all pallets where gone and my traps did their work.
Some of the rng is also extremely oppressive. 1-3-4-4 is almost a guaranteed head pop if played right.
Yes, her ambush is not good. But you would be surprised at which tiles a good moondash can hit survivors where other killers would wish to get a hit (parking lot of garden of joy is my personal favorite).
Don't underestimate piggy.
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I also think the pig is severely slept on.
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Here is mine, Xenomorph is solid low-A tier for me.
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Playing more survivor than killer at this point but still hitting irridescent 1 at both, for whatever that is worth. I am not sorting them within each tier, that is just the oder they came up on the list.
Nurse is high A but it's laughable people say that's the strongest killer with a straight face.
Ghostface is very close to S in the right hands.
Doctor is a B for killing but an S for scoring easy points and generally just running high scoring games, so it kinda depends what your priority is.
Dredge is C overall but like S++ on the Racoon City Police Department maps and F- on the farm ones. Even most of the C's are honestly perfectly fine they just don't have any particular thing that makes them stand out as super strong to me. Some of the nastiest killer players I know run people from C and do just fine for themselves.
Trapper is satisfying to win with but yeah...
I'd play against Nurse 100 games before 1 decent Legion, which is still as busted as it's been for ages people just got sick of complaining. Legion is still all the proof I need that BVHR developers don't play their own game.
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This from an average to good killer perspective with a range of addons in mind. Some killers would rank a bit different, if I were to rank them with only their strongest addons in mind.
I consider Xenomorph a solid A-tier killer overall.
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In my opinion, she upper c tier.
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Mother of all hot takes! That is a lot of potential for a discussion.
I will keep this brief because this is a thread about Xenomorph's ranking and not tierlists overall but if you'd like you can always create a new thread.
Nurse is the strongest killer in the game. No doubt about it. Because Nurse doesn't play the same game as everyone else. You could have 10000 pallets and 12000 vaults on a map and Nurse would still be able to power through. Hell, Nurse could even deal with infinite loops. That is something that even Blight could struggle with.
Legion is nowhere near S-tier. When survivors don't make stupid mistakes you pretty much never get the 5th hit and are reduced to a M1 killer with no other power than occasionally delaying survivors. Good luck catching a good survivor around shack or pretty much anywhere on GoJ.
The same goes for GF. Even in the right hands, you are not always going to catch survivors off guard. And when you don't have the element of surprise you are only a M1 killer without a red stain in chase and still need to get the hit on a marked survivor. If they even let you mark them that easily.
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i respect it. she low b for me
Her slowdown is just to good and in my opinion the dash isn't that bad as everyone say. I might be bias tho! we all got that one low tier killer that can clean house but is universally seen as weak.
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"When survivors don't make stupid mistakes" is a theoretical game state that exists literally nowhere but in the imagination of the imaginer. It's almost unachievable without cheating by using an out-of-game voice coordination. It has no actual applications whatsoever in the actual game. That it might be halfway relevant to the top 0.1% of players really, really shouldn't matter to any serious tier discussion.
I'm well aware that a lot of my posts defy traditional DBD logic, but honestly there are a lot of points where I feel I play a completely different game than whatever some of you have installed.
As for the Xenomorph it's still hard to rate. The tail needs to be tweaked to have a consequence for missing. Turrets in my opinion need to be tweaked to have some sort of effect on wiggle progress when the Alien is carrying a survivor, as currently it's basically a null state where turrets counterintuitively do nothing and the killer faces 0 consequences for ignoring them. Currently I'd say he's high A though I have to be honest I actually hate his lower to the ground field of view, doesn't change he's very strong. With some simple tweaks I think he's still A while being less frustratingly so.
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Legion in S tier.
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I have 2000h on her so I'm try not to he biased. She's better than clown, wraith and Ghostface for me but she's not close to other b tier killers like bubba or demo.
She's good. But at a certain level, every killer becomes viable if played well. The ambush is ok, the moondash really makes her antiloop shine. The slowdown is without a doubt the strongest in the game. However. What happens when your first down gets delayed and you can only dish out one trap. What happens when you get send to one of the very nasty maps like groaning storehouse or garden of joy?
She can feel very strong but also very weak. Therefore upper c tier if not top of c tier for me.
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Legion is b tier.
Why do you think they are s tier?
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This except Nemesis should be in A, possibly Knight and Skull Merchant as well. While their gameplay strategies are unpopular they are very good at what they do (3-gen). Wins come easy when you play to their strengths. I believe recently a mediocre Skull Merchant player actually beat (or nearly beat) the best survivor comp team in the game by doing her 3-gen strategy.
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I don't at all.
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The why did you say that?
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honestly might be the most questionable list I've ever seen.
Is this a "how miserable are they to play against list"
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100% agree with this list but for Singularity, i would put it lower.
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I was discounting the tier list of the person I replied to by saying that, because that is an absurd take.
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