Anyone got some fun screaming build for me?

killer, perks, addons, anything?


  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Nurse, lethal pursuer, infectious fright, ultimate weapon, knight's hex, her screaming addon

    Have fun

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    Doctor, With Iri Queen and Calm

    Ultimate Weapon, Infectious Fright, Dragons Grip, Deadman Switch

    ARTRA Member Posts: 941

    Stealth killer + hex face the darknes. (no terror radious means everyone is affected)

    Jolt + Pain resonance. (both makes people scream on gens)

    Add deadmanswitch to the mix and bum you have a build.

    2 regression perks that makes people scream, a hex that makes people scream and if they scream and are on a gen they will block it with DmS.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 374

    I second this one its so much fun, I usually let everyone escape because come we aren't running this build to sweat. Hopefully there's no calm spirits.

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    my current scream doc has iri queen, purple calm, infectious, ultimate weapon, pain resonance, face the darkness

  • SimpleTora
    SimpleTora Member Posts: 52

    Doctor has a pretty good build making the rounds atm

    Ultimate Weapon, Deadmans, Infectious, Merciless.

    Lot of addon combinations work but the Queen (I think that's the one that makes survivors shock each other) and a calm addon is the most common. You'll get a lot of screaming from everyone with a fairly decent build