General Discussions

General Discussions

How satisfied are you with the game currently?



  • Member Posts: 2,367

    8 out 10

    My only issue is the match making system being very bad. Mainly at the detriment of solo queue players

  • Member Posts: 662

    I am going to be completely honest, a 7, MFT + Hope being a constant has been miserable since most of my favorite killers are either M1s or have a 110% speed, I despise having to play extremely specific builds to combat broken perks. I miss not having to run blood echo on legion every game. Survivor isn't much better, but I think that is mostly on me since I am a terrible looper and like to focus more on gens than anything. But besides those issues this game is pretty much the same as always, I personally think it peaked right around the time they nerfed CoH and the gen kicking meta.

  • Member Posts: 391

    Not satisfied. The game is the worst it has ever been.

  • Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2023

    As survivor: Solo q unplayable. As Killer, too easy most games. (because Solo q is unplayable). 4/10

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    A good 3/10.

    That 3 is mainly the characters. Gameplay really holds the game down.

  • Member Posts: 763

    2/10 or 3/10. BHVR went overboard with the first perk overhaul, and each one after just got mostly worse. Instead of just nerfing the perks that needed it (DH, Eruption, CoH, CoB+OC combo, etc.) they went nerf crazy, and only buffed a handful of perks that could've used a buff. Next perk overhaul did much the same. The healing nerf was needed, but the way they took down medkits and self-heal was hardcore.

    The additional gen repair time was a good add to slow down the trials, but with gutting gen regression perks, doing nothing to toolboxes, arguably buffing BNP, and only slightly changing gen progression perks, it wound up making genrushing easier. Especially since with the healing nerf there was less incentive to heal and more to stay on gens.

    Then came the MFT/BU/FtP/Hope/Resilience/WoO meta, further dumping on the lower tier M1 killers who've already needed some help for too long. Now there's incentive to stay injured as it gives a boost to chase, healing up downed survivors, and repair speed.

    Survivor side has gotten equally boring. You're either staring at a gen, running the best broken perk build to extend chases beyond the capacity of the map or killer to be reasonable, or staring at a killer who's tunneling/facecamping you because they need to get rid of one survivor asap in order to have a shot at winning the trial.

    And, per usual, the only killers/survivors that aren't affected in all of this are the ones that need to be affected the most (Blight, Nurse, SWFs, Wesker, Spirit, SM).

    Latest cluster is dropping a strong bugged killer with some strong perks into the game.

    As a game, 3/10 at highest. As a social experiment to see how much a person will take before quitting, 11/10.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    i play soloQ and its 3/10. the worst thing is how ping is handled in this game and players with ping over 300ms are allowed to play.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    You still miss old freddy? Lol.

    While I sometimes miss how old dbd was less sweaty and serious, I don't really feel bad about state of the game since I play other games a lot.

    And it was always like that even when dbd was more enjoyable. I played on and off since 2018 and I think I don't even have 1.5k hours yet.

    I do think dbd still interests me, I just don't feel it is a good game to spend time on and not fun. Which is weird.

    It is either a habit or It's interesting to talk about it and interact with some people from this community for me.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I always will, I suppose. He was my favorite part of the game. That doesn't go way just because a long time has passed.

    And I know how that is. Between Starfield, Pokemon and impatiently waiting for Mortal Kombat 1, I have other games to play. But when I'm here, talking about a game that I once considered my favorite, it is hard not to express how I feel about its current state.

    I wouldn't say I'm still interested in DBD, more like I am interested in a memory. But hey, I like being here on the Forums. And I'm still here.

    That has to count for something.

  • Member Posts: 421

    For me personally, let's say 2/10. Mainly because I play solo queue. I did play a lot these days to finish the rift and almost got mad. The main reason I still call it 2/10 is that the next mid chapter patch will almost certainly have new survivor nerfs such as the healing nerf that will again affect solo queue the most and I need room to go lower then.

    Main issue is the MMR which - if you sink as low as I did - guarantees most games being basically decided in the lobby with no hope of ever leaving the bottom of the pit. And this remains the same, taking breaks doesn't change MMR and right the first match after a break (which used to be a breath of fresh air with emblem ranking) instantly reminds me again of why I had to take a break.

    I honestly wouldn't mind being at low MMR, all those nerfs and being matched with teammates who make dumb mistakes or don't perform as I wish, as long as BHVR would ensure we'd get matched with killers that the group the matchmaker puts together still has some remote chance of winning.

    Again, that's it for me. Overall, the game is much better if somebody plays with friends who are reliable or all just want to have fun and try being super altruistic and don't mind dying over and over. Killer is also very enjoyable, but I don't like to play it at the moment because I don't want to kill anyone because I'm projecting my own frustrations into the survivors in my lobby and don't want to be that guy who kills them for the 100th time in a row when they finally want to escape once.

  • Member Posts: 562

    the game is trash for survivor atm, very annoying to play.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    Jesus Christ nearly half of thread hate solo q.

    They working on anti 3 gen and anti camp solution. Hopefully the suicide rates will start to drop after those mechanics are introduce

  • Member Posts: 1,060


    Game feels stale, there is zero variety for killers, all I normally verse are Ghostfaces, Knights, Skull Merchants, Weskers, and Blights, repeat. The fun factor of the game feels non-existent at this point sometimes. Though I still enjoy playing the characters I main and enjoy, aka Spirit and Thalita, and certain builds enhance fun gameplay for me.

  • Member Posts: 250

    It's not bad. I'm having more fun with it than I did back in 2021.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Today it's a 10/10 because of the killer who went out of their way to make sure I got the Left 4 Dead achievement (they even shook their head at hatch - I had to open the exit). Thank you Cheezburger, you made my day.

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2023

    1/10 right now.

    I used to love the game (4000 hours but I'm not sweaty) but if recents problems stay in the game, i'm out even if it's hard to leave when you invest a lot of time in a game.

    I'm finishing the rift right now (level 60) then I'll be on a long break till some issues are fixed.

    Things that makes me want to stop :

    No real matchmaking since SBMM : it's either stomping or be stomped. I stoped playing killer so i just play solo queue since that patch. 8/10 of trials i'm in are unfair and lost from the start (on both sides). I'd rather wait longer to have an accurate matchmaking.

    Solo queue since 6.1 is awful despite the nice additions to the hud where you can see what your teammates do (if they do something but that's another problem ^^).

    Since 6.1 the game became way too competitive for my taste. I used to make build with red hearring, pebbles and have fun without being detrimental to the team. I never feel the need for playing with perks like adrenaline, dead hard... Now i'm forced to play with meta stuff like confidential, windows... if I want to stay in the game more than 2 minutes if i'm find first. It killed all the variety in my build and my will to test things. Teammate and killer build are always duplicate. It's boring.

    Chess merchant and new sadako are really awfull to play against. it's like a punishement or something : for SM it's an hostage situation for one hour long as she just kick gens and never engage. For sadako you can't do gens as you have to deal constantly with tapes... and you are never chased passed the first hit unless your condemned. NICE !

    SM being in the game for 6 month with the 3 gen problem speaks volume about the disdain the dev have towards their player base. That's something that really bothers me !

    Too much wesker and blight. There are days when you play resident by daylight and not dead by daylight....

    Wesker is bugged for controler player since day one and the bug occurs very often. When he grabs you the camera gets really crazy swinging left to right like a maniac, I have motion sickness (headaches, one time i puked). I had motion sickness playing Oni (while he's in power) but i'm not forced to play it so i stopped... i'm forced to play against wesker till it's fixed. If it's fixed. It's in the game for one year now ! one year ! That's the biggest reason i want to uninstall seriously.

    There's more than 30 killers. You always see the same ones. I only face singularity 3 time and i see alien once ! And that's the last two killers... That's concerning.

    The choice to prioritize quantity over quantity when your game is a bug fest with unfair things on both sides that needs to be fixed asap.

    The cheaters, subtle or not. You see them too often for my taste. In the same order of idea, pc players have a lot of advantages that can lead to unfair things. If you opt out for crossplay, you never find games.... so you're forced to play with players with advantages or cheats.

    Too much toxicity on both sides but i don't think you can do nothing about that. It's just the cherry on the top.

    Post edited by Necrobot on
  • Member Posts: 3

    For me it's 2/10.

    I'm currently having a break since june and, to be honest, never felt less inclined to play this game. At first I thought it was just a burnout, but seeing so many people, content creators and not, complaining about the state of the game and even quitting, makes me realise that this game is very boring, very stale to its core, no matter what changes the devs make to it. With each year, update, the game resembles its old self less and less, turning into something completely different from what it used to be, what made me "fall in love" with it in the first place.

    Sure, now this game is in a much better and more balanced state than ever before (despite some game breaking exploits and overtuned perks), though at the expence of fun and unpredictability that was brought into every match back when both sides had some op bs they could abuse.

    It just feels like this game, in its current state, is only worth playing if you are someone with a competitive mindset. If you want to play it casually in solo queue or as a low tier killer, expect a lot of frustrating matches.

    I personally tried taking this game less seriously. I didn't let the unfun aspects of it and the toxicity get to me. I was convincing myself that winning isn't important, it's the chases that make the game fun for me. And after all that "entitlement" was gone, well, there was only apathy. I was left feeling indifferent, and it's so weird to think that I used to play this game for several hours almost every day.

  • 3/10

    95% of things in this game need to be removed/reworked

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