Im Getting More And More Tired Of "Us VS Them" Stuff

I play both sides, and I see people justify the locker bug being in the game using the dumbest logic ever and it really does bring me pain.
Here are some common arguments Ive seen...
- "It is fine because Killer mains had the Merciless Storm exploit awhile back," even though not everyone used the exploit, and people play both sides so they were even affected by the exploit, can we stop acting like everyone plays exclusive a single side?
- "Things like this should exist when 3-gen Skull Merchant exists," multiple things can be an issue, can we stop pretending like we can talk about one thing at a time, this isnt a "pass the talking stick and let them speak" type of deal.
- "Yea but Blight and Wesker's Hug Tech is an exploit, I dont see why Survivors cant use it against them," then why was I getting Survivors doing it in my Hillbilly games? Also Blight and Wesker provide new ways of playing and counterplaying for both sides, and while I dont abuse those bugs like those, going into a locker and being invincible is no where near the same to begin with.
- "It was fun," it was in fact not fun. You basically removed the entire challenge from Survivor by making yourself immortal, there is no risk, there is no worry about dying or consequence. And this can also be extended to teammates since I have people use For The People and Buckle Up on teammate after hiding in a locker.
I dont think there is any reasonable way to defend the Locker Exploit, and a majority of excuses Ive seen for defending it are just "us VS them" stuff.
I really wish this community wasnt so divided, seeing stuff like this just really is tiring.
It's crazy to me that people are trying to justify exploiting the bug. I never seen people justify the infinite mending legion bug or the nurse speed bug which were awful to face.
You really can see the growing entitlement in the community.
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Honestly I’ve seen these takes almost exclusively on Twitter. And DBD Twitter is horrendously survivor sided. The way a lot of those survivor mains are so wedded to the role of survivor and almost seem to base their IRL identity on it is just…bizarre.
Thankfully this forum isn’t like that. I still think people only playing one side is a massive issue though and should pretty much disqualify that person from having their opinions being taken seriously.
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Ive also seen it on Youtube and this forum as well a few times.
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In any competitive setting people will exploit what they can.
Hopefully it gets fixed soon. Till it gets fixed just whack survivors farm up some BP's and report players who do it continuously without progressing the objective.
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This is why I hang out with my cats
People are dum dums
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There's a classic saying that applies to these people
Two wrongs don't make a right.
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understandable... cats are cute
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had one guy abusing this with his duo all game, stole all my pressure and snowballing every single time I'd down someone. then in egc they pretended it was fine because... they let me kill them??
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Its simple statistics. 80% of the players in this game are by definition, survivors. Maybe not survivor mains, as some people play both sides, but as a whole the majority of the player base are "survivors" thus they will be louder in trying to defend stuff like this.
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I've only played survivor since the exploit has become wide spread and it has effected me and those who don't use it just as much as the killer.
there is no justifying this exploit, those who used it should be banned.
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There are people who play both sides, just because there is the requirements of 4 Survivors and 1 Killer to start a match does not mean the game's playerbase is that exact ratio... there is a reason why queue incentives exist to begin with... because the game does not have a proportional playerbase, and it never will have one (even with incentives).
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By definition that is the ratio. Otherwise you wouldn't have enough people playing matches. Again, i just said, "some people play both sides" But what percentage of players play both sides? Even if 50% of players play both sides, by definition, there are more players playing survivor, period.
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3 Lefts do, though >:3
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You were tired of Us v Them and decided to make another one Us v Them post to portray survivors as baddies.
Make sense
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I can't wait till society collectively agrees that Twitter is a horrible and inaccurate way to gauge how people feel in general. It's a cesspool, where a small minority of people are vying for attention by being as melodramatic and abrasive as possible, so people will notice and respond to what they say.
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While I don’t believe there is a conspiracy behind it, I have like others noticed the devs are faster with killswitching survivor bug exploits than killer. I guess people point it out because discrepancy is a curious thing.
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Two wrongs don't make a right, but three do.
Joke aside, I 100% agree, but so many seem to have that mentality when it comes to bugs. Sadly its human nature. Anything that is an advantage to us, we will jump through hoops to try to justify it.
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I haven't seen most of these, but I fall on the other end if the spectrum on one of them.
Flashlights being kill switched is a good thing, and people who were holding games hostage using them this way should be bannable.
I hold the exact same philosophy for holding 3 gens for an hour, like with skull merchant: she should likely be kill switched, and players using her to hold games hostage should be banned.
I feel like holding any other position on this is disingenuous and inconsistent.
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but which one?
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Well, the sad reality is that when there is a hacker in the game, most of the times the other three survivors will contribute to bully the killer. The reaction to a glitch becoming public has been exactly what was expected, everyone will exploit it and do everything on their hand to continue using it (coin offerings and refusing to close their clients). This community has no remedy.