Has the tome made the game less fun?

Hello fog dwellers.

I am an old player, 3.700k hours from more or less launch. (Myers up till Dredge)

Returning to the game, and finding myself once again pumping hours into the only asymmetrical game that can sustain a player base. I do love this game, its unique gameplay is something you can't replicate.

I hate the tome and archives.

I hate battlepasses, I hate that it becomes a job, I hate having to play in non optimized and non fun ways just to complete challenges. It only furthers the most negative social aspects of this game.

I hate playing solo q survivor pretty much throwing games because challenges matter more than wins.

I hate that with the pace I play, i have time to pretty much just do the killer challenges, because it's so time consuming. My brain won let me play 50/50 with the way the content is laid out.

And the worst part is I hate how this is a business choice that is designed to increase player retention and hours, and by engaging with it, I am just validating this greedy, manipulative, and industry wide ubiquitous practise.

I don't hold it against BHVR necessarily, its just the nature of the industry and if they want to make line go up, they need to maximize profits. I still hate it though.

Anyway Im off to go grind challenges again. See you in the fog. <3


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    In general I like the tomes. They change the pace. Get me to try different perks and stuff.

    But sometimes I hate them oh so much...

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    No, in fact I love the tome and challenges.

    It made the boring repetitive gameplay into fun and its giving me actual goals to play for.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,184

    Oh yeah, of course, some challenges are beyond aweful. The "kick 50 pallets/gens" or "repair x-gens" ones are just part of the normal gameplay, but setting higher and higher numbers doesn't make the feat of getting that challenge done any more impressive, just more tedious. A lot of the glyphs fall into the same category: while some glyphs offer a fun diversion, I groan when I read "do 8 green glyphs" or the likes or especially the iridescent emblem ones: you need to have a really good game to get one of those and you can only ever farm one per game, so that sorta throws a wrench into any attempt to get it out of the way.

    I also hate sabo challenges with a burning passion. I never was a sabo player, and being forced to "sabo x-hooks while within 10m of a carried survivor" made me age beyond my years.

    But I really like the more special master challenges, like tagging everyone with one mad dash as the Legion or hitting two survivors with one red puke of the Plague, the ones that lean into the normal use of a killers power, but go one extra step. These ones I enjoy the most.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 619

    I'm not sure about making it less fun, but it certainly makes things more awkward.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Never found "challenges" in this game fun as survivor. It is just another word for throwing the game.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,481

    They're probably the reason I still play this game. I don't throw games to get them done - most I can do naturally as I play, others I just take advantage of good opportunities. It doesn't bother me if it takes a few games (or several!) to get one challenge done. I don't feel like I play as much as alot of other people do and yet I always manage to get the Rift done by the time it closes, so I feel like it's really only as frustrating or debilitating as people make it. It can suck when other players clearly throw to get a challenge done but people throw for all manner of reasons these days.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    actually the challenges helped me improve. like the make the killer miss 3 times: i learend to loop better and mindgame better. and im on console :)

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    For your team? definitely, but yourself? depends, its nice to have these side objectives, it often makes you try new builds and items you dont normally use.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,017

    I think BHVR's desicion to give tomes to new characters right away was a bad and boring idea,

    i used to love the random bunch we would get. now it feels like older characters wont get much other than tomes between licensed content

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    On the contrary, I think it forces people into different playstyles which is great. I play Sadako most of the time but when there is a challenge about breaking pallets and gens I usually switch to nemesis. The problem comes when the challenges force players into bad playstyles that will most likely get them killed.

    I don't play religiously so I don't really care about the battlepass, but I get why some people find it frustrating.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,618

    Personally I actually love the rift/tome challenges. After playing for a long time I like to relax and read the lore.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    the only time i play anymore is if i have tomes to do, without them theres no goal to work towards so i get bored

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,136

    I will say that 3 iri unbroken medals looks pretty terrible.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,013

    Eh, yes and no.

    Yes, there are times when it basically makes playing the game a job. Right now I''m at Tier 60 or so in the Rift. Adding up the challenges I haven't redeemed yet, I've essentially finished the Rift already, so now I'm just trying to grind over these next two weeks so that I can get as far into the Deep Rift as possible. It really isn't enjoyable at all, and the worst part is I'm not crazy about any of the cosmetic rewards either. But the completionist in me says I might as well finish it now that I've come this far. I'm at the point where it's so boringly tedious that I'm definitely dropping the game completely when it closes. I would say 'until the next Rift' but I'm so burnt out with this one that I'm actually not sure I will try to complete the next one.

    On the other hand, it's nice to have something to do. Even though I'm so thoroughly bored with the game as it is, I wouldn't have any reason to play at this point if the Rifts weren't a thing. Nowadays, PTBs are pretty much the only time I genuinely enjoy playing, so outside of those I'm happy that Tomes offer some kind of incentive to stick around.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Lets just say that the tomes make the whole mmr rating pointless. People will throw one match after another in an attempt to finish a tome. It also makes balancing impossible. Because all the data is skewed.

  • MakeThemScream
    MakeThemScream Member Posts: 65

    The Tomes give me a reason to play honestly, because the core gameplay is rather redundant. But there are way too many impossible tome challenges in there, that are not fun to do. Like escaping through hatch nowadays or open it with a key. That type of gameplay just does not exist anymore in the game, so why keep the challenges?

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    It's going to be hard to ingest for some, but I swear this is true:

    You don't have to do any challenge or achievement you don't like. Ever.

    (source: I play for years, and I don't have a single adept achievement)