place your bets:will the "alien" be killed in the upcoming bugfix?

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He wont be neither fixed or killed
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youve answered your own question
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I'll stay optimistic and say they'll only fix his bugs.
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My bet is that they're going to make the tail attack charge longer and probably make so you can place the turrets in close spaces.
Other than that, I don't think they would touch it so much. Yes, I'm overly optimistic sometimes.
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He will get nerfed when his sales go down.
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- Tail miss slowdown not applying should hopefully get fixed.
- Disabled/Spent turrets not breaking on first attack should also get fixed.
I've been finding turrets do better if you basically place them roughly opposite the station, so the gen is in between, and preferably off to the side of where you intend to run behind a LOS blocker. That way the Xeno has to look away from you in order to deal with it, or get knocked out of its power.
This is ofc not always possible, especially in a lot of indoor maps, so I'd expect:
- Some kind of change to help with turret placement in general.
- I also keep getting this annoying cancel when I finish placing the turret if I hold the sprint button (which I usually am to walk faster)... which I hope is fixed, but not likely cause I've not seen anyone else mention it.
Other than that I wouldn't expect/ask for any other changes to Xeno.
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Xeno looks somewhat like a bug, but I'm sure the devs can tell the difference.
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I was asking for an opinion, not asking a question.
and it turns out that the majority is betting that he will stay alive...interesting.
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If they don't change the way Xeno's tail attack works and how curvy it can be around obstacles if you lead it to proper pathing, there's not much they can do to really change, besides adding some cooldowns and buffing the turrets a little bit.
The answer is negative - No bad thing is gonna happen to Xeno.
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Hopefully only Bugfixes and no direct nerfs.
The posts have already calmed down....
Who would have guessed....
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nope. just fine.
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I'm pretty sure disabled turrets post coming out of a tunnel are meant to be immune
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Well, I was half right.
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They fixed the movement speed bug, nice, but they also nerfed him back to PTB on top of that. I was hoping they would fix the bug first before going to nerf him, since the bugged version of the Alien was what we have been all playing until now. Feels kinda bad tbh.
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How big a deal is 2 m/s down to 1.2 m/s? I didn't play the PTB so much rougher this is about to be.
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Even when the bug didn’t happen, there wasn’t enough punishment for missing.
They’re not, this was a bug that was fixed in today’s update. You should be able to destroy these turrets now.
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Maybe because he is fine and in no need of balance 🤔
nah couldn’t be that
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It was fine on PTB. And it was a buff that nobody really asked for. The main concern were the turrets.
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Well, they did nerf him back down to PTB speed for missing a tail attack. Personality I dont know how this will affect him overall. I just hope he starts being more unfun to play as bc I was already on the line of giving up on Xeno. I have made a few posts and a thread stating how hard I found Xeno even with the shorter tail miss attack and how bad I was at Xeno and with this nerf the killer may just be competely unusable for him but I see it tonight. Xeno was the first killer I HAD to make a playlist of my wrost game and have ppl review them :-/ So yeah...I don't know but I doubt he's dead just may not be played by ppl who find him really hard like myself.
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if they change the tail techs you can use to curve the attack you literally take away the only skill cealing the killer has. Id much rather punish more a missed attack than make him a plain boring killer with a skill ccealing as tall as victor.
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maybe your just bad at him. hee only been out for like a week or 2. you can’t get automatically amazing gameplay results with a brand new killer, it takes time and effort. you have to put in the time & practice with him, and you will get good at him.
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Never said otherwise but from my past experiences with the other killers I haven't had this much trouble especially when you have so many keep saying he easy to play. Either way I'll keep trying him but honestly losing every single match and not even popping up on rank hasn't been very fun and have really killed the game for me. This month was the first month in a long time I didn't even get to irl rank all because I only played Xeno these last two weeks. :-/
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alien will stay alive and be fixed... for the better
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And I do completely agree with you. I would've hated for that to happen, but those are the only possible changes I could've come up with a few hours ago..
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So if they squash it, it will come back twice as strong next update?
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what do I win?