Skull Merchant Rework Teased!

Here we go!
Although it would have been more ideal for her to launch in a place where she's enjoyable for both sides, props for them reworking/updating her this soon. Truth be told, I was expecting her rework/update to be sometime in 2024 so credit where credit is due.
I hope this update to her is a success where she's fun to play as and against.
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Now here's to hoping that they make her actually fun to play and play against
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Time to place your bets, will she be reworked in an interesting way that makes her healthier for the game or will she just get gutted to the point where No Mither looks preferable to playing as her?
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I only hope the rework makes her fun to play and fairly strong in chase rather than just nerfing her 3 gen but leaving her chase the same or even worse...
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At this point if she gets guted nobody will cares, this killer basically made the game suffering for such a long time
She deserved this
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I really hope they actually make her tolerable at least.
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Nice, congrats to the devs, thought her rework would take a lot more. Waiting SM to be a fun killer to play as and against
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If they had thought about this killer just a little bit in the 1-year-development of it, a rework wouldnt be necessary.
Everyone foreshadowed 3-genning since the PTB. How could the devs miss this foresaw?
As a result, Killers who DESPERATELY need love gets delayed and delayed and delayed.
Poor Twins, POOR FREDDY etc.
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Twins has been confirmed to be coming soon. It's only Freddy that has been pushed back.
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Whatever they do, it can hardly be any worse than what we have now.
Edit: Ok, you're not wrong. I shouldn't jinx it.
Post edited by Xernoton on1 -
My guess is, this means that hacked drones don't auto return to SM/can't be recalled when they are in this state. I imagine this is so drones placed over gens which are then removed essentially create a 'dead-zone' around the gen where SM can't place another drone
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I hope she is getting some nice chase buffs then...
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I hope this comment ages well...
I really do. Not that i´m sceptic or pessimistic or anything.
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To be competely honest it can be worse in a few ways. They could do nothing for her chase and just nerf her 3 gen stuff meaning she could be so weak that Trapper would be stronger than her or they could pull Sakoro and somehow make her too strong and easy to play as. I bet ppl said the same thing about the sakoro rework.
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Yea... it only take 2 years and then, its not even a full rework, but a "simple" Mini-Addon-Pass and some Bugfixes. And this took 2 years. Im not a game designer, but this is a VERY LONG time. How long will it take to adress Blight, Freddy and others? It just needs one "new" Skull Merchant and the delay continues once again.
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I'd rather she retain some relevancy as a 3-gen gamer than be condemned to be Trapper tier or worse.
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Hopefully coming in the midchapter.
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Same. She's been in game since March, she can't be worse then in her current state.
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Honestly it can be worse.
Like Nurse nerfs (buffs).
Or Dead Hard's first nerf (buff).
Things can be interesting. Let's wait and see 🤣
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That’s good, maybe that means we’re getting the rework in this midchapter?
Total guess here but my first thought from this picture was maybe this is what happens to a drone after it gets hacked, and as a result the Skull Merchant can’t put another drone there for a period of time (because drones can’t be within 22 meters of each other).
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I think aside from the few Skull Merchant-Mains, nobody would really care if she gets gutted into being unplayable, given that she is probably the most hated Killer ever released.
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On the one hand, kinda fair, on the other hand I honestly think Skully has cool cosmetics and lore that, while laughable, is still entertaining. It'd feel like a waste to just make her F tier.
Then again at this point I'm so pessimistic about the state of the game I probably shouldn't even be commenting 🤣
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Tbf, if they’re going to put in the time and effort into reworking her, they may as well make her fun for both sides. If they just gut her they’ll solve her 3 gen issue but then no one will play her and all the time spent developing her in the first place will have been wasted.
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so ######### them then?
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It is really sad ppl sometimes have that mindset. They rather see the killer they hate to get deleted or competely gutted rather than fixed. In their minds, only their fun and enjoyment is all that matters, and ######### everyone else.
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it honestly pisses me off.
every single time a character gets deleted from any game, someone's favorite character can never be played again.
happened with freddy, happened with aatrox, probably many characters I never knew about...
it's awful and should never be a thing.
except for the
water elemental monkey evolution... edit: I've been told it was actually the fire one. (leaving both pics up just because)I think once they made a poll in japan and it was the only pokemon that was no one's favorite... poor dude/dudette.
Post edited by Alice_pbg on2 -
I bet 1000 bloodpoints that its going to be a bad band-aid fix so she cant 3 and nothing more.
May be 1 or 2 addon 0.1% upgrade to do the trick.
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I see where you're coming from but we are talking about a rework. Not a simple nerf or buff. So they won't just tweak a few numbers. If they wanted to do that, then that wouldn't take as long.
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Sakaro was more or less a rework also and you see what has happened to her. She a complete noob stomper. Ever since she was reworked I still haven't lost one match as her since she really really easy to get kills with now. I'm not even that great of a killer main. I struggle getting consistent wins all the other killers in the game. My point is that anything is possible so I wouldn't say things can't get worst when they easy can get wrost.
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I dont want to be that guy but...
Skull merchant gets a rework. A killer that got released after the Twins rework got announced, got a rework before them.
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wow are they gonna buff another killer again?
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rework = make killer be able to kill better
so basically that means that theyre gonna buff the killer right?
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i say that not only will they make her 3 gen stronger but they will add fastter movement speed and a wider or longer reach.
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Hopefully they fix her lore, animations, power, look and sounds.
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To be fair, Twins are unpleasant to play as and against, but they aren't Skull Merchant
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That's not how games should be balanced... You don't overnerf something just because it "had its time"
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You and me both.
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*looks at billy...
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I meant her default and her sparkly Apex Legends mask
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If you read my previous post before that one I said the rework could go either way. They could buff her to much and we have another sakoto situation or they could completely gut her and we have a completely useless killer. Either of these situations is wrost then what we have now imo. My whole point is till we actually see what the rework is it's best not to say things like "it can't happen worse right?" These types of comments never age well in my experience and things can always be worse. Personally I hope they rework so she fun for both sides but I'm keeping my expectations really low right now.
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this is true... im just saying because the past few updates/patches have been pro killer and the need to make them stronger. its not fun for us survivor mains anymore.. i play soloq and its really just not fun playing anymore against any killer.
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People like you are the reason the game can never reach a truly balanced state
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I have every confidence the rework will be as successful as Freddie's rework.
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I assume this is sarcasm at the highest level.
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Not optimistic but at least people will stop calling for SM Kill Switch.
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Is rework just, drones cant be placed on gens?
thats what i get from this
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Sweet, here's to some (hopefully) more interesting games
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That is true.
However, I find twins actually pretty fun to play as. The only thing I find awful is the forced 7 second cooldown for hitting with Victor. I personally like the double team aspect of twins a lot.
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"In their minds, only their fun and enjoyment is all that matters, and ######### everyone else."
are u even suprise at this point tho?
"your fun isn't my job" is a staple in the dbd community
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well she was trapper tier or worse in ptb but she was also a 3 gen character as well. they improved her chase but her identity of being 3 gen character is still there. I don't have any particular high hopes for whatever they do change about her.