Darkness Revealed is Redundant

Ultimate Weapon has now made it a lesser option because the screams it produces is far more useful and consistent, even working with survivors in a locker. Darkness Revealed on the other hand:

  • Aura-based, countered by lockers/gen auras/Distortion
  • Requires you to be in a measly 8 meters of a locker, making it map dependent
  • Has a cool down as well
  • Doesn’t always have valuable information for faraway targets since most Killers can’t cross-map over to them unless it’s Blight
  • Has several alternative aura perks that do the job better

Ultimate Weapon suffers from success, being the best scream perk in the game and somehow makes Doctor’s Static Blast seem like aroma therapy in comparison. The only counter to it being Calm Spirit, which now has a totem speed debuff that only works if you have Counter-force, requiring you to use two perk slots to ignore one perk. Also, reminder that Nowhere to Hide is 24 meters, lasts a few seconds, and is not tied to terror radius.

This isn’t a problem?


  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    WOW... i never thought of this... so true that UW and dead man switch synergizes well.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,248

    I too thought it was only a Nurse/Blight problem, but DMS nuisance among other issues just make it very frustrating to play against. I almost think it would be fine if it only made the first person scream, or if multiple people are in the TR when opening the locker, then all of them at that time. This is also assuming the bug that Mandy now confirmed involving lockers to be fixed (that is screaming while inside of a locker).

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Is the locker screaming intended or a bug? I'm confused.

    Yeah and people who claim UW is fine or just strong, never address this part. This perk is so multipurpose and efficient. Doing Lethal Pursuer's and BBQ Chilli/Nowhere to Hide job's better for only one perkslot.

    I wonder if it could also synergize with some hex builds as it also interrupts hex cleansing I would assume (ofc correct me if I'm wrong) also being a mini Hex: Face the Darkness.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    i really dont play killer so i wouldnt know but i read up on killer perks to learn how to play against them and i read up on the combinations you suggested and it does seem feasible.

    if you do test it out and works well for you maybe you could drop a comment here :) im really curious on killer builds.

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 384

    The first day Alien come out i keep monitoring forum to see if anyone mention this perk Ultimate Weapon but what i keep seeing is post about Alien either about Alien being too strong or Alien is ok.

    Then i make a thread "No One Talking About How Good is Ultimate Weapon" few days later more and more thread start discussing Ultimate Weapon.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,248
    edited September 2023

    Sorry, in the first week they were saying it is working as intended, but now they are saying if you scream while within a locker, it is a bug. I think their initial read was mixing up Killer using locker and Survivor using locker, that's the reason for the confusion. They first heard "Killer+locker = scream" and they thought "yea that's the perk". However people were saying "Killer + Survivor in locker = scream" and that is not how screams are supposed to work.

    Survivor inside Locker screaming = bug.


    "Can confirm here, that this is a bug with Ultimate Weapon. Lockers are not intended to show auras or screams

    It is meant to work on the terror radius so if you're within the terror radius or enter the terror radius you would scream, that part is working as intended."

    I can understand not seeing a specific post by a BHVR employee, they closed the bug reports because they misunderstood the part being claimed to be a bug. See my above response in this comment to the other poster for the likely logic that happened.

    Edit: I see you asked her and she didn't re-confirm, but that doesn't help to KNOW they said that after the initial wave of bug reports and you chose to ignore it. I would think the most up to date info is the most correct.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,693
    edited September 2023

    I would think that if something gets marked as "not a bug" 3 times, that BHVR clearly knew what they were doing when they marked it "not a bug". There's zero room for misinterpretation with the ticket descriptions. All 3 tickets were clearly worded.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,739

    Yea either that or it shouldn’t last nearly as long. The Blindness is fine but the screams shouldn’t be active for a full 30 seconds.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,248

    I read that as they simply assumed on the first week people were confused as to how the perk works. After the first week, they finally start 'listening' and realized the complaints were legitimate since there was no reason for this to bypass a mechanic all other sources of screams utilize, without an escape clause in the perk description like "unlike normal screams, this can work against Survivors hiding within lockers". Kind of like how Call of Brine says you get Loud Noises on Good Skill checks additionally as opposed to the normal only on failed skillchecks.

    It is very likely 1 person closed all the bug reports because they were told by the staff that it wasn't a bug due to an initial confusion.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,739

    Perhaps a mistake was made earlier on when the first bug report was closed as not a bug and the reports following that were based on the first one (and accordingly closed as not a bug), but either way the most recent information from BHVR is that it’s a bug, and the behavior of lockers with every other scream perk in the game would suggest it’s a bug. To suddenly make Ultimate Weapon an exception to the rule would be completely arbitrary and confusing.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,481

    Or they were all marked Not A Bug by the same person, who assumed it wasn't a bug but has since received confirmation that it is?

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168
    edited September 2023

    The most up to date and recent source says it is a bug

    It's also inconsistent with every other scream perk (and powers) which does not trigger if you are in a locker

    Therefore, yes - it is a bug as confirmed by BHVR and also by common sense

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    If CS gets nerfed I'll sign a petition or I'll do nothing. I am undecided.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,673

    I'm not sure I would call it overpowered but that is regrettable. I guess they could change it, so that the killer gets the notification but the survivor doesn't let go of the gen. I just hope they don't change it to aura vision. It's refreshing having a perk, that gives you a sound clue when it activates for a change.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i didn't see a problem with the perk since i didn't play much survivor (or dbd for that matter) against it since alien came out but i'm starting to see this perk being overtuned. i think it's just marketing tactics at this point, mft and now this.

    i've seen a comment saying bhvr is pushing a chase oriented meta with mft and a perk completely invalidates stealth which also made sense to me, idk.

    but back to topic, darkness' map-wide range still might be better on several killers, tp killers mostly and huntress if you are after spicy stuff.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Ultimate weapon goes well on pig since it interrupts the search process and lets you know when a survivor is near a box. Been popping heads lately. 😈

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    If it gets nerfed I will miss things like this:

    It made me laugh so hard.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I wonder if you can also play it as that cheesy Hex: face the Darkness strategy on some killers while it also being superior cause it's not a hex and it works even when all are healthy.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,053
    edited September 2023

    Been argued to death elsewhere so won't kick up another debate, but yeah, I saw this perk and immediately recognised the power of a 30s scream bubble on basically a 1 minute cd.

    Really nasty build potential, and just straight up better than any detection perk. My easiest comparison is Whispers with a visual marker, that interrupts actions for DMS and totem control. It even causes blindness, to screw with survivors coming in to unhook teammates, so it's Godly for camping. It's busted on paper.

    I'm not convinced allowing lockers to stop it is enough, cause you'd have to sit in the lockets for the entire duration.

    The way I'd nerf it is to make it a reverse BBQ and Chilli. When you hook a survivor for the next 15s any survivor that enters your terror radius screams.

    Can't have it up all the time and use it for camping/tunneling, you have to make use of it fast, and synergies well with BBQ and chilli so you have most info covered.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,103

    Agreed, the Perk is a bit too good. I did not realize it initially, I thought that it will be mainly be useful on high Mobility-Killers because they can basically track the whole map with it while moving. But we probably got the best Tracking-Perk with it.

    So yeah, Darkness Revealed basically became "Ultimate Weapon at home". What is worrying is that this happened in around a year that a Perk got powercrept (and there is really not anything which speaks for Darkness Revealed compared to Ultimate Weapon, except that it cannot be countered by Calm Spirit, but this is not relevant since it gets countered by way more things). Also that the Perk who powercrept Darkness Revealed came in a licensed Chapter.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,711

    They have similar uses but I dont think Ultimate Weapon Invalidates Darkness Revealed at all.

    It's a similar effect that shines on different killers. Ultimate Weapon is good for killers that can move fast and Darkness Revealed is good for killers that can teleport. You use Ultimate weapon to scan the map as you go and Darkness Revealed to know exactly where to go.

    I would much rather run Darkness Revealed on killers like Dredge, Freddy, Demogorgon, and honestly, Alien.

    Meanwhile I would much rather run Ultimate weapon on Blight, Oni and Nurse.

  • I disagree. I run them together sometimes, and you do get a lot of value out of Darkness Revealed. And even if you're not playing a killer with mobility, you can see someone across the map with Darkness and then zero in on their current position with Ultimate once you're finally all the way across the map, which works well.

    Ooh, great idea. Doctor build with two Calm addons, DMS, Deadlock, UW, and Merciless. Survivors are gonna hate me.