"Tough Stuff" Survivor challenge
BHVR: Just don't get downed in a match guys. Easy. Good luck.
Killer is Malicious "Just have a perfect game 4 head" too.
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Also dumb and unhealthy.
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I had this selected and couldn't get a single iri emblem. Unselected it and picked the 'avoid a basic hit' one, and my next 3 games I got the iri emblem 🫤
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Lmaoooo classic dbd experience 😭
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Tried this one earlier today, 4 games and didn't get a single one. Then one game everything goes amazingly, but my altruism costs me the first emblem. I bodyblocked for someone that was getting tunneled in endgame and went down. Wanted to do this one first since I'm doing the "Save bloodpoints in tome" thing and that's the first survivor challenge to do.
Switched to the killer challenge with Malicious and got it in just 3 games lmao.
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Exactly the type of challenge that makes solos equip left behind + hatch offering and do nothing but hide all game, how lovely
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Yeah, I got it and had to play like a selfish dick to do it. I got some saves, but everything was calculated and I basically avoided the killer all match. Wasn't quick, easy or fun.
The malicious one was easy in comparison: just wreck fools, have no mercy
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it's doable and stuff but... sucks to actually try to get it.
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I was just thinking the match must be going terribly wrong for the killer for this to happen. Or survivors are playing the most selfish game and just let's everyone die and play for hatch.
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I understand the devs want to include some actually challenging tasks.. but if it encourages people to play in a way that has a strong negative effect on the other players, then maybe don't?
The major problem with these types of challenges is you can only select one at a time. Honestly I think the experience would be much better if some challenges were always active so long as you are playing while that tome is ongoing. That way you could gradually make progress towards them through normal play rather than committing to be either a massive try hard or a useless, selfish ######### for the next 3 games minimum.
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Yes it sucks, and I can't even blame people who do this because escaping in solo q is hard enough but doing it without being downed at all is basically impossible unless the killer is afk or ignores you because they're too busy facecamping and tunneling someone else
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I tend to avoid these types of challenges as I see them as trolling by the devs. Not worth the stress. Kudos to any madman who complete this challenge.
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Another challenge that requires you to basically throw the game. How lovely.
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In my case I happened to get matched with god loopers and killers who decide to commit to them. I never actively play to escape, even for a challenge. If it happens it's because I lucked out with strong team mates lol
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Let me guess, you then reselected the unbroken challenge, got the iri emblem, and it didn't track.
No? Just me? Cool.
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The emblem system is just plain badly designed. It needs an overhaul.
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Hatch offerings might just backfire. Had a game where 3 survivors gave event BP Offerings and the 4th gave a hatch offering. Guess who I decided to pay more attention to...
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Is this challenge bugged or am I understanding it wrong? I've done it twice in a single trial even and I'm sitting at 0/3.
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Yeah I had same experience with malicious emblem on killer.
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That just cliche if I get tunneled when I bring cake I don't bring one for months.
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I probably get this one done before the bug for the prologue is corrected
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Nah, if I can figure out who played the BPS/event cakes, I just try to get my 2 hooks in. Might slug em abit if I stumble across em later, but the only reason they'll die is if their teammates don't get to them.
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At least you aren't reliant on soloq in that one, it is up to you and you alone, and you can't blame the Feng for running the Killer to you multiple times with Bond.
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I don't play thia game often anymore and never looked at the emblems so I could genuinely be wrong. But is this not what I was meant to do? Why didn't it count?
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I got this done earlier this morning. I probably frustrated a lot of teammates because I played extremely selfishly.
After I got it done I had 2 killers dc and 1 afk in basement. Of course not when I'm doing the challenge.
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Unfortunately, what you need is the last emblem, which is golden on the posted screenshot. You need it to be iri/red. Which means escape the trial without being downed.
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I'd rather have these kind of challenges than boring repetitive ones. At least these can be actually deemed as somewhat challenging?
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Gamers really need to stop being entitled babies. Any challenge that is even remotely a challenge is immediately met with incessant whining. There isn't a single thing wrong with this challenge. It's not required to progress. Just throw it on after you've done the easy challenges and you'll get it fairly quickly just playing normally.
It actually improves your chance of your team winning because being the stay-on-gen guy while someone is hooked helps the team immensely.
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The problem is this is a starter choice, not a side of a fork. I made this image to show how easy the other starter choices are, and better spots for a never go down challenge.
The other thing is if you go against a skilled enough Killer, the team needs the theoretical 8 safe hooks instead of the 6 safe hooks the 3 remaining people can give. This requires rolling into a baby Killer and ratting to the extreme.
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I might be willing to concede that it was anything more than a minor annoyance if there wasn't the braindead easy memory challenge and BP challenge that puts you in the exact same spot. Why aren't you considering the memory challenge as a starting choice? If you're saving BP for later, Tough Stuff is a side path.
If those weren't there, sure, maybe put it somewhere else, but it's extremely easy to bypass it.
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Not gonna flex, but ... *flexes extremely hard*
I will never finish "Tome 5 - Bountiful Harvest", as the Visceral Cankers are just too much fun and every so often confuse survivors and killers alike, who will stare in wide-eyed wonder.
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I didn't exclude it if that was what you were wondering. I didn't edit to delete the path, I just didn't comment on it and left it visible. Other starters were included to show how easy or less difficult those were (even if still time consuming with the 3 normal Killer wins). If anything, including it would help my point because of how much easier it is, so it would show the extreme difficulty difference in a different starter would be even more absurd.
Also with the 'saving for later', the 3 Unbroken Iri tome is on the 'most efficient' banking BP path, so it isn't a side path. Since its path touches the bottom right, you would have to burn a big and a small (on the far right to reach the Survivor Big in the bottom right) going with the memory, or 2 smalls going down the bottom.
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So do you actually have a point? If there are multiple other options that are all easier, why does it matter where it is? It's completely skippable.
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If you don't think I had a point it just shows you didn't read any of what I wrote.
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I'm not even attempting that one. :( It wouldn't be so bad if you could just play normally and complete all of the challenges as you go but, because you have to select one to go for, it feels brutal.
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Love to have a challenge that 90% of the time in solo queue will require the killer to afk or rage dc to get progress.
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Got 2 in quick succession. One with a Bubba focusing on 1 or 2 players too much and in another one where the killer DC-ed. This is easier for me than the sabotage within 10 meters...
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Almost a month later and this challenge is still garbage and should never be repeated in a future tome.
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Mere seconds from escaping and finally completing this, I get "dedicated server disconnected" so now I've got to spend another 20 games trying to get this done. Imagine fixing your game and making challenges that don't require an SWF to bully a killer into disconnecting!
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I think I got it on my second try or something, completely randomly. I say just play and deposit energy and it'll come along.
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Do you play more than once a month? How is it even possible to care enough about DBD to do the archives and not be able to escape three times in a month without going down. Do you actively hunt down the killer at the start of every game?
I can concede it's annoying if you're trying to finish it in a day, but a month?
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It's more that I got so frustrated with this challenge that I quit playing the game for a month until the event dropped and then started the re-suffering when I came back.
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That doesn't sound healthy.
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Yeah, it was annoying, but I just played selfishly/conservatively for a few matches and got it. All you need is to draw some good teammates and not take chances.
Still I agree it's a challenge that requires playing like an ass, but that's like 90% of all tome challenges.
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Me taking a break from DBD for a while to play other games that were less stressful was probably healthier than trying to continue to power through it. Mr. Cote himself said "go play civ" if you aren't having fun in DBD, so I'm essentially doing just what the devs intend. :P
I did finally get this challenge done last night when, of course, a killer ragequit after we cleared all their hexes pretty early on.
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Free advice here, I am the challenge king.
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I went clockwise through the tome and did this challenge last. Just keep it on and you'll get it naturally eventually.