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General Discussions

Honestly, why do you continue to play when you are not in SWF ?

Member Posts: 298
edited September 2023 in General Discussions

The last weeks, the matchmaking new settings have made 99% of my games totally miserable for both sides.

Why do you guys continue to play this game with such a terrible state ?

2 games in a row is the maximum i can do every 3 days before quitting as the trials are so trash.

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  • Member Posts: 411

    Mostly in hopes that I get one of those rare awesome games. Sadly, I normally don't and end up switching to killer after 2 games. Then, 2 games in as killer, people have dc'd or let go on hook. That makes playing killer boring so I just log off. I don't even blame them for doing it, they probably are having a similar experience to what I was.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    because the game is fun.

  • Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2023

    Sometimes I have fun. But tbh I spend that much time being camped I usually end up sat watching youtube videos waiting to die while my team do gens.

    That is if I'm not on the floor slugged for 4 mins while the killer goes to look for my teammate.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I don't have a choice. I have no one to play the game with.

    I'm fine with soloQ anyway. Yeah it's horrible sometimes. Sometimes it's not horrible. That's life.

  • Member Posts: 265
    edited September 2023

    As long as your aim is not to rank up at all costs, solo queue isn`t all that bad. You get the odd game once in a while which gets very dire (for reference`s sake, the game had the first survivor kill themselves on hook, and when I got hooked, the last two survivors decided to ######### around in the killer basement doing nothing) but in general, the experience is pleasant enough. The new status indicators for survivors help tremendously in making solo queue more playable (although bringing kindred along will still help of course).

    When I decided to grind for Iridescent Rank 1 for the first time, I needed friends to make it happen because I couldn't possibly let even more randomness get in the way of the quest. Even if I was the best survivor in the world (ps. I`m not) your team having an especially weak link can make everything crumble fast. Ranking up as survivor also requires your survivors to do well to an extent, but thankfully I don't have to think that way anymore since I finally managed to get to the top of the mountain.

  • Member Posts: 78

    I tried SWF with some people few years ago. Most killers were easy to deal with, no thrill, no horror feeling, nothing... Just listening to casual stories about random stuff through comms, about washing some cloths, problems with girlfriend, job boredom, alcohol or drug consume habits at the weekend ...and btw the (stealth) killer is here with me, so you can do gens on the other side of the map...

    Easy escape and laughing at/teabagging the killer at the exit gates, because we were so superior than

    I quit swf very quickliy because thats not how I want to play a horror game....

  • Member Posts: 944

    You can say the same for killer side tbh, solo Q is fine until you play against your 5th blight/wesker with exact same meta build, this game would be great if people were a bit more original, you're not even "winning" anything in this game, always using strongest stuff against solo q teams is meaningless

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I feel sometimes same. I play occasionally swb=surviving with brothers and used to play some swf too. But now I just mainly play killer and soloQ. I just enjoy winning on killer and it satisfies me enough to keep going I quess.

    But mostly I face P400 sweatlord swf:s so I think im soon done. My soloQ teammates are so far from that. So I feel the game is so unfair to me whatever side I play even I seem to face P100 killers mostly too. I die most my games I should be getting at worst average killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I say your mistake was to play on comms with ramdoms. I always played swf without talking I only talk to my brothers when we play dbd.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Because we like to play the game?

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited September 2023

    I don't lmao I was 100% a survivor main before knight but the recent killer releases have turned me into 90 10 killer main now. Tho i will say that survivor with fixed vaults was actually pretty fun, i hope they revert the revert.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Because it's a challenge where enough practice makes for a far better player, unreliant on others. I love the randomness and those moments where great stories can be made. A recent trial had a Nea and myself left with 2 gens to go against a Wesker, yet despite not being in communication, we worked brilliantly as a team and both escaped with Nea even saving me during EGC, which I wouldn't have blamed her if she left. Those moments crap on any victory with comms.

    Also, the one time I tried swf I hated it. It broke immersion, felt easy and cheap (like I had more perks equipt than I actually had) and it just felt dull for me. I'm decent enough to escape a fair quantity of trials, although I can have trials where I feel that I have never played it in my life (my trials are not consistent, where some I can be excellent and others plain embarrassing), yet I also randomize all builds every trial, often play with other aims in mind than escapibg and also do not expect to win, understanding I can have good and bad spells.

    I wouldn't enjoy this game enough if I was in a swf to play as often as I do.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Tomes, I'd rather throw to do the stupid shenanigans that tomes require in public matches than when playing with friends. Take the 16-4 Iri Unbroken tome, 3 matches without going down a single time. That requires a baby Killer, or hiding and throwing your team under the bus. Horrible design.

  • Member Posts: 295

    Haven't played in days.

    I killer main and games are either bully squad or 4k (due to dc or first hook suicide) neither of which are enjoyable.

    I play for hooks and fun chases with weaker killers like clown or trickster.

    Couldn't care less about kills and don't run any add-ons at all on any killer mainly because I can't be bothered reading what they do nor have any inclination to do so.

    The casual game has ceased to exist.

    Gone are the days the game was fun with pretending to tend the bar in the saloon or standing at the till in autohaven with the survivors queuing up to get "served".

    Now it's t-bags and flashlights if you try to have a little laugh.

    The level of toxic play has multiplied in recent times and I think it's boredom especially on the survivor side - do gens escape repeat and repeat.

    The game needs a complete overhaul imo.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Solo is the only enjoyable way to play for me. Its not about how well the teams performs or if we escape, for me its how well I perform and the challenge given to the killer. Best feeling is not when I escape but if I out perform teammates and being the last survivor standing.

  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited September 2023

    Most of my time in dbd was solo and I never do comms in swf.

    It is rough but when I get nice altruistic teammates it is a good feeling when we care for each other and try to escape.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    That's what happens when the game has bad matchmaking. If the game paired you with a killer on your level I don't think you'd feel that way.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Sorry to hear that. I appreciate when some killers meme and we have wholesome match after I had a bad streak but I know there are bad apples on both sides and it is the majority.

    The saddest part is how we became bitter because of them. I feel I became one sided over the time but I think theres no other choice.

    And yeah I also miss old times when matches were chill more often than now. It is a toxic sweat fest atm.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Yeah! I've complained about this for a while now.

    Game likes to pair high-tier-SWFs with easy killers and when u play solo you get constantly Blight-achemist-ring, 3-times-blinking nurses and all kind of mori killers with good addons and I m sure i've been stucked in low-surv-tier for quite a long time.

    But I guess devs have no time to fix this stuff...

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    I choose to main SoloQ for the challenge… tho, as of late, it’s sadly been more of a travesty from more appealing SoloQ memories over the 6yrs I’ve played this game.

    SWF’s easy mode, most ways you look at it.

    Our SWF’s made up of a few good friends who trust each other completely and always keep it chill vibes n cozy-fun matches (never dominating any Killer, and letting them kno it’s a dry match sans the sweat). However, it’s a rarity when we’re all available to get together n make it eventful. So, instead of being 70/30%, I’m more 93/7% SoloQ to SWF.

    fwiw, I haven’t really played much at all in the past 4 weeks… don’t really miss it in it’s current state either. I’ll do the upcoming Holiday events for a li’l bit, but I know well how not to stay suckered into abusive relationships, and hold out for sth better.

    Hopefully this DBD cutie we’ve all enjoyed over the years will change for the better… we’ll see🤷🏼‍♀️

    Until then, other games are being delighted in😌

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I can't commit to a swf right now as I can't play at a set time for a set amount of time. Maybe once the kids are older. So solo it is.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    If only they removed depip, I would enjoy it more

  • Member Posts: 649

    It's fun to play solo tbh and it's ALWAYS fun to annoy the killer to the point where he doesn't wanna chase you anymore :D

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    solo fine and swf is to easy

  • Member Posts: 119

    Funnily enough this rank reset got me more competent survivors than the last month lmao. Really impressed with my randoms that went against a really good nurse earlier.

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited September 2023

    I just lost to a basement trapper on the preschool map..... I'm getting baby survivors and meme killers having a bad day every game man.... where are these survivors coming from, it's actually making me not want to play the game anymore. PS. I lost cause I gave up trying when the rest of the gens were by him and the others kept walking into the same traps and didn't know how to disarm.

  • Member Posts: 394

    I think it comes down to the community. Look at the recent "ask me anything" on reddit. The top post was about adding charms to the store, lol. This community is as garbage as the dev team. They really deserve each other.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    Most of my friends hardly play DBD anymore. Even the Twitch streamers in my steam friends list with usually over 100 hours / two weeks hardly get over 50 hours nowadays.

    the reasons are diverse. some say they don't like the direction in which DBD is developing, others are bothered by the cheaters and others are bothered by the price structure which came with cage.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Truthfully? Because I remember how good at survivor I used to be and I want to get back to that level! I don't mind dying as I try to get good again.

    That said, I play more killer than survivor so maybe I'm not the target demographic for this question.

  • Member Posts: 298

    If i play soloQ, i know how the trial will end BEFORE the trial starts, just by checking the profile in steam, sometimes, only the nicknames used are enough to know how bad a survivor will be.

  • Member Posts: 298

    They have silent tweaked them a few weeks ago. My games went from good to miserable.

  • Member Posts: 605

    Well the overall killrates are dropping like falling from the sky. Must be a MMR-Thing, otherwise its dramatically unbalanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    Unfortunately, I can only do Solo as SWF is not an option. I have friends who do not like multiplayer games or if they do then they do not like DbD's asymmetric nature. However, my matches recently have been fine. To ensure I do not get angry I simply do not play killer anymore. My survivors matches are good and I often escape. And if not, when getting a pip I am always happy.

  • Member Posts: 654

    The thrill of it.

  • Member Posts: 405

    I like a challenge in games. A good SWF makes it a too easy most games. And since the game released in 2016 I've always enjoyed the Rank 1 solo journey as a self acknowledgement that I can make it on my own without a carry or organized squad. It makes the game more of a gamble as a survivor; one game you get complete bots, another game you get absolute daredevils, and ankle breakers, and all in between. It's like an everlasting gobstopper from Wonka's factory bruh, full of various flavors.

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