The worst map is getting REWORKED
It’s official the Decimated Borgo is getting changed and I’m very happy. I hated this map with a burning passion. I’m very happy it’s getting redone
WHY IS IT STILL RED??????? Purposely making a map the same color as scratchmarks, pools of blood, and default auras, is such a miserable experience.
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I wouldn't call Borgo the worst map but I am still glad to see it's getting some kind of changes.
Honestly, it's the one map where I hope the changes are largely visual. The map's... fine, balance wise, it's not great but it's not one I dread playing on either. Visually, though, I am not a fan at all.
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One of the most balanced maps in the game in my opinion
Rework in favour of survivors or killer I wonder
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Thank GODD!
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Most pallets in Borogo were super safe, so good riddance.
They should rework Garden of Joy and both swamp maps next.
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Skull Merchant changes, MFT nerf, anti-camp, AND Borgo rework?
This midchapter is gonna be awesome if they handle all of these well
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Didn't they lessen a lot the amount of pallets in borgo? Well I don't still like it so fine.
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Hopefully it adresses the *very generous* pallet generation that you can see at around 3:50 on the video.
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I hope they fix the collisions on this map. Probably the worst out of any
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I disagree as killer there was too much clutter in the way and it felt like you would get stuck on everything and you would lose so much distance on the map.
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That was a bug that spawned all the possible pallets, which yeah, completely made the map unplayable
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I think its quite the opposite lol
Never had a problem with killer on this map, but I don't play Hillbilly, cannibal or Blight, so I don't know how they feel on that map
Absolutely one of the best maps for Huntress, Deathslinger, Trickster, and now the Xenomorph
I honestly don't think the map needs rework, but yeah, everything needs to be killer sided now (thats why they never touch Midwich, Rotten Fields, Wrecker's Yard, Shelter Woods, etc)
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First order of business: standardize the pallet skins with the rest of the pallets in the game. Zero reason for one map to have unique looking pallets. Makes them hard to identify.
Second: shrink the map and reduce the ungodly amount of random clutter.
Third: make it not red
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I hope a very less red map.
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Clutter has become a thing on most maps and I don't think you'll see less of it. Seems like a deliberate choice. I also get stuck on it as a survivor.
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I have to say that I hate RPD way more lol.
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It's still red, so it won't be fixed
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Hopefully they reduce the size by at least 50% and the pallet count by the same.
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This is not a contender for worst map when the likes of the Game and Garden of pain still exist.
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All the reworks we are getting are terrible, Red Forest and Coldwind where even worse than their previous ones. Only Autohaven was ok, and those maps where already good.
Since Shelter Woods all they do is add new structures to deadzones, but the map remains the same. If the map is huge and there's no way for a M1 like Trapper to traverse it without gens popping, those changes make nothing for them.
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Yeah probably there were so many pallets on my killer games. Now on my survivor games usually the otherside is almost just deadzone.
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Nice news! Thank you for giving us this info
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i hope they make it balanced for both sides and not make it like rancid abattoir where its completely killer sided. as a solo q survivor im really worried here lol.
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Yeah I don't find it bad when just chasing but I do feel like I get a lot more wha?? tantrums when playing Leatherface.
Guess I gently clipped one of those hard as steel chainsaw stopping pieces of burnt wood.
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Exactly, there are only 2 maps where seeing scratch marks is difficult for me, Borgo and Ormond. I've tried every colorblind setting and none of them help. I think the best option is to allow custom colors for all game features, that way if I like green Survivor auras, I can have green Survivor auras. Maybe with a couple of profiles so you can preset for certain maps and swap as you have the camera spin intro.
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And leave the deadzones and weak tiles, right?
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I’m so glad that Borgo is finally rework. Cause the red fog and pallets while I will agree are such a pain to deal with. I will also say that the RNG on there is also a pain cause while I would play killer on there I would get so many pallets and while playing survivor I would get too many end zones. So yeah I also hope they rework Garden Of Joy and Swamp. Especially if he long logs on Swamp and that house on Garden are all equally a pain to deal with.
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I seriously hope they get rid of the scorched parts of the map I absolutely despise it for that reason as I always get confused by them thinking they're scratch marks
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has one of the strongest shacks on the game , many safe pallets connected into each others , 1 mini shack tile without a pallet and multiple god pallets on top of being a big map and the hitbox on many objects are janky as f ..for killer
okay dude , i assume they are gonna make it more weaker and smaller I hope soo.
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Everything needs to be killer sided?
Mothers Dwelling rework?
Creation of Garden of Joy?
No adjustment planned for badham?
Rotten Fields is Killer sided now?
BHVR's way of reworking maps is really random, but they aren't making all of them killer sided.
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I kinda think this is a weird one. Yes it's on the larger side but it's so open you never struggle finding survivors on it.
I'm generally okay with Borgo but I guess a rework is fine, would have much rathered Forest or Garden however.
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I feel you. They could buff this map and add another 50 pallets (not that it makes much of a difference, at this point) but for the love of the entity, please change the color scheme!
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Eyrie of Crows and Garden of Misery exist. So I wouldn't say it's the worst. But I agree that it's pretty bad.
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I've seen that map only twice, and it was awful. Good thing it is getting changed.
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No. A weak tile is just a free hit if the killer is any good. And I think maps should have less RNG to prevent deadzones. But there's a template for good map design: Coal Tower and Dead Dawg. They just keep making these enormous maps for whatever reason and filling them with fully safe tiles.
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They literally just updated Shelter Woods with the Skull Merchant DLC.
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Borgo isn’t full of safe tiles though. It has colossal dead zones. Coal Tower is balanced, I agree. The Saloon is killer-sided. And that is fine. But killer-sided =\= balanced.
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Idk if I’m blind but the picture looked less red then it usually does? I think they’re changing the fog cause it looks more blue grayish in the picture.
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The picture shouldn’t be red at all, unless we are given the option to change the colors of scratchmarks, pools of blood, and auras.
When people complain that it’s unnecessarily difficult to see these red things on a red map, the solution shouldn’t be “let’s maybe slightly tap the red down a bit, because we still want the map to be purposely confusing for the killer”. This map, and Toba, are still way too red.
Or maybe give players an option to toggle the red off of the map environment.
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I think they will remove the red fog from the map possibly. Btw toba is more pink than red. But I see some color differences can throw you off. Which colorblind option can you use for toba? I feel one could be used
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MFT is not getting nuked like killer perks
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Not getting too excited over it because of the fact the map will still be red and the rework will most likely favor one side over the other (Like the Coldwind rework). However, I'm hoping they'll do something about those awful tall stone walls and how open the map is.
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That's not the worst map.
That title goes to whatever is the name of Singularity's map. Garden of pain would be a close second.
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That's good. Borgo's terrible on every killer for me except the movement/teleport killers. It's too big and there's too much random garbage on the ground to chase effectively.
I do agree that they need to make it less red, though, for all the reasons mentioned above. The moon also needs to not look like the sun. It's in the same camp as the farm maps for me where it feels like the match is taking place in broad daylight. Hurts the immersion.
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Agree with Garden but heavily disagree on Toba.
I never had any negative experiences on that map. It’s not that bad of a map
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I find it too much cluttered and I barely see anything on it. Same idea as Borgo, different colors.
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No, not exactly.
I just stop by occasionally. Play one or two trials then leave.
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I don't understand why scratches and auras aren't white. It would make everything easier... except Ormond, I guess.
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Man it's been a while since I've seen you around on the forums how's it been going?
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same, each time I got that map as a killer I instant dc, the collisions are awful, what I hate the most of this map are those anoying patches of hey that have a round collision, I would prefered that BHVR just treated them as a bush