Do you lose malicious points more from heal than you get from hit?

That the question I've been struggling to get malicious iridescent emblem due to survivors healing after I have injured them a lot even while getting 3-4K. My last 5 games I have get 5 gold malicious of a row so now im done for today. Worst part is im 2/3 done so it very annoying.

First game I let 2 last go because I was feeling merciful I though I would have iri malicious because I kept hitting/slugging them but they healed couple times. Few other games were too much of stomp and then other few were too close that I only won when was 1-2 gens left but I got 11-12 hooks and like 100 hits.

Couple match result

Best Answer

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    Malicious works on 40 points max (for normal Killers, see exception paragraph below), 36 for Iri. I think the in-game system converts and rounds this to function on a 100 point system instead though. The in-game numbers muddy the waters for the most part.

    You can normally get 10 points per Survivor. 2 per hook state, 1 per injury. Survivors have 4 injury levels (for points), Injured->Downed->2nd hook downed->3rd hook Downed. You get 2 injuries (+2 | 2 total) then a hook (+2 | 4 total), then they get unhooked. At this point it can diverge, but the end result is the same. If they heal, you lose a point (-1 | 3 total), then you get 2 injuries on them again (+2 | 5 total) and a hook (+2 | 7 total). Alternatively they never got healed (4) and you injure them (+1 | 5 total) then hook them (+2 | 7 total). 2nd hook ends at 7 points by both paths.

    You can only lose points if they are camped/first hook killed, or if they escape. Each camped hook permanently denies you that 1 extra injury point. If they escape, they deny you the hook points remaining (2/4/6) as well as the injury points remaining (4/3/2/1/0, with 0 being a slugged hatch/gate donation).

    The only exception to this in the past, was that sometimes exposed and instadowns were bugged and only count as a single hit for the points if the Survivor was healthy. So a Ghosty mark and down from healthy would only give 1 Malicious point instead of 2. On the other hand Legion also could Feral Frenzy hit an injured (but not currently Deep Wounded) Surv, and that would give a 'bonus' point. That might also have been a bug also however. The easy way to safely work around this is play someone like Wraith, Blight, or whoever you are good at not instadowning as, that Survivors also won't give up against either. (Nurse being a bad example, as too many people will quit against her on average.)

    The 2 main ways to ensure you get Iri Malicious are a normal 11 hook (action) win, and it doesn't matter if the last escapes. Even if they are healthy, they only deny you the 2 injury points, and the 2 hook points, so you reach 36 still. The other common way is the toggle-tunnel approach, of hooking A/B/A/B/A/B/C/D. This only loses you the 4 injuries from early hook kills on Survivors C and D, still at 36, but requires the 4k. The 4ks you have listed, needed 5+ camped/early killed states combined to deny Iri, or a bugged instadown in the mix. Edit: I noticed one match was Trapper, if that didn't have 5+ camped/early kill states, then maybe the traps are bugged and not counting properly as an injury. Wraith is still my personal recommendation as you can't instadown, and not enough people quit against him to be an issue. The Iri gen add-on can be used to free up an intel perk slot, and the quick kick add-on(s) can be used to free up a lethality perk slot. Bamboozle/Nowhere to Hide/Pop/Eruption with Shadow Dance and the Iri Gen add-on could be good.

    As long as the Killer doesn't rely on camping/tunneling/bleeding out, and you don't have a giga-rat Survivor, this should be a normal win. Unfortunately Survivor's equivalent tome is to never enter the Dying state AND escape, so giga-rats are going to be more common as well.

    You can read the details of the system here at the wiki, but I've tried to iron out and explain multiple scenarios that they don't explain.


  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    So does anyone have idea how much heals reduces your points in malicious emblem? What I notice even I hit survivors a lot if they just heal few times I don't get it to iridescent but gold instead.

    You probably need perfect game with 10+ hooks, 4K and no heals and no wiggle offs to get it which means you have to completely dominate that is unfortunately extremely difficult. Survivors give up when they're losing and you don't get enough hooks to get points.

    All games where I could get it they always give up... Then I have games where survivors try because they have chance so you don't get it even you win in the end because they get to heal. I just hope I get survivors who don't give up if im dominating.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,751

    The healing doesn't really hurt you as much as you think. Every time they heal, it just means you can hit them more times. This category DOES get hampered by quick games though. If someone dies on first hook... you barely got any points out of them.

    Whether they get unhooked and stay injured, or unhooked and healed... it's still better for your points than if you only hit them 2 times and they die on first hook. Them getting unhooked means they have another health state for you to remove that WASNT because of healing.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    Maybe there is gap then how many you points you can earn by hitting? I kept hitting/slugging last 2 players one game dozen of times so I though I would get it and let them go at the end. Seems too hooks are very critical on this and you at least need 3K. I had total 8 hooks that game I think one gave up.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,751

    Because slugging doesn't help... If they heal from dying state, THAT counts as healing. Slugging puts them in a position to heal 2 health states. Hooking only allows them to heal 1 health state once them get unhooked.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    Oh and that myers game I lost it because they healed too many times. So yes healing is still bad for it.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,195

    I think it's heal removes all the points you get from injuring/downing, the only way to secure points for it is hooking i think or hitting them at the exit gates before they leave

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,751

    It's a balancing act of how many times you hit them-how many times they heal. If you used Myers t3 to 1 shot them... that counts as 1 hit.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    I had vanity mirror that game usually that is very good for emblems.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,751

    That's the game you posted with the silver sacrifice emblem? That alone shows at least 1 survivor didn't get hooked at all.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    I probably said it but im extremely unlucky with this challenge again I was getting it but survivors ramdomly gave up yet again.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    I figure I have habit taking one survivor out too early. Then others just give up.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    I think I patrolled too close to hooks reducing my points survivors 3 genned themself but last one escaped through hatch. One survivor got second stage in first hook too.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    I finally got it you need 100 points to get it. Basically I had enough points all of those games but they got to heal too many times. I managed to prevent them healing too many times this time.

    The 80 point gap for hits was holding me back a lot too. I didn't know it was capped so few those games dragged too long when eventually I probably started to lose points instead gaining them.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I've had 'farm' games before when I've just been trying to cap my BP categories and they healed more than 50 times. When I finally killed them it gave me the Iri Malicious, so the amount of heals shouldn't matter.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    Weird if the gap is 80 points from hits and maybe 66 points from hooks if you let 2 go let's say heals take -50 points probably means you should gotten less than 100 points and get gold instead. I don't know what is the max - points amount though.

    That one game I had -48 from heals now let's say if you let them pallet save as well that's -6 at least. But at worst case you might get even more - points. So you should not get iri if you let 2 out and they get to heal a lot.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    So I did a Wraith game to showcase what needs to be done.

    In this match they offered Gideons, but since I had the (green) pallet kick speed add-on that basically meant they gave me the match nearly for free. I did have to play a bit safe (as 2 had the same 'clan' in their name (Yun P10 and Nea P100 SB user, so it was a minimum duo SWF), so I only downed people when they attempted gens while injured (normal hit and run Wraith behavior to be honest). I didn't track hooks, but I ended up killing (P3) Quentin on the 6th hook, Zarina (P100 DH user) on 7th hook, and Yun and Nea on hooks 8 & 9. Since I early killed Yun by 2 states, and Nea by 1 state, I lost 3 potential (wiki) injury points, but that still put me at 37/36 (wiki points) for the Iri.

    If I reverse engineer the math, 1 wiki point = 2.75 in-game points (rounded up). The 55 hook point games listed in the original post means you missed 11 points, or 11/2.75 = 4 points, or 2 hook stages on the final person who escaped. If you get a 3k (with no camped/early killed stages), the final escapee needs to be death hook, so that would be (part of) why you missed out on the Iri emblem there. You could also theoretically let 2 death hook Survivors go if they were slugged when they left. (Only missing on their final 2 hook points each, for 4 total, 36/36 for the Iri. This would require all other Survivors to not have camped/gave up hook states though.)

    Wraith also is a bit silly with the emblem system, because you can be chasing someone forever, but it only counts while uncloaked. That means getting 4 Iri emblems doesn't showcase anything other than Wraiths mechanic's gaming the system in his favor.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    This was the game I got it the key here was they didn't get to heal as much. I actually got less points than some of those other games. Last one managed to escape through exit on death hook and one got second stage but still 10 hook game for me.

    Key thing also was I didn't remove anyone quickly out so they didn't give up and suicide on hook. In your wraith game I still say key thing was they didn't heal too much either. Look my myers game heal point lose -48.

    The only game survivors didn't give up or didn't give me big challenge is the second lowest picture in my post. It's actually from game where victorie made himself unhookable he used boil over and just stayed in upstair of building no hooks near. So I could not hook him which explain -6 and only 55 points. I killed him in endgame collapse closing the hatch and he still just stayed upstair I didn't want bleed out...

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Healing doesn't matter. If they heal, they give you a bonus injury score for the emblem which counters the points lost from them healing.

    If people try the upper floor buckin' bronco shenanigans, continually pick them up and drop them with your left side facing the drop. They will wiggle free, but the fall stagger will ensure they can't get anywhere of relevance in the timeframe. (See Otz's new DS is worthless vid linked here. It is DS stun duration instead of wiggle, but the concept is the same.)

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    Unfortunately there was literally not any hook even close. So even without boil over it would been difficult to hook him. Basement probably was closest. Maybe with perfect pathing it could been possible hook him I still doubt it but not something I can do on console with controller.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    This tome has been an absolute pain in the ass, not fun at all.