Is Noed a balanced perk

It already has a lot of downsides + Adrenaline exists so... NOED is fine how it is.
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I'm sorry what downside beside the aura? Do you think that's enough? Because I really think it isn't, a GOOD downside would be the survs knowing beforehand, then you remove the aura or reduce it's range. IMO of course
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I do think it should get survs a warning beforehand, so should hope and adrenaline, I really don't know what, but something should be advised. A 110 killer is almost impossible to catch a hope+mft, so at least an different aura, or trace in their foot to help the killer leave this surv and go for other.
Now for adrenaline..... Always been here, but now it's overwhelming presence is causing a mess. Don't know really.
For noed, a simple hex simble for everyone should be enough. Though I thing the killer should EARNED IT, for hooking or injuring.
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Balanced but...
I think NOED is fine, I just wish that it let you know that you are exposed and what is causing that, like Rancor. I would honestly rather that than the aura thing it does now. The thing that sucks about NOED is that you have no clue it is in play until somebody gets insta-downed, I would rather know that I have to play carefully around it than know exactly where it is.
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It's fair because it has counters, like endurance or getting rid of all the totems.
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The problem with NOED isn't that the effect is too strong it's that it shouldn't be this strong considering you earn it because your opponents completed their objective. Instead of nerfing the effect itself I suggest it's made into a "stacks" perk instead of a Hex: Each time you hook a different survivor you gain a stack, when all gens are completed the perk activates and each time you hit a healthy survivor you use a stack to get an insta down. The speed boost effect remains the same regardless of hooks.
The Adrenaline comparison is nonsense. Adrenaline rewards survivors for completing their objective. NOED is a safety net in case you lose. They're absolutely not equivalent and a 2nd chance perk shouldn't have an effect as strong as a reward perk.
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Balanced but...
It is balanced since the aura change to it.
But. It still has that bad aftertaste because when it does kick in and is of any value it does very much feel like like a punch to the gut to be on the receiving end. It has the ability to negate whatever good and skilled stuff you did all match long; if you happen to get hit by NOED and the totem is right next to your hook that's that. It's incredibly frustrating. --- Add to that, that it's not exactly earned and it feels not just like a punch in the gut but also like a massive middle finger.
So yeah, while balanced it's a perk that inherently has a bunch of negative (and imo unhealthy) potential bundled into it. And to be perfectly honest, I don't know if it's alright on the whole or unhealthy.
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Balanced but...
Fully agree, it is mostly balanced but playing against it is usually extremely frustrating.
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Balanced but...
I feel like it could be aligned with Rancor, so when the exit gates are powered it gives you the heads up, you still have to waste time finding it all the while the killer can get value out of it making it still useful
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After seeing this I agree with this player, and as I mostly play killer I may have been a little biased.
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Im honestly a fan of NOED when I play survivor, it makes you have to think about if the killer has it or not and adds some more stakes at the end. I do have one issue though. THE SPEED BOOST! It's an overpowered perk AND gives you a speed boost!? It is completely worth a slot without one and the 6% speed boost just makes it 20% harder to escape chase! I honestly love how scary it makes endgame but I think it should entierly remove the 6% speed boost. (I find it funny how abunch of killer mains are complaining about Made for This giving a 3% speed boost, yet NOED, one of the most already overpowered perks in the game gives 2x that!?)
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It's weak if anything, and could do with a rework to make it more useful.
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Balanced but...
It’s totally balanced, just very unhealthy design. It artificially inflates kill rates and gives kills that weren’t earned.
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Balanced but...
It's fine in the current meta, I don't really see that in common from my survivor games but it is gonna be awful if you are downed by noed then face camped watching other teammates leaving.
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The aura reading made it feel more fair overall. It only needs 1 more change imo, and it’s that if the killer hooks a survivor within 24m of the totem, then it should move to a different totem if available (or deactivate if there isn’t one) so you can’t camp the hook and the totem at the same time. Then I think the perk would be fine.
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you get 1-2 downs from noed just because its a surprise.
Just cleanse the totem, its not that hard to understand.
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Noeds speed boost is 4%. 1% more than MFT, except it only triggers in the endgame. Meanwhile MFT gives you nearly the same effect every chase.
sidenote noed is absolutely not OP. Quite simply, cleanse the totem. it is not that complicated.
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Except literally NOED is 6%? Like why literally blatantl lie. It says 6% do u have like a lower tier of it???
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Do totems
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NOED III gives 4% movement speed, unchanged for 6 years now (was 5% in the very very beginning).
Maybe you know something the others don't? NOED buff incoming? ;)
And maybe don't instantly accuse people of lying over a simple number in a video game...
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I literally looked on the wiki, no clue what you are on about. Noed hasnt been changed since 6.1.0, so theres no possible way it could have changed. Check again.
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Me when spreading false information online
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Balanced but...
The only problem with NOED is when it spawns on someone's hook, or the Killer hooks the person on its spawn. Personally I'd basekit NOED if the Killer has 0 kills by endgame, and have a Ruin styled deletion on kill. The perk would remove the 0k requirement and deletion on kill aspects. This would come with the drawback that if the Hex is within 24m of a hook, it swaps locations if there is a location available.
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I guess it's technically fine the way it is on paper. But in practice it's completely unfair. Namely the speed boost and aura. Why should the killer get faster and insta kill after sucking the whole game this isn't cod. And the fact I can't even see the guys totem is insane. I don't even know he has it till it's all over. If I could at least see the totem from a good distance away to know what's up I'd be happy.
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I really think they should make more hexes that are worse the more dull totems are on the board. NOED could light a dull totem for each survivor. If at least 2 totems are cleansed, blessed, or already hexed with something else, not everyone will be exposed. The totems don't need to be a must-do second set of objectives, but if you find one you ought to be thinking 'lucky' and make sure to cleanse it before moving on.
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Balanced but...
Haste effect is fine ... but ...
The exposed status effect should be revealed as soon the last gen is done.
Their is so akwards situation of that we " doesn't know " if the killer have it or not, and it's like ( should i do an chase ? ).
Aura effect is really good, no timer limit is good tho