

The forbidden question.

Member Posts: 1,124
edited July 2023 in Polls

is the game killer or survivor sided?

Edit: Assume everyone has meta builds and the killer is only tunneling when necessary.

The forbidden question. 61 votes

The game is extremely Survivor sided
8 votes
The game is moderately survivor sided
24 votes
The game is even
13 votes
The game is moderately killer sided
11 votes
The game is extremely killer sided
5 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,141
    edited July 2023
    The game is moderately killer sided

    Moderately killer sided imo, I think killer has enough to keep up at the highest level, making it balanced or leaning towards survivor sided at the top. But for the rest of the skill ranges, I would say it's pretty certainly killer sided. Not necessarily extremely killer sided, but just firmly so. It's important to remember that what killer you choose is part of your loadout, and you can't expect to beat full meta without full meta. So if you want to beat really sweaty survivors, you should expect to have to play nurse, blight, or spirit in order to win

  • Member Posts: 1,124
    The game is even

    Reasonable. I feel like at the highest level of play, full meta navy seal swfs etc etc its moderately survivor sided. But really only if you are a tunneling blight etc, thats the only way to keep up with such a team.

    i think in public matches its pretty even. Killer could maybe do with one more good regression perk but thats really my only gripe.

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited July 2023
    The game is even

    Game honestly has been whoever is willing to bring the most broke stuff and play the sweatiest sided for a while now. If you're good at the game and you enter the match with the goal to win at all cost, you're just gonna win 70% of your matches out of hand. The only thing this doesn't really apply to is soloq/duo survivor

  • Member Posts: 1,141
    The game is moderately killer sided

    Yeah I think we p much agree, similarly a navy seal swf is pretty much the only way to keep up with such a killer

  • Member Posts: 1,124
    The game is even

    thats actually a point I've never heard before surprisingly. I always hear about how hard tunneling on an S-tier can sometimes be necessary because of such teams, but never the opposite. Maybe because such teams are much rare and harder to form. Finding 4 skilled players is much harder than finding a strong blight.

  • Member Posts: 4
    The game is extremely killer sided

    Well, since the changes of healing and generators lately the game have become extremely killersided. It's almost impossible to survive since the healing takes longer time, repairing generators take longer time AND almost every killer use perks that is slowing generators down more and are able to see the auras of survivors. To survive nowadays you have to use perks that speeds up healing and repairing, to see other survivors and to find new objects in chests to use the whole game. But since killers LOVE to slug and tunnel, it's about 5% or less chance to survive now......

  • Member Posts: 14
    The game is even

    VS high tier survivors it's killer sided

    VS mid tier survivors it's map/RNG sided

    VS low tier killers it's survivor sided

  • Member Posts: 1
    The game is even

    Playing killer? The game is survivor sided

    Playing survivor? The game is killer sided

  • Member Posts: 163
    The game is moderately survivor sided

    Playing on console it's quite survivor sided. It's impossible to play Nurse or Blight. Seriously, it's a huge challenge for even an experienced killer to get a daily as these killers against a squad of baby survivors playing with controller on PS4. Playing an M1 killer and outplaying or just eventually catching a survivor in chase can be negated often by a survivor with a bad connection and a good 360. (This has gotten better in the past couple years, but still requires absurdly high camera sensitivity to counter, making killers that require aiming even less useful)

    Why not just give MKB support to console players. If Warframe can do it, so can DBD.

  • Member Posts: 547
    The game is even

    Legends say that in the highest ranks of competitive play it leans towards survivors, but that only matters for an insignificantly tiny fraction of players. In public matches the deciding factor is how accurately the matchmaking can pit killers and survivor groups of similar efficiency against each other at any given moment.

  • Member Posts: 501
    The game is even

    Aw man, there is ... stupid stuffs both side.

    Survivors can finish gens in like 15 seconds, insta heal, endurance, being uncatachable endgame cause MFT + Hope

    And killer .... aw man ... some addons are stupids, like Blight ring. And some killers are stupid : for exemple, the spirit can easily, kill you without being visible, nurse ... you know the vibes ... Skull Merchant broken 3 gens (more an design error for this one).

    Yeah, Even Broken, both side

  • Member Posts: 5
    The game is moderately survivor sided

    If you're playing against a lot of p25+ players, It really takes a toll on your mental state. I think even with good teams you can still pull some crazy stuff. But considering how new I still am at 250 or so hours and how annoying Adren, flashlights, MFT, and the other most used are, and being in almost every match? I really have learned a lot from guides and gameplay and I love playing killer but I always get creamed by those alone. No matter how hard I try. Playing some of the more difficult killers becomes more of a hassle when you don't take perks to slow down chase. Whenever I try some fun perks, theres always a bigger fish and it's never me. Survivors regularly don't seem to take more fun perk builds unless they're in a duo+ queue. Which even then if they took perks most often taken, they can still do more damage than I feel is fair. But then again I have done some crazy stuff against really confident 1000+ hour survivors I would have never thought I was capable of. So they arent OP in any serious way. Just mildly annoying. Learn to counter it or accept defeat before the games over and keep trying to win anyways. Either you get it or you don't.

  • Member Posts: 1,410
    The game is even

    skill dependant

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