Does Anyone Think Dbd Is A Little Boring Now?

I’ve seen multiple discussions about this topic. I would also have to say it’s gotten a little boring lately. I’m sorry but the game has gotten a little bit repetitive more lately. So lately I’ve been playing a bunch of other games lately to fill the void lol.
Well anyway while going off-topic I also believe a new game mode could help spark more interest. So what do you guys think, do you think Dbd is a little boring and could use a new game mode or do you think it’s not boring?
Edit: Thanks for everyone for answering my question. I agree that playing the game to much can lead to burn out. I also know that taking breaks can also help you get excited for the game again. That playing meme builds can also help make the game more exciting too. I still also hope we get a new game mode here in the near future.
Best Answer
No tbh, i think the reason people haven’t been enjoying it is cause they’ve played it too much. Taking a small break or playing something else really helps with your overall enjoyment (personally have done the same).
i also think some people have refused to adapt cause people have just gotten better at the game over time.
Haven't been playing for 2 weeks due to vacation and had 8 games today. 5 losses and 3 wins. Still had a blast in all of them. I tried the nerfed Xeno and after 2 matches I got started to rub of the rust and started to hit the tail more frequently.
Figuring out new things or finding new strategies or builds makes dbd very much not boring, to me at least.
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That’s cool and I get it sometimes shaking up things can be really fun too. Also taking small breaks helps out too.
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i don't think you're the only one I've never seen a community so burnt out on their game like this one.
I've a lot of passion and love for dbd and seeing so many people not sharing in that disappoints me.
but it is understandable cuz Survivor side barely ever get something new to work with and new killer's hype dies down after a while usually cuz it's the same gameplay over and over.
i hope that bhvr can tackle the problems the community is struggling with at the moment with more game modes, gameplay changes and qol for Survivors and killers.
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I'm bored but that's because I'm burnt out. As soon as I get rank 70 in the Rift, Im most likely going to take a break bc right now I cant stand this game right now.
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I play a lot less lately, especially with BG3 out. Still play a couple games a day maybe. I’ll come back full time when the next big patch drops.
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The game is a decent spot now. I think most people are just burnt out and having more fun in TCM right now.
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Same old discussion, just a different day. You're not the first to say this and you won't be the last. Take a break then come back. You will be fine. But that ultimately depends entirely up to you.
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It really does. Dbd can become pretty frustrating at times. Taking a break can really help. I just feel the aspect that you have to take a break of a game to enjoy it is a problem in itself.
Games should be fun.
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I agree taking breaks does help out a lot. I also understand why some people don’t like to learn and adapt cause sometimes bugs,killer’s power’s, survivor perks, etc can be definitely a pain to deal with. But at the same time learning and adapting can also help too depending on the situation.
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I know lol and yeah taking a break does help out a lot for sure.
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Yeah will somewhat agree that the game is I a decent spot. Even though there’s still some issues but not too much which is good. I also haven’t tried TCM yet but it looks interesting may check it out when I chance. But yeah trying new things can be also nice too.
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Yeah the grind can be quite the task for sure. So I don’t blame you for taking a break.
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I would play Baldur’s Gate but I don’t have a PS5 yet lol. But when I do I will check that out as well. So yeah playing other games does help a lot as well.
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I understand but they will fix more of the problems here soon. Even though it does a while. But they do make sure to get everything balanced for each side. So yeah I also hope we get something new and exciting here soon as well.
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Baldur’s gate is PHENOMENAL. Highly recommend.
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It’s a little since MFT/Resilience/Windows/Hope seems to be the settled top meta for survivors and there’s not much deviation.
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Yeah, but that's mostly due to burnout. I've been playing a lot less lately and have been focusing on other games.
However, both survivor and killer just get boring after a while, mainly due to the sort of repetitiveness this game has. It seems like everything fun just gets taken away in this game. Hopefully new game modes/mechanics will be introduced to make gameplay more fun.
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As killer, no. But having a full set of meme perks for Cage, reminded me of what it is I love about this game. I want more of them.
Where are the killer meme perks? Why can't I play dead with Oni? Why doesn't Trapper have an add-on that makes him do a Homer scream every time he steps in his own traps?