When will maps feel immersive?

Like why does Borgo just look like a weird flat wasteland with a burning building instead of a burned down village? Why are the badhams home devoid of furniture and lifeless even after the Haddonfield rework which redid these same structures? Why are the houses and furniture so gigantic in Haddonfield? Hunting Grounds is probably one of the more immersive maps why cant every map have that same realistic feel? (though it should have more trees and foliage to feel like a true hunting grounds tbh but beyond that its pretty).
I honestly prefer good and balanced gameplay on the map than visuals.
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Sure both would be nice, but gameplay is more important... After being on the map for a hundred times nobody cares about how it looks but will complain that it is terribly balanced...
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I think old coldwind actually felt immersive. Could be just me though.
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Lore wise it is because the Entity is recreating places from the memories of the survivors and killers, but it doesn't necessarily understand the material world in the same way they do. It twists everything it makes into a dark parody of it's original
Gameplay wise, immersion has not been a thing in this game since the end of 2017 as the gameplay routines of both survivors and killer became more defined around chasing and objective completion efficiency immersive elements got in the way. New players come in wanting to play very immersively and slowly which more experienced players view as severe detriment. So things that let you be too immersed aren't really favored over more balanced and cleaner designs. Borgo's a bad example of this take to the extreme as it's bad precisely because it's barren to a fault on top of having the worst color filter effect.
Another thing to consider is that maps need to be easily navigated for killers. It isn't entirely uncommon for the game to spawn areas where survivors can fit through a space that a killer can't. When that does happen it's a pretty bad feeling as you basically lose distance pathing around those spot in chases. Also every map has to within reason be able to accommodate the use of every killer's power so you can't really load it up with tons of static elements. Indoor maps are some of the least liked map types precisely because they end up very packed and cramped making a lot of powers much less effective by default.
It's a balancing act in a game where survivor stealth isn't really valued all that much rather than constantly getting in and out of chases.
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Never because they got rid of the atmosphere and immersion a long time ago when they first decided to graphically rework the old maps.
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Maps used to be much darker.
It was great for "immersive" play.
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Why are the two mutually exclusive? Also tbh visuals do matter a lot like I literally HATE Borgo and Dead Dawg because they're so ugly and unimmersive to play on that I just cant have fun or enjoy the experience on either
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Well its never too late to start making the new maps somewhat immersive and fun. They have what they need to do, now they just need to do it. I do level design for games and I get it can be hard but when you're a big company like BHVR I feel like they can pretty easily come up with some immersive concepts that fit DBDs theme of chase
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The new Red Forest is beautiful and immersive, but sucks to play on. I would argue new Haddonfield is the same.
Unfortunately making immersive maps often precludes them from being balanced, and vice versa.
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I did not say they were, I just stated what is more important, also borgos looks affect the gameplay in the sense of making scratchmarks harder to see and so on, so I would not count this only in the visual part but also the how it feels to play... And Borho sucks on both levels,too many safe tiles, that are easy to chain and have bigger collision than it looks like and hard tracking because of the color of the map... It is just all around a broken map.
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I mean red forest sucked to play on before the rework and the problem with the rework was that they really didn't rebalance it at all they only upgraded the graphics :(
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This concept really could've ate too. A dark village night lit up by the village thats on fire with blood and gore everywhere? This setting was cool as hell! So whyd they stick us with a red and green wasteland with some ugly shack?
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The reworked maps do look nice. But I prefer the old lighting. Everything is so bright and clear now. Are the mist offerings even useful now? What's a whispy pube of mist gonna do on Toba Landing?
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Lighting adjustments would be cute (But I want coldwind to stay day tbh its a cool change)