Patch notes are here!

Curious to see how SM works now.
And BHVR please, i already said a a joke that you buffs killers addons like 1% and its meaningless. But this:
Second, we have increased the movement speed bonuses while aiming down sights for both the Jaw Smasher and Wanted Poster Add-ons to 1.5% and 3% respectively (was 1% and 2.5%) to make them more interesting choices to consider. 0,5% buff?
I mean yes its a buff but damm xD
And no joke and really want to try trapper now.
Furtive chase still trash btw.
In short
Nice for trapper and reloaders.
Lets see maps and SM.
What the hell its that Furtive chase """""buff""""".
As long as Trapper has to go fetch his traps, he will not compete.
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SM rework sounds like a worse Knight, but at least it isn't like it is now
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All around a very pleasant to read Dev update. I'm looking forward to seeing it in game myself.
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I'm so glad for the Huntress/Trickster buff. Playing them without Iron Maiden felt terrible.
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Skull Merchant changes look good, some considerable buffs to her kit as a whole, while heavily neutering her 3-gen poterntial. Will need to wait until people can test her out to really see how she plays though.
Furtive Chase 'buff' was so terrible I can't understand why BHVR thought it would finally make people use it, they wont. Make the terror radius reduction also count outside of chase and the perk might be good.
Trapper changes are nice, it still doesn't solve the inherent issues with his kit, but if BHVR is intent on keeping him the way he is now, then these sorts of buffs are the best we can really expect, and they're solid, good changes.
Agreed, but BHVR seems to want to keep him this way, and 2 more traps at least means you can ignore picking up one or two traps in far off dead zones and not be punished as badly.
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Yeah if furtive chase reduced terros radious OUTSIDE a chase could be an ok perk with Monitor and abuse for stealth killers.
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Furtive Chase buff is as meaningfull as Traffic lights in GTA.
I will give you tip, the problem with this perk isn't that the numbers are too small, it's the effect itself is just very bad. You want killers to go for new Survivors for such a bad reward my gosh.
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Great changes, but 2 perks? Really? Also Furtive Chase is worthless as a concept and Dark Devotion is better in every imaginable way, no matter how much you buff it.
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SM still sounds like a slog but we'll see. At least she won't be able to hold survivors hostage anymore.
Shattered Square is still red, so I will still hate it. The fact that they are going to change the hights of various objects has me worried, that Billy will struggle even more than he already did on that map. We'll see how it turns out.
The Trapper buff sounds nice. He'll still be pretty weak but I'll take it as a nice quality of life improvement. Huntress' and Trickster's reloading speed buff sounds pretty good. I'll still run Iron Maden on Huntress (the faster I reload, the faster I can go back to missing every hatchet) but it's nice that they thought about it. No idea what they were thinking with the Slinger buff. At least it wasn't a nerf.
The buffs to Furtive Chase and Background Player will achieve absolutely nothing. Background Player is highly situational and that won't change and Furtive Chase is just flat out useless. Who cares about the killer's TR in chase? And the obsession switching is better done by Nemesis.
Post edited by Xernoton on3 -
I dont understand Slinger Buff. Reload time reduce to 2.6? Was that warden key reduce by 0.5 sec.
Why it just dropped to just 2.6 from 2.7?
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i dunno why but i was expecting the devs to turn skull merchant into death Garden where survivor can shoot down the drones (with rocks or a bow)
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Why is nobody talking about the Camping changes? All I see right there is a great way to improve tunneling. A killer that intends to tunnel has just been given a quicker way to do it. They don't even have to wait for another survivor to show up! This will also lead to an increase in hook suicides in solo. Why would the selfish individuals that already suicide when they are first hooked bother giving the potentially camping killer another hit to help the other survivors? They will leave the match like before but now they have to use those attempts up even earlier or they will have the guaranteed unhook. Expect faster suicides and many more 3v1s with one gen done.
The way to reduce camping and tunneling (and slugging too!) is to give basekit Unbreakable if one survivor has been killed. This should be what they are doing, not improving tunneling and suicides.
I really like that BHVR is finally admitting old killers need some love but their idea of buffs really aren't going to do much.
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Another patch closer to the Freddy-Rework, yes?
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Overall really good patch. Hopefully matchmaking is addressed with the next chapter, although I'm wondering if SBMM was the previous lead dev's baby and the current team just feels stuck with it.
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ctrl + f / made = nothing
but hey xenomorph was a massive issue.. no meaningful changes to perks as well..
extremely WEAK dev update.. very unfortunate.
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Having the traps appear in his hand should've been basekit tbh.
Something like "the furthest non-set trap gets added to Trapper's hand every 30s"
Having him be forced to go and grab the traps spread out on the map is a time-sink for little payoff.
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I don't see how it helps tunneling at all.
You choose when to jump off so jumping off at the last second is always going to waste time of a camping killer vs not jumping off.
Even if you don't bother running at all it adds ~10 seconds to each hookstages cause the killer has to hit you twice and rehook you.
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Why would the selfish individuals that already suicide when they are first hooked bother giving the potentially camping killer another hit to help the other survivors? They will leave the match like before but now they have to use those attempts up even earlier or they will have the guaranteed unhook. Expect faster suicides and many more 3v1s with one gen done.
What? I don't see the connection.
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Now I think about it, what if Trapper just sets a trap in front of the hook? Endurance doesn't help with that, right? So Trapper could just ignore the anti hook camping mechanic?
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He can't.
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Can you elaborate?
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Furtive chase got wrong buff. the perk needed to work outside of chase. increase numbers is pointless. you have beast of prey to go undetectable during chases...
I suspect that skull merchant will still be able 3 gen after PTB but I don't want to say why.
one thing i will say is that claw traps are almost impossible for chase skull merchant to get outside of being the corner of the map. I am also little bit concern for how her new chase add-on will function because at least hope that they will be as good as current chase add-on's.
the most interesting change is trapper one. 7.5% haste for setting up a trap. I wonder how long duration of that is. it could be good improvement for trapper.
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I didn't expect Huntress out of all Killers to get a buff.
Skull Merchant now looks quite interesting, if they would increase the undetectable duration after leaving the area i think we have something interesting.
Deathslinger should get a 24m lullaby and real iron sights.
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He can't place under hooks.
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Trapper sack with 10 traps at start is gonna be amazing tho.
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He’s a trapper not a sorcerer ffs.
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Is that a new change? As I currently see Trappers placing one down to stop Deliverance. Although I've never actually seen whether it works or not.
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The way I didn't understand a single word while reading the SM rework.😭
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It was fixed in 2017 if i remember correctly. He has a small minimum range and survivors get like 2 seconds invulnurability from bear traps after unhook.
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Ah, I didn't start playing till 2021, so I missed that. I wonder why Trappers keep setting one up to catch deliverance?
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Feel like the devs kinda missed the point entirely on why no one uses furtive chase. You could raise the max tokens to 100 and it wouldn't matter...
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Probably new players that don't know that. It shouldn't work unless there is a bug.
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they could just have trapper start with all his traps... they could have him be like thor and like, magnet pull the traps from anywhere... or both of these.
but no... he's still the only killer that needs to go around the map to pick up his power to use it, and that after using it has to pick it back up or leave it there doing nothing.
"we know some traps spawn in the corners so they are essentially useless for the entire match. so we made more spawn to compensate" is not really a buff. it's a bandaid.
you would think that being in a world where every killer(not named myers) with a limited resource type power that just has it recharge somehow... would mean that trapper would get something... but no.
freddy, hag and I believe singularity all just replace the oldest thing with the newer one. which one can argue makes sense for freddy, but how is the physical drawing that hag did disappearing all of a sudden?
clown just holds a button.
artist, blight, bubba just... wait a bit.
huntress and trickster recharge at lockers... those are usually always close by and they never need to go to the corner of the map.
but trapper? no no no... you walk over there and grab the trap back up and then walk to where you want it and only then put it down. you would obviously be too strong if you could just set the trap down right away... or if you didn't need to walk a mini marathon around the map collecting the traps...
with all due respect... who cares?
do you think deathslinger just carries a billion bullets in his pocket at all times? his gun doesn't work on compressed gas or springs you know? how does he keep getting those?
or do you think clown has a miniature laboratory in his belly? and a bottle factory? maybe he just starts the trial with 5000 bottles in his back pocket...
huntress grabs 1 hatchet from the closet, but it turns into 5.
but oh no... trapper getting his traps without walking to them is what breaks your suspension of disbelief? c'mon
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The matchmaking has been giving me zero prestige killers alot recently, so that tracks 👍️
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The only issue I could see with him spawning with all his traps, is the potential for him to channel his inner Hag, and just set up a three gen right from the start. Him having to collect his traps at least gives survivors a chance to break the three gen before he can set one up.
I think he's genuinely difficult to balance. He's meant to be trash in chase, so it emphasizes the use of his power. But if his power is too strong, then you have a strong camping killer with a very low skill floor. Which is never healthy for the game.
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do you think deathslinger just carries a billion bullets in his pocket at all times? his gun doesn't work on compressed gas or springs you know? how does he keep getting those?
I don't have any comments on the substance of your post, but its a harpoon gun, it probably would run on compressed gas of some type.
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he literally loads a bullet in it. also, it fires with a boom. it's not compressed gas. it's powder based
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It only takes a second to disarm his traps. He cannot hold a 3 gen that well when the survivors are actively trying to break it.
Assuming they are actually looking for the traps and learning where it's safe to run of course.
Running early using the path you know is clear will always be too strong against trapper.
People are for some reason too afraid to give trapper very basic things. thinking he's secretly op or something... and that if you give an inch he'll beat nurse or blight.
No, giving him all his traps and letting him collect them without running a marathon is what allows you to not just play base defense. It allows for a more chase oriented build to actually exist.
It doesn't do anything for 3 gen trapper. The purple bag already exists.
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Meanwhile Mikaela is a what?