How Often do you play Dead by Daylight?

TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,684

Which category mostly resinates with you?

How Often do you play Dead by Daylight? 38 votes

OnryosTapeRentalsF60_31HerInfernalMajestykintenoresax[Deleted User]GuiltiisyainGarlicRiceSmoeEvan_ChikyrvzrvzrvzCorvusCorax86Depressedlegionleon_helpTheSingularityDubsaroniBlightedTrapperKevinK 23 votes
Weekend Warrior
NoOneKnowsNovaJudithMorel09SHARKBOSSkinupss 4 votes
Only when there's nothing else to do
Dhurl421Marc_go_soloIlliterateGenocideAurelleAoltreNashtliffSteakdabait[Deleted User] 9 votes
I'll quit school or work for competitive DBD
zoozoom6TheMetalOne 2 votes


  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Only when there's nothing else to do

    I kinda take breaks for a few days then get back into the game.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,994
    Only when there's nothing else to do

    Hmm, it used to be everyday, then i had a few months break and now its like 2-3 times a week

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 312

    Since breaking my DbD addiction last year I've tried to only play during events. But lately it's been near every day, mostly to get all my characters to P3 and save bloodpoints for Alien. Also working through the rift, but only for the Nick Cage skin. Almost nothing else in there interests me this time around.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,879
    Only when there's nothing else to do

    This is the closest. I play it more than other games, but I can go a few days without touching it and play other games around it for lighter or more story-driven experiences.

  • Khylwch
    Khylwch Member Posts: 14

    It was every day but the recent changes have really hurt the game. Micro managing the game play by devs. Huge changes without the devs taking into account the effects on the players

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,060
    edited October 2023

    Every day, but if the day was long and tiring at the office that might mean 1 or 2 matches only or if there is a BP reward spending it immediately. If I'm even more tired I'll check what you kind folks have to say here.

    This is only true when it comes to events or ongoing rifts. If there is no event with challenges and all rift rewards have been achieved I play it rarely.