Survivors who want the killers attention


I just wanted to put out a thank you to all the survivors who desperately want the killers attention. As a killer you are my mvp. Personally I love when a survivor wants my attention so bad that they keep following me, spam vaulting, etc. I just ignore them as, I'll be honest, about 70% of them are good loopers and time wasters. However by ignoring them they're actively being a detriment to their team and it makes the games usually a clean sweep. Does anyone else find this as hilarious as I do?


  • Farya
    Farya Member Posts: 94
    edited September 2023

    I just don't go for them most of the times, since my thoughts are exactly the same: they are good loopers. And since I don't want to feel bullied, I search and hope for other survivors in the game who fit my skill level more 😄

    But sometimes players like this even follow further. Like I already hear the footsteps behind me, when carrying someone to hook. And then there it is: the bodyblock. And sometimes even another surv is close to the hook as well, out of the blue and they blocking it and blocking it. And at this point, Internally, I've come to terms with the fact that I probably can't take more than one person out of the game. This behaviour of the people is something which makes me slightly furious inside, but I try not to fall for it and just go on gameing and still trying to have fun. Sometimes it's just swf I guess. And they have this one team member who is especially good at looping and this is the one trying to get your attention :P

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 211

    I love getting followed and leading them on a lovely long walk. The longer the walk the more desperate they get to get you to interact with you.

    It's hilarious especially standing at a top floor window when they can't do anything in front or behind.

    Amazing how quickly they become bored of locker spamming or pallet vaults behind you.

    Game ends with no hooks or kills I don't care. I just love that the survivor who sets out to bully the killer had no joy out of their toxic build and wasted add-ons.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 842

    It really depends. In the games im in, i usually try to get your attention to prevent you from tunneling someone if i seen you done it already. Lack of skills usually leads to desperate dirty tactics to win.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 808

    I had an Ace keep himself in madness tier 3 and spam screaming in my match just to get my attention, little did he know, he can't use flashlight in tier 3, so I was just picking up people straight in his oblivious face. After I killed everyone and finally gave him the attention he wanted, he went down in like 10s, and was extremely salty in the end chat, and left me a cute steam comment.

    I love people like him, but I kinda feel bad for his teammates

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,060

    It's a shame as they only ruin the match for others. I usually don't follow them as they are either 1) expert loopers or 2) if it is a late night match they are SWF and he is the designated, annoying person meaning the rest do their job without him. On a rare occasion I can smack them in a face and it turns out they are the fastest to go down. After that hearing the sound effect indicating the arrival of a bot is very exhilirating.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 684

    I will usually ignore until they get lulled into a sense of security and they start getting a little too close. Then when i've got my hooks on the other survivors, suddenly turn on them when I'm in an advantageous position, like a dead zone.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,153

    Obviously. I usually kill them last. Sometimes, when I kill their last teammate, I make them watch. 😁

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,746

    Treat them like anybody else. If they out of position I'll go for them and if the loop safe l won't bother

  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 141

    It is. Its so obvious that they only want to be catched. Mostly they never risk anything and run away with the first move. if you ignore em you basicly play a 1vs3 because they rarly make and gens and have a easy win

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,072


    Works for emails as well as survivors.