Lightborn back in action

Obviously lightborn has been around for ages. But 95% of killers stopped using it during the flashlight kill switch and funnily enough when flashlights came back I see killers using the perk every other game. Like, some killers used it before the kill switch but now it’s like more than ever. Which is kinda funny if you ask me. Just wanted to point that out. Has anyone else start to notice or have this happening?
I don't know why people take up a perk slot for light born,
once a survivor notices you have it they will just sit on gens instead of following you around all game to get saves.. in my opinion running it is detrimental
And when i play survivor Its fun to use the light born against themselves with my favorite baby: Object of obsession
Post edited by IlliterateGenocide on11 -
People are that scared of flashlights? The only time i'd say to use lightborne is if 3-4 flashlights even then though it's still less appealing that other perks. Just face a wall or hit them if you know they're around when you down someone.
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I use it becauses it's never not funny to see their faces melt when they realize Flashlight isn't doing anything.
Also with LP I get to punish them.
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I swapped it out for Fearmonger during the killswitch. But under normal circumstances, I'll almost always happily waste a perk slot on Lightborn.
Just let me chill and hook my survivors in peace. Besides, it's always good for a laugh. So hilarious to see a survivor try that one more time to blind you with their useless flashy as you're rushing towards them.
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I always run lightborn on Wesker, because he wears sunglasses, and he's too cool to let something as silly as a flashlight ruin his day.
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I used it before, and will use it again now. It was a relief without flashlights for me, I hate them. And I was able to run another perk. But now, back to lightborn.
At morning or noon I usually don't use it. But in the evening, especially on weekends, I do. Whoever plays killer on Friday and Saturday evening or night knows what I am talking about. And on some days, when I feel oversensitive, I even run my "Anti-Bully-Build" with LightBorn, IronGrasp, StarStruck and something else to add up, maybe Hangman's Trick or NOED.
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It is an useful perk.
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It's always a staple perk for me when I play killer. I know, I know, you can take action to avoid the Blinds, but the blinding effect is one of those things I find annoying (along with screaming and the Clown's bottle effect) so it's nice being able to chuck on a perk and something not be an issue anymore.
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I've never stopped to use it. Aura reading is more useful than you think and half of the people don't even realize you have it.
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I’ve been blinded plenty of times when I was starting point blank at a wall or corner. I’ve been blinded through shack wall as well, which shouldn’t be a thing. Heck, I can look down or up and still get blinded. Lightborn is nice to not have to worry about bogus blinds like that.
It’s also nice if you don’t stare at the flashlight user and act like you’re trying to avoid the beam. It may not work for the the whole match, but it can get you a couple of downs until they realize you have it.
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Thats why you should act like avoiding the flashlight beam, so they don't notice you run it right off the bat. Of course if the surv runs Object, thats futile, but OoO is pretty rare.
Even if it may be detrimental, sometimes I just want a chill round and not care about flashlights / flashbangs.
And let's not forget the blinding can happen from totally ridiculous angles. I know how to pick up ppl without being blinded, but still blinds go through. And in 80% of the time, it's blinds from outside my pov. I don't even SEE them blinding me on my screen, but still get blinded. Thats totally nuts, and one of the core reasons for me to run Lightborn.
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Lightborn is quite possibly the biggest trap perk for killers in the games history
Learning to angle yourself when picking some one up is something you need to learn. Using Lightborn not only prevents you from learning it (since theres no need to), but it also uses up one of your valuable perk slots.
I maybe get flashlight saved once every 10 games I see a flashlight, its really not a hard skill to learn.
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Most killer i face dont use lightborn anyway
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Well, players returned with 3 or 4 of them with flashlights in their hands. It is almost mandatory against the bully squads.
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It's not a perk for people who want to play competitively, learning to play better and using perks with maximum efficiency. It's a perk for people who want to just have fun at the game.
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The Value from lightborn against a 4man flashlight bullyteam is very high.
If you can counter with it all items that they have, its very strong. Imagine only using 3 perks but the survivors are not allowed to bring items. That can be lightborn (sometimes).
You shoulndt bring it every game but in my opinion it has its moments. You see even the best killer are getting blinded and loosing a hook sometimes
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Unfortunately, that's just cheaters.
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Thing is I don't play competitively. Hell you'll rarely find me even using gen regression.
Also if fun is your main priority, Lightborn reduces the amount of interactions you have with Survivors. If fun truly is your main priority there are many other perks out there that are not only more enjoyable, but useful as well.
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It removes the unfun interactions with survivors:)
Nothing is more enjoyable than not having to encounter a frustrating mechanic.
If there was a perk that would prevent survivors from teabagging I'd run that too.
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Sadly, no. Blind angles are pretty generous.
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What's so frustrating about it?
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Just learn to counter flashlights and don't let teabags bother you?
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Read the previous post.
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Half of it is that there's no reliable counterplay to being blinded. You can be a god gamer, but you will lose hooks to flashlights anyway. And if you are not a god gamer, it will happen way more often.
The other half is that when survivors make you work hard for that one hook, and it gets taken away, it feels bad.
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No reliable counterplay to being blinded?? brother I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I have some one successfully pull off a FL save on me a month. Its just about knowing how to angle yourself properly when picking some one up.
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But that still did happen, did it?
After all of that angling, you still got blinded.
That's why I say it is unreliable. Even the best killers out there are getting blinded from time to time.
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Y'know what you're right, using an entire perk slot for something that happens once every 200 games is definitely worth it.
Now if you excuse me I'm going to go run Unrelenting, just in case I whiff a basic attack as Nurse
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Forget about countering the flashy saves. I'd run it just to never to get chain blinded at a pallet ever again. And if you down a Survivor but they're not by a wall, I'm not sure what you're meant to do in this situation. You can look around to see if there's anyone nearby and chase them off, but that takes valuable time. Lightborn counters both situations completely. Makes it pretty useful, no? Survivors wouldn't bring flashys if they weren't strong items in the right hands.
But I run it mostly to make the Killer experience a more chill one and I'm sure plenty of other players do too. Perhaps there are more fun perks to run, but lightborn makes the game more fun for me and that's what really counts.
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You are arguing about one part of my arguments completely ignoring all other aspects.
Can't say anything good - appeal to sarcasm I guess.
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You can always use franklins.. but personally I've been using more infectious fright VS flashlights it also works very well since survivors pre position themselves when you down someone most of the time..
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I mean your main argument is there's no reliable counterplay, when there quite literally is. How am I supposed to take you seriously when you're trying to tell me something that works 99.99% of the time is "unreliable".
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There are arguments for using LB even if you know where to face when picking up. A Survivor chasing you all game for a flashlight save becomes even more useless when they do get into position for one at the end and realize they got outplayed by LB. They literally spent the time not doing gens and weren’t even rewarded for it at the end.
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That's why you hide it as long as you can.
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I see more flashlights than M1 Nurses.
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I don't have a problem with flashlight saves. I usually anticipate them and chase off the rescuer before picking up.
The vast majority of blinds I receive are at pallets. If I can avoid those it usually ends up with me closing the distance a lot quicker, likely due to them wasting time in their attempt to blind me.
If there's 3+ flashlights it's almost always worth it just to cut those chases short.
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I wish all my solo games had 1 or 2 flashlights in it so the killer would waste a slot on Lightborn or Franklin's
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youre right, should be running Enduring instead
silly me
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A good flashlight bully squad will give you some of the most miserable gaming experiences of your life. Lightborn is a QoL perk that makes Killer bearable. “Just look at the wall” does not help much squads who have 1000’s of hours in the game.
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There are occasional days where I am just not up for dealing with it, so I'll pop on lightborn if I see more than a couple flashlights. Honestly though, most of the time when I see 3+ flashlights, ESPECIALLY when they do a last minute switch, I'm a happy boi because I'm about to have a cakewalk game. It's easy enough to deal with and because I know what they are out to do, I can take the gloves off and go to town.
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I use light born a lot, mostly because I'm kinda lazy about avoiding flashlights. Don't have to think about it great.
Also you'd be amazed at how many players keep trying to blind you if you just pretend a lil to try and avoid the blind.
I get a lot of stalk progression and downs that way.
I see object of obsession maybe one in 10-20 games so it rarely plays a part.
The last minute switch to flashlights and the locker save exploit teams are rather common, lightborn just dumps all over that without me having to think.
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Why not?
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Bright flashes in a dark room are physically painful
Every flash hurts my eyes. It's better than when flashes were just plain white screens, but my eyes are still tired after working all day. It's nice to give them a break with lightborn