Difficulty Suggestion for "higher skilled" players, easy to implement (maybe)...

The idea of how RE Map was made smaller for a game can be added to other maps based on skill...

I recommend of shrinking maps by 20-30% by adding 'Rubble' and make it faster to go into action at the higher levels.

Skilled smaller maps should activate on these conditions...

if survivor has a record of 5 short and escape matches.

Escapes % as a gamer based on last 100 matches ( to avoid smurfing the account), and SWF's if surviving average is 60-80% and escapes based % on 100 matches.

For Killers to have a greater chance of activating this preference it should be base quite similar to survivor but also based on meta perks along with 4k kills.

I would like this conversation started and enhanced upon by the devs and it'll add more variety because people will adjust their playstyle at hi tier styles. All with just adding this type of adjustment without having to add more content, jus randomizing a section to cut out with a hard big or small walls of debris.

This may create more sense of urgency of survivors and gen defense when a player of either side has known all the ins and outs of this game and it will possibly separate the casuals from the sweatier, High skilled, SWF matches and make it more BALANCED. just based on my opinion.

I want this implemented but feel free to add to this convo so the devs and community can see this or at least think about it. 😊


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    It does not sound fun - the game suddenly deciding you need handicap against your will. If anything, MMR can become stricter, but that's it.

    Also - RIP all the killer win streaks if this was really implemented to work well in reverse too (and there is no recent-ish 500/1000 wins in a row for survivor SWF - but there are multiple of these for killers)

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,940

    Don't need to shrink maps, but making pallet count depend on MMR is a good idea as high level Survivors certainly have too many.

  • TwiztedMannix
    TwiztedMannix Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2023

    The fun came out when a SWF joins a lobby, my suggestion is just based on speeding up the killer's hunt since SWF's don't care about hiding and if in Hi MMR you are forced into high speed matches so this just "speeds up the thought processes" of everybody instead of making it sweaty at hi MMR, IMO. It brings back tension to this game, I've seen so many people not scared of killer's nearby and other people dodging chases for gen rush only games. I believe a random section of a map blocked (under a certain amount but not too much) should bring back some fun but for people with way more knowledge of the game. They want a fast game, so give them a fast game, think like Shipment in CoD.

    Do you have any recommendation or adjustment to make it less sweaty? I just want to be in a non sweaty SWF lobby for once.

  • TwiztedMannix
    TwiztedMannix Member Posts: 34

    I like that option also, it's a good quickfix. Wish that would be included or my post suggestion or whatever good ideas are out there also.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 279

    I fail to see why the game should punish you for playing well? Isn't the point of the MMR system to make your games harder as you get better, by pitting you against better members of the other side?

  • TwiztedMannix
    TwiztedMannix Member Posts: 34

    I'm only asking for a small squeeze or adjustment. Sure we want equal but the SWF is making it double hard to play against. Comms really do tip it to one side and I believe just a small change can help these sort of sweaty matches. It's not punishment, it just gets stressful on both sides. It's more like a speedrun game since SWF's like doing that so it speeds it up only for the highest MMR's who play in SWF's. No one is afraid of killer or anything, they come to play to feed ego's. The challenge is gone for hi mmr's so I highly doubt it's punishing them. I've noticed in todays Gaming communities forget it's about the challenge.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    I just don't agree with your accessment. High level survivors are turbo-effective, because otherwise it's certain loss.

    And that is fine. Some people don't want to be too effective and just want to mess around. That's why they are mid MMR.

    This applies to both sides equally. There are literally players with over 1000 wins in a row (meaning 3+ kills per game)

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,749

    When the matchmaking gets its chance to do its thing properly, the supreme sweats are supposed to always go against the supreme sweats, because they're all at that high skill level.