What the hell happened?

So, the last few weeks I havent won a single game as Killer. None. 0 kills, 3 hooks a game is what Im averaging.

Usually by the time I get my first down, within the first two minutes of the game, two or three gens pop one after another.

Im not the best killer in the world, but it feels like no matter what Killer I am using, from Pinhead to Xenomorph, Trapper to Deathslinger. Anyone. I cant. Get. A. Kill.

Ive tried tunneling, but there's so many instances of Endurance now thay it feels pointless to me.

My General build is Deadlock, Jolt, Save the Best for Last, Scourge Hook Floods of rage.

I thought I had plenty of slowdown, but Gens just fly left and right with all this. I have no idea what Im doing wrong, cause I think im decent in chase and in looping. Ive gotten use to the floodlight that comes out of my face for some stupid ######### reason, and hide it before trying to hit but nothing. I get stunned, blinded, flash banged, etc etc etc constantly.

At this point it feels like playing Killer is just a fancy word for playinf Victim. I have no control or power its all in the Survivors hands now. They have can have 16 different perks to go against my 4 and most of them are just speed buffs to everything they do. And its just...demoralizing.

Its to the point when I pick Killer my first thought is, "guess its time to keep losing".

Then I play Survivor and I have a 75% escape average. Like, what? Im not even afraid of the killer, its more my team mates im scared of cause if they ######### up I lose.

At this point im ready to hang up the killer mantle for good and never look at them cause I dont like feeling like im loading into a game to be bullied and harrased by 4 people who are vastly more powerful then my supposedly supernatural killing machine.


  • BowlofTofu
    BowlofTofu Member Posts: 45

    Skill issue?

    When majority of the players are running Made for This, Hope, Overzealous, Prove thyself, and god knows how many other perks that give them a superior advantage over my little jolt?

    I ould run pop, regress it by a bit but as soon as I leave thirty seconds later the gen is finished anyway.

  • Agt_Scully
    Agt_Scully Member Posts: 156

    I hear you! I noticed that I'm lucky to get a single sacrifice these days after 2 years and 2,000 hours of gameplay and using my best Killer. I'm running 3 gen slow-down perks yet Survivors are repairing in nano-seconds. I'm guessing the Survivor player base is just much better than when I first started playing DBD, as I doubt there are any noob players anymore.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Of course it's skill issues. Even in high MMR kill rate is probably at least 30% not 0%.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185
    edited October 2023

    Overzealous is not a good perk. Jolt is a significantly better killer perk than Overzealous is a survivor perk. I'm sympathetic to your frustrations and MFT is definitely something to be annoyed with, but Overzealous is not an issue in any way.

    On top of that, Pop and Pain Res are both significantly better regression perks than Jolt. Jolt is not a bad perk, but it's only something I'd slot in on killers who down purely with M1s, and even then I think Sloppy Butcher gives more slowdown on average than Jolt except on compact maps.

    Jolt is easy for survivors to play around. If they're in chase with you, they'll run as far away from the gens as they can, and if they're about to go down they'll get in a locker.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,828

    I would recommend swapping Floods of Rage for something else if you are struggling to get hooks and replacing it with something to either help you get hooks faster or a tracking perk that you can use in the time between the hook and unhook.

    I also wouldn't recommend using STBFL on every killer. On M1 killers and some killers like Demo its a good perk, but on others like Xenomorph you are better off running a different perk. It also requires you to be doing quite well in order to maximise its value, so maybe change it to something to help you earlier.

    Same with Jolt. M1 killers like Ghostface can use it well, but on someone like Xenomorph or Blight it is near useless and you are better off running something else to slow the game down.

    Some suggestions:

    • Corrupt Intervention - would help slow down the early game and not have to worry about 3 gens popping after the first chase. Lethal Pursuer is a good alternative as well.
    • Pain Res - rewards your hooks way more than Floods of Rage does. And you don't have to worry about kicking the gen like Pop.
    • No Where To Hide, BBQ, or Ultimate Weapon - much better tracking perks than Floods. You'll have much less down time with these perks than you do with Floods of Rage.
    • Sloppy Butcher - only for certain killers but is really good passive slowdown
    • Coup De Grace - one of the best chase perks for M1 killers. Doesn't require you to hit survivors multiple times like STBFL does yet still provides really good value.

    Also it might be useful to pick one killer and just focus on learning them rather than trying to learn every killer. Once you get good with a killer then you can start cycling through them and you'll find a lot of your knowledge from one killer can be used in a similar way on another killer and that might make things a bit easier.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    Two gens definitely pop in the first couple of minutes. Try using another build.

    Blood Favour always surprises even the most skilled survivors. I'm also having fun with my Lightborn. I always secure 1 or 2 kills with my Clown even against a strong team. Same with Nightmare who is an M1 killer. And I'm a pretty average player with 2K hours.

  • GaunterODimmDBD
    GaunterODimmDBD Member Posts: 119

    Show a footage of your match and we can se what's the problem. My guess is a skill issue.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I mean all of us are going against these survivors or perks. But yet, we are getting kills and wins. My killer wins are higher than my survivor wins.

    MfT needs to be nerfed for sure but the question is that: Are you sure MfT is the reason your loses?

    Other perks you mentioned is just fine btw, i don't even need to talk about them.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,590

    It might be you stumbled into a MMR bracket that you genuinely don't belong in just yet. When you reach a new MMR bracket it takes forever to drop down again and your matches are likely much harder than usual.

    It's also possible, that you aren't at your peak. This can happen when you lose a bunch of matches back to back and start to feel frustrated. In which case, the best you can do is take a break. Play something else for a few days, then see how you feel. Most of us here have probably done that too.

    Most killers are quite decent, if you play them right. However, playing a killer right is easier said than done. Pretty much every killer has something for you to learn and get better at and it's impossible to be super good with all of them. Pick your favorite killers and see how you can improve. YouTube can be a good source of inspiration. There are montages for every (other than SM, I think), that will show you a few things that you can do, if play well enough.

    You can always improve and for that it's better not focus on slow down but on information. This can teach you about survivor movements and allows you to take more chases.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I refuse to believe that majority of killers don't win more than they lose. Even when I play m1 killers I win most of my games.

    And as a surv not just me but several people I know can go on losing streaks often. But even then you will escape some eventually. And sometimes have w streaks but not as often as killer.

    If you don't have any health issues that might affect you I am sorry but I don't believe you. Unless you are completely new and played 10 matches tops so far.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    2 or even 3 gens popping early isn't all that rare, nor is it the end of the game. How ever it happening as often as you're saying as well as averaging 3 hooks a game tells me one thing, and that's you're overcommitting WAY too much on your first chase and probably and other chases afterwards. Learn when to let go, and split the pressure evenly between all 4 of them.

    Also you don't just "try" tunneling as its something you do when you see the opportunity presents it self. Tunneling to create opportunities is something very rarely done, and usually only works out if the Survivors you're up against aren't efficient in the slightest.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185

    It's doubtful that their MMR bracket is the issue. There's only really two MMR brackets. Low MMR and mid MMR.

    Low MMR is almost entirely comprised of new players and casuals who come in occasionally to play as their favorite movie monster characters.

    Mid MMR is... literally everybody else in the entire game.

    There is no high MMR bracket anymore. Everybody of average skill to high skill is lumped together in the same bracket in order to create match variety.

    We are coming out of the strongest killer meta this game has likely ever seen (Overcharge/Call of Brine/Eruption), at the same time as survivors got an extremely powerful new perk (MFT). I don't know how much OP utilized the Overbrine/Eruption meta, but if they used it a lot, games will definitely feel much harder.