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PC - Buried Underground Killer challenge can't progress

Oshiro_Piecewall Member Posts: 3
edited October 2023 in Bug Reporting

In the tome 3 Escalation Level 1 the killer challenge Buried Underground don't count the progress of survivors hooked in basement

Isn't a challenge to complete in a single trial, so must be counting the hooks, but it doesn't and in the end of trial it appears like 0

I tried the challenge with Hill billy and many maps like Ormond, Nostromo and Haddonfield even with wraith and it don't progress

If someone see this and can upload a video or image to confirm it will help a lot

Post edited by Rizzo on
3 votes

Duplicate · Last Updated


  • DutchDarkangel
    DutchDarkangel Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2023

    i just had the same issue as the trapper, i had 7 hookstates in the basment in a single trial and it also counted as 0 , any1 already gotten an ansher to this? but for me its on tome 16 level 3

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