[Quality of Life update] Map Offerings

gyajoy Member Posts: 44

I believe we’ve reached a consensus about adding new game modes, yet the issue requires a careful thought. If the devs just add new modes as an option in-game, it could spread out the player base and mess with matchmaking (waiting time and match quality).

What if they rework the map offerings so that they’d function as a gameplay modifier?

Some ideas for new modes offerings:

[Quality of Life update] Map Offerings 12 votes

all players get randomized builds
tenoresax 1 vote
survivors need to interact/collect stuff to fix the gates or other means to escape
09SHARKBOSS 1 vote
There’re no generators, nor hooks, only pallet loops and a 6-minute timer for hatch spawn. The game ends once the killer down all survivors or the survivors escape through the hatch.
Elocgyajoy 2 votes
I don't like it
Annso_xReverseVelocityViktor1853BarnesFlamChikyArchol123TheSingularityTommyDorkelson 8 votes


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,007
    I don't like it

    I don't think map offerings really need changing, just the more unbalanced maps.

    Having offerings that significantly affect gameplay like this would not be good. If you want to make different gamemodes like this then that'd be fine, but springing something like entirely randomized perks on a lobby by surprise wouldn't feel good for a lot of people involved.

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,633
    I don't like it

    I'm against it. I could see that being pretty chaotic (and a lot of Dc's).

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,348
    I don't like it

    I don't think other game modes would spread out the player base too much, it would rather bring back players or keep ones that are burned out of the same thing after years, community mods and such is what keeps games alive over decades, allowing players to make their own mods like in Starcraft, Dota, team fortress 2 and other games gives so much variety to the gameplay.

    As for your concrete ideas:

    1. Interfering with other players builds seems like a terrible idea, your own build OK no problem but imagine you are doing a tome challenge, are trying to get a certain steam achievement, adept for example, or want to try your build out and then the offering appears, that might ruin the fun of everyone else in the game.

    2. That would require players to know about it, you might as well do a seperat mode because with matchmaking still being a mess you might players that don't even know how this mechanic works, that might get really frustrating for everyone involved...

    3. So everyone plays stealthy for 6 minutes? Sounds horrible... And what if the killer finds the hatch or a hatch offering was in play? I wouldn't play that game mode...

    There are many cool ideas you could do as seperat modes, for example Oni/Billy/Blight Parkour or sliding stuff and such, Prop Hunt (I think Alf or someone already did a video about this on a private server), the thing is those mods already exist, just not on live servers, but the community already did them, why not just add them to game?

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,157
    survivors need to interact/collect stuff to fix the gates or other means to escape

    A, B, and C sound great unless they just bring no mither soul guard unbreakable

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    I don't like it

    The suggested game modes aren't bad at all, but making them into map offerings would be an absolute mess.

    Imagine trying to do a adept or testing a new build but someone brings a random build offering, or trying to do a challenge but there's no hook, gen or exit gates so you simply can't do them.

    I think the random build should be an option, everyone who wants can use it but people who don't aren't forced to. As for the rest they'd be fun but I don't think new game modes will exist outside of events unfortunately.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,157
    survivors need to interact/collect stuff to fix the gates or other means to escape

    you should not make them map offerings tho