BHVR.............please..............tell me how

Me, a prestige 100 Myers who win on average 25+ games in a row before losing one for 90 prestiges in a row with 4359 hours into the game get matched with someone who has 129 hours?
Can you SERIOUSLY explain to me how this can happen?????????
It's ridiculous. You'll get the usual explanations about backfills, population, etc. We understand that. We're saying these games shouldn't be happening.
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Like I said I win on average 25+ games with 3-4 kills in a row before losing 1 with 2 kills or less for 90 prestiges in a row, my MMR is beyond maxed out, it simply should not be possible for me to play against someone who has less than 5% of my hours.
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Myers main, I respect that.
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It is disgraceful its unfair on the killer and particularly the survivor. And to think this happens to most players. No one likes an easy win where they don't feel like they earned it unless they're extremely competitve. Toxic survivors love this when they are against a low MMR killer even medium MMR player if they are high MMR to take advantage of this and make their game miserable. I myself am a victim of this.
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The best answer we can get: Soon.
But this garbage matchmaking is in game for years.
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I don’t remember my last loss on blight.. probably on a 150-200 winstreak, and I still get low hour players who just hold W against me in open space. It’s pretty crazy.
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So are you saying backfilling shouldn't happen? (forcing everyone to requeue if one person leaves, or wait indefinitely for repeated matchmaking)
Matchmaking shouldn't expand parameters over time? (infinitely long queue times during offpeak hours, or when they're a large role imbalance)
Or are you saying "these matches shouldn't happen" like OP? (misunderstanding how the system works)
Because it IS theoretically possible to avoid these sorts of matches ever happening... if you're happy leaving the game queueing for hours waiting for this perfect match to happen.
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Horrendous matchmaking like OP is describing isn't rare, sadly. I've been both the hammer and the nail in many of them. I'm at nearly 4K hours and I have been matched against absolute default cosmetic, yellow perk, sub-100 hour potatoes many times. As a surv I am a very casual player and been matched against sweaty 10K hour murder machines.
These games absolutely shouldn't be happening, and MMR is near worthless, but I don't see much hope.
Current MMR criteria are too simple, and tightening up the matchmaking results in queue times that most players simply won't tolerate. They tested out more unforgiving matchmaking a while back, and it was pretty rough.
Not sure what the solution here is, but I'm not holding my breath. It's chaos and probably always will be.
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I just played in trio today, we were matched with 200 hours player, then with comp player with 8k hours, then with 2k hours player (our level), then with literally baby with level 1 perks from console. Same with killers we went against.
I'll say it again: I don't think MMR exists in this game at all. And if it does exist, then it absolutely can be recorded in the world's records book as absolutely the worst that has ever been in any game. No jokes.
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The alternative to what we have now doesn't have to be hours long queues. There's this notion that it has to be either the near free-for-all that we currently have, or 17 minute top 500 Overwatch queues. We had a better system when SBMM first launched. The devs just sort of panicked and nerfed the matchmaking to be less strict.
Backfills should obviously happen, otherwise lobbies would break. But there should be logic to backfills and players shouldn't be able to freely and repeatedly back out of lobbies. What's the point of having a matchmaking system at all when you can freely lobby shop with instant queues?
And no, matchmaking parameters should not be expanding to the point that me, an ex-competitive player with 4500 hours is being matched against survivors with 500 hours. That game will be over before they do 2 gens if I'm on Nurse or my other mains. Why give an instant queue to 5 players when none of them will be engaged with the match? What's wrong with a 1 minute queue for a better match?
I'm not proposing infinite queues for perfect matches. I'm saying that instant queues for terrible matches is a waste of everyone's time. We can do better.
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he's far stronger than people actually think
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While I don't think this was your issue, it's probably worth mentioning that I've been playing for 3 years but changed platforms at the start of the year. So my hours show as lower but I'm definitely not new. I was able to claw my way out of low MMR hell on the new platform quite quickly. Not every low hour player is necessarily new to the game. Having said all that, matchmaking needs some work - no denying that.
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Little baby medge thinking she can move her legs faster than the bleet
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It’s always the megs… they just hold W into oblivion never even looking back once… alch ring plus crow turns them into a sub 10 second chase.
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It also only takes like 5 wins in a row to reach the softcap. That's not undoable for anyone with over 100 hours.
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He's really not unless you're choosing the map.
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MMR is about as functional as twins was when a binding of kin came out. That’s why.
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What's a softcap? I assume there is also a hardcap. Any other caps out there in DbD terminology?
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Silly superstition. Some people believe that mmr only exists until you win 5 times.
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Yeah it's the lobby 🛒 shopping. And sadly we are doing it to ourselves
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P100 Myers Main.
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The MMR soft cap, which means the functional maximum MMR. In my explanation, I will use numbers that are purely for example because I do not recall the precise values that BHVR uses for MMR calculation, but the logic will be the same. For example, let's say that bad players are around 500 MMR, average players are around 1250, and strong players are around a soft cap 2000. In addition, there's the extremely strong players that make up a very small segment of the playerbase that have MMRs over 2000, and MMR does not have a hard cap and can build theoretically infinitely.
In order to find matches for those individuals that have extremely high MMRs far beyond the soft cap of 2000, when players enter the queue, the range of MMRs the game will deem valid matchups will be between 2000 and Positive Infinity. That means that, sometimes, a person who went on a decent win streak who has 100ish hours will be at 2100 MMR and may be matched with anyone between 2000 and 999,999,999,999,999 MMR.
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It's because mmr isn't real and it never will be its just a placebo because people used to complain about ranks back when that was a thing, so they claim they added mmr but in reality you just get thrown with the fastest possible match they can get you in , that's why nobody can see anyone's level they don't want you to realize you're just getting thrown around to whoever needs a killer
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I reached P100 for a reason and my win streak argument on my post isn't fake.
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I keep saying it to everyone I can.
Play with your food, enduring, Jolt/surge, nemesis with judith's journal and J.Myers memorial.
Simple as that, 90 prestiges with this build with the winstreak I mentioned, biggest one was around 70.
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Because current matchmaking is more like ‘quick match’ rather than SBMM.
And if it ‘actually’ works as Skill Based Matchmaking, then queue times will take longer for sure.
The most lame part is you can’t see your own or others MMR at all.
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Not even tombstone. Your are real hero.
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MMR doesn't work. Especially when the game is not about skill.
You can be the very best survivor and lose.
You can be the worst killer and win.
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A fellow Mikey main. Much love to you.
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Tombstone are for cowards! I play the game! >:D
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What is your build buddy?
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My usual build is corrupt, jolt, pain res and brutal strength. My go to add ons are dead rabbit and J Myers memorial.
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Matchmaking is entirely dependant on RNG and is decided by a slot machine
That's why you get comically mismatched games like this
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fair enough build, I suggest you try mine.
Play with your food, enduring, Jolt/surge, nemesis with judith's journal and J.Myers memo
give me updates on how it goes :)
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I've always been vocal about MMR, but unfortunately BHVR doesn't seem to care much about it. I think one of the big reasons people don't play DbD is that MMR doesn't work.
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Tp+jmm is his best combo imo but you need to pop t3 only when you are able to kill. Wasting it is a huge penalty.
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I don't like tombstone, it takes away any gameplay :(
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Fair, but it makes him strong.
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yes, but VERY boring
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"Softcap" is a buzzword BHVR used to avoid admitting that they've decided short queue times are more important for the game's success than having an even approachingly functional MMR. Since anyone that is at the cap is treated the same by the matchmaker, calling it a "soft" cap is disingenuous. It's just a cap.
And that cap is so low that all MMR really does is separate the newest of new players (sub 500-100 hours) from everyone else. Anyone above that can be and many of them likely are at the cap. Anyone decent at the game can handedly win 90+% of their matches (as killer or in a 4-SWF), and good players can go on winstreaks of hundreds if not thousands of matches if they use the strongest stuff and play hard. That's unheard of in any multiplayer game with even just the pretense of being "competitive". Let alone if they also claim to have an MMR.
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I'm sure many of you have seen it, but for anyone that hasn't, Otzdarva did a great video about how MMR actually works, or rather, by the title of the video, is broken
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Same way I hit an 8k hour survivor at 90 hours MMR is non exsistant
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because mmr doesnt care how many hours you have. thought this would be obvious
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Until he gets tier 3 and has not hit a single Survivor the whole game.
Do you use Tombstone? You must have an endless supply by now.
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Myers main detected
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MMR choosing who to match with who
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You don't pop t3 unless you are breathing down someones neck. That is how true Shapes play.
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Thank you so much for triggering flashbacks. This chapter broke my Xbox.
Then it got a tiny bit better and Nemesis shattered it again.