How does everyone feel about The Plague?

Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

I think she looks and plays awesome. She has a very rare playstyle and her Mori is disgusting, just the way I like it 💜 How about y'all?


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    I think she needs a little something more to be put in a decent spot, but the overall design of everything in the DLC is fantastic and every single person who worked on it deserves recognition and praise.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    im on console but so far im in love, however, i think she just needs a little bit of buff.

    I didn't even like want to comment on the topic because i love your name and the fact you pfp is michael myers.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    I’d like to see one of two things happen with her:

    1. Remove the the heal from the fountain.
    2. Allow her to leave all the fountains corrupted without them auto cleansing.

    Cleansing at a fountain removed the sickness and thus her ability to one-hit you. Fully healing AND cleansing at the fountain forces her to tunnel (which no one likes).

    If you allow her to leave fountains corrupted without them auto cleansing, you’re giving her to option to trade damage at range for map pressure by forcing the survivors to play around the infection more.

    Either of these changes would put her in a solid place in my opinion.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    @NoodleLegs LOL, aw thank you! Your name is funny xD

    But yes, I believe a lot of people are going to agree that she needs a little something to help her raise a tier in Killer level. She's amazing in the Design and Playstyle category though. Never would've expected the next Killer to be a female, let alone a female that vomits on people for a power 😂💜

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    @Unicorn I named it after wraith (even though at the time i despised wraith).

    I'm really hyped up to see what they do with her in the future.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    @Tarvesh this is actually good. I like the idea of allowing her to leave fountains corrupted, at least for a decent amount of time before cleanses. Its so funny because I really wanted something else to do as a Survivor besides gens, just to keep the game going for a little longer than usual and here BHVR goes adding in another task. It isn't as time consuming but hey, it'll do. I appreciate it a lot.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I'm really looking forward to her release can't wait to start puking on everyone. I honestly don't think she needs any real changes, although I think it would be nice bonus if the fountains didn't Auto cleanse; to give you more versatility with how much pressure you can apply. Survivors would have to get a little more tactical in when they choose to heal.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    Bro, they could have done some amazing things with her add-ons, all her add-ons mainly affect her numbers, do "something" faster, have "something" happen faster. Where are my spicy add-ons that change the way i play her?

    Overall she is mid-tier imo, but my god the add-ons are horrible, only unique ones are the two pinks and the apple add-ons. Seriously where is my blindness add-on, she is ######### puking all over survivors. Having 80% of a killers add-ons affecting numbers only is BORING. Look at any other killers add ons and they trump hers.

    Where is my add on that removes corrupt purge and does not allow for fountains to reset after all have been corrupted. Powerful? Yes. But that could have easily been a pink add-on. The current ones are meh, the purples all affect numbers and don't alter game play, just makes things happen "faster".

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    @NoodleLegs LOL

    Heres a picture of Kate praising Lord Noodlelegs 💜 ENJOY!

    But yes, me too.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    @DemonDaddy Me tooo! 😩 She reminds me some much of a greek goddess just with how tall she is. I believe shes the tallest killer atm. But yes I can agree with the change of the fountains not auto cleansing, or at least giving her some control over how long it takes to auto cleanse.

  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    For me she's pretty fun to go against. I can't say much for playing her since my only experience with playing her is waiting in a lobby for an hour with no one joining and then closing the game. Seriously, how have people gotten public matches in the PTB?

  • Pingo
    Pingo Member Posts: 11

    She actually kind of freaks me out a bit. I think she's an interesting killer and gives a new way to play killer (which is what a new DLC killer should aim to do when released). She can be either really powerful or kind of lacking in some ways. I think the cleansing pools should only remove the broken status and the illness. Play With Your Food will be a good perk to run as vomiting on survivors doesn't take away from it (I think). She can become a 130% speed multi hit huntress with Play With Your Food and corrupt purge!

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    She's cool

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614


  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    The Plague is fun but she has a major design flaw.

    Since you'll be chasing survivors until you purge them into the broken state for an M1 her chaser emblems are absolute garbage as you spend too much time in chases.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    I think the people calling her weak, especially at red ranks, are forgetting that a lot of people weren't prepped in advance for the PTB in terms of bloodpoints and dailies. As such, fully prepped squads of survivors were facing off against a person not yet used to the killer they had just received and were doing so with 1-3 perks at best, odds are not even at max rank of said perk.

    In terms of the killer herself, I only really managed to get about 6-7 matches in but I throughly enjoyed what I saw of her. She's a lot more balanced then Legion that's for certain and can easily be tweeked without totally shattering the meta.

    While certainly not a weak killer I do feel she needs a couple tweaks. As I've said a couple times, her melee attacks feel a little wonky, almost as though her lunge range isn't quite as long as other killers are. I also don't feel like, for whatever reason, every hatchet-sized chunk of puke is capable of hitting a survivor. It feels like only every 2-3 chunks of vomit are capable of doing anything to a survivor.

    She, and the chapter as a whole, definitely feel in a whole lot better place then chapter 10 did and I look forward to seeing how the tweaks come for her down the road.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    Like i want to vomit

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Best looking killer by far, IMO. I'm on PS4 so I'll reserve judgment on how she plays.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    My only problem with her is that survivors decide whether she gets her power or not. It is true that them being broken helps you but good survivors don't have too much problem with that tbh. Especially since dead hard is a meta perk and a lot of good survivors use it, they are not even one hit down if they make a mistake when looping.

    There should be a significant drawback for them to want to heal themselves with a fountain. Maybe make it so that if you can make 3 of the survivors sick, you instantly get your corrupted power or something. They should feel like it is dangerous to not use a fountain, not a walk in a park.

  • 3amcheese
    3amcheese Member Posts: 17

    So far, very mixed feelings. Ive discussed something similar via another topic board, but I believe she needs tweaking from what I've read and seen. The idea behind her bile pile up on everything is a bit excessive. It would be cool to see more status based effects. The mori reminds me of deadspace pukers. But, Deadspace was more vicious with it. Uh, Im just on the fence all in all.

    This is coming from a killer main.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    OP, there is no counterplay to vomit. - prove me wrong. she's too fast for a ranged killer and her power while creative and fun - for killer, it's just a slaughter against survivors. Can't avoid vomit from looping, windows or pallets. She has no charge to vomit, can vomit without the meter being full, she's an almost insta 1 down killer with the vomit into broken aspect. Simply put her speed is too fast. That's her biggest problem. There's a reason huntress doesn't have fast speed. The infection of objects is very interesting too, but perhaps OP. So far I haven't seen anything about how long things stay infected. As far as the artwork, and graphics of it, very nice. But the balance is way off.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    She is cool <3

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    Mark my words, as is she ranks with Nurse, Spirit and Billy, yes in that order. I also called Spirit being strong before her post release 'whoosh' nerf, and she's still top tier. - with the nerf.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    Spirit got buffed continuously even after her release, which nerf are you talking about?

    She was terrible at PTB.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    i'm on console so i haven't been able to play as and against but i like what i see and am looking forward to playing as her.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    ATM I'm not excited for her anymore, the only thing I want from her right now is her perks. Hopefully when the Devs let us know what their tweaks are for her I'll be excited again, I'm in love with the play style she should have, infecting and spreading disease, but she can't really do that effectively so all she can do right now is vomit on one person until their Broken. That's boring for me.

    But I do love that I can knock someone down and vomit on them :D it's so humiliating <3

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited March 2019

    Well like everyone else I thoughr she was ######### yesterday.

    I've gone in today trying new strategies, the one tru3talent has been showing off. I've also switched out some perks.

    You know what? I did extremely well. We're talking 1 gen done well. She's much stronger than you woukd think. Granted I didn't get the most tryhard of tryhard survivors today, no wall hugging p3 claudettes but it was still good.

    I feel that the puke can be a bit random though. Sometimes you get them with a full stream or a stream and a bit and they quickly become broken. Sometimes it looks like you're hitting them with 3 streams and they still aren't broken.

    Having said all that in some games it can be scary how quickly she is downing survivors. It's really quick.

    On a side note I really underrated that Fright perk. I thought it was mostly for noobs who get flashlight stunned but no it's a damn useful perk. Especially on Plague as you can spit on a survivor so they run off to a fountain then you come back to hook the slugged one.