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New Status Effects

LucaDuca11 Member Posts: 17

I think it's about time some new status effects got introduced, it would shake up the gameplay and provide something else for perks to be built around, as it seems like every new perk that comes out now is just, exhausted this, endurance that, blindness or auras everywhere! So heres some thoughts on new status's and feel free to add your own in the comments.

Unbearable pain: The pain you feel is immense, and unbearable, survivors inflicted with Unbearable Pain produce louder and more frequent grunts of pain for as long as the effect lasts.

Deafened: (this already exists in the games files but isn't utilised) when you are inflicted with deafened your hearing is impaired, preventing you from hearing important sounds.

Shock: The horror you've witnessed overwhelms your mind for a brief moment, survivors afflicted with shock are unable to perform reactionary actions, such as stunning the killer with pallets, flashlights, firecrackers, or flashbangs, this lasts so long as the survivor is afflicted.

Disoriented: When a killer or a survivor is afflicted with Disoriented, auras will be hidden, fabricated, or moved for a duration. essentially, lets say there is a perk that "disorients" the killer after a pallet stun, while they have the affect, some of the generator auras, or any other auras they see, will be hidden, or moving, or fake ones will b e fabricated and shown, basically like doctor illusions but for all kinds of auras while you have the effect. this can be applied to both killers and survivors.

of course, with these being status effects and not perks, this leaves the door wide open for many perks in the future that can allow for these effects to be applied in different ways to both sides, keeping the gameplay fresh and interesting for everyone.


  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I would like to see some new mechanics added to the game. The only downside is that it would further raise the game's skill floor. Although BHVR could fix that to a certain extent with a more robust tutorial system.

  • DBDnerd
    DBDnerd Member Posts: 24

    Sloppy Butcher REWORK Idea.

    When a Survivor is Hit with a Basic Attack, they are inflicted with Mangled, Hemorrhage, and Unbearable Pain for 100/110/120 seconds.