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stop quitting

XombieJoker Member Posts: 58
edited October 2023 in General Discussions

ffs I understand that some killers are a pain to go against, but give the game a chance that the killer doesn't play like a jerk. Was doing 2 daily rituals for Knight, one to chase and one to hit survivors 5 times by guards (because I scrapped a ritual to sacrifice 2 with Hag cuz, well Hag). In the offering screen there was an RPD offering and I figured I could get that busted basement tome challenge worked on. Right at the start, Meg and Nancy was not having it. They both ran up to me and wanted out without dcing. Hooked em in the basement for a 2 count. Let the other 2 finish the gens and double hooked em in the basement to get my 6 count and let them out. Main point, don't be so hasty to dc from a match.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    One of the reasons I like slugging; they can dc or play the match out with zero option of suicide. When I played with hooks it always bothered me when someone would suicide on 1st hook and screw everyone over for entitled reasons like the killer, map, or a rough start.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Yeah, I probz get DC’d on the most when I max lacerate, or down Survivors w blades “too quick” into the chase for their liking, w Trickster.

    Even more frustrating is when I down red-circle Survivors as Sadako and they DC just as I get near them. I never mid-match mori ppl unless they’re waving me over communicating that they’re intentionally condemned n wanna see me give ‘em the creepy-eye👀🧟‍♀️

    If ppl would just chill for a bit, they’d see their game isn’t over and be able to enjoy a nice, hooking for a change… buuut ppl🙄

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,780

    I played 3 huntress matches in a row where survivors just threw in the towel on hook 2 or 3 usually 2 or 3 different survivors first hooks I might add

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    Ah come on the usual killer bashing comment... start using Blood Favour and you'll see an increase in DC-ing. There is nothing wrong with Clown.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960
    edited October 2023

    The worst i have had games where the Killer has almost no pressure, maybe a hook or two and then one survivor gets downed and decides, "I'm going to kill myself on my first hook"

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I like a challenge in my games. Some people want easy wins. If you don't wanna challenge and you just want a game where, You're Winner! Then play Big Riggs or Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

    Don't DC. Just play the match.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    This kind of behavior will just lower the skill level of Survivors over time if the majority is conditioned to just dc when things don’t go their way.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,052

    I don't know what's happening lately. I have never seen it this bad. Every game I play someone is DCing or letting go on hook. I just had a game against Legion, he wasn't tunneling or camping or anything, and two people let go on hook and one DCd. We were doing good too, it was a winnable game as far as I was concerned. It seems like as soon as one does it, everyone else just decides its pointless to keep playing and they give up too.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 410
    edited October 2023

    It may be of interest to ask why they are dc'ing. If you start with the assumption that everyone is looking to enjoy a match, why would someone sit through queue only to dc right away. I promise you it isn't because there was just a killer. These survivors are bearing the trauma of untold previous matches where they had zero fun. They learned the lesson (incorrectly maybe), that their fun is increased if they go next.

    IMO this situation has grown to the level it has, because behavior is so slow in identifying problems that compromise the fun of the game for both sides. They only seem to react, when the problem is so large it might threaten the ongoing viability of the game. I'm thinking of the patch where they introduced new animations to survivor and it made juking killers impossible. There was a mass exodus of survivors, and Behavior was damn quick to undo that change.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,552

    Had a p100 survivor run to where I was repairing a gen, slam a pallet and locker jump to get the Killer's attention, got themselves hooked and noped out. It was Huntress on temple of Purgation. The rest of us escaped. What can the Devs possibly do to stop that level of entitlement?

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,052

    Yeah I'm inclined to agree. I've played for a few years now, and know people will always DC over silly things. That will never change. But I think when it gets to such a point, where it's happening so often, it may be a symptom of a bigger problem.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 562

    Or hear me out...

    Some killers are terrible and you should not blame survivors who want to leave. Let me ask this if you go against a SWF with breakdown no mither boil over and go to eyre of crows, are you obligated to stick the match out? Or if it as an actual 4 man SWF who just try to be pain. Because if that's what people think then you cannot complain when people play like that.

    Some killers are just poorly designed, the Knight for starters. If somebody is quitting before they played badly, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot fix rage quitters, but most of these are not rage quitters they are people who are not having fun.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,334

    This is just my own anecdotal evidence but i feel most survivor quit do to killer tactics. I play nearly every killer besides nurse /blight/spirit and on average i get onc dc every 5 games. I mostly go for 12 hooks with little to no tactics and get about 1 dc every 5 matches. Any time i do tunnel or camp the chances of a dc sky rocket significantly.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    RPD. Horrible set of maps most people don't want to play on. I hate it on both killer and survivor, even though some killers have an advantage on it. Playing killer I've had entire survivor teams find me wanting me to kill them to get out, then thanking me in EGC. When I land on it as survivor I just park on a gen until I'm found then go next.

    Legion. In any Legion trial expect at least one survivor to DC or suicide out asap. Similar to Nurse trials where you get a DC as soon as the Blink sound is heard. Killer can be a complete noob, doesn't matter. DC timer > mending sim + unblockable aura reading.

    This. Survivors suiciding/DCing and killers DCing/AFKing isn't happening because they don't want to play. There's either something in the current trial or a precedent set from various other trials that've led them to this point. If it seems like it's happening more often lately, you have to ask what's changed lately to encourage it.

    It's not hard to tell, either. It's a vicious circle. Survivor meta is all about stacking haste/vault speed/resource aura reading/plus endurance and bringing boosted items. This over extends chases and negates time put into chases for many killers, while popping gens crazy fast, frustrating killers into either dropping the trial or AFKing partway through. At a certain point, if they still want to play, killer players are changing up killers from their usual main to ones that have speed, insta-downs, or another trick to help bypass the builds or otherwise catch up fast. Hence why killers like Wraith, Wesker, Ghostface, and such are among the top killer picks. Survivors start to hate going against these same killers over and over again, so they DC/suicide out of trials because they don't want to deal with them anymore. And on, and on, and on.

    The funny (yet not) thing about all of this is a lot of players on the forums seem legit confused as to why players behave this way. What's sad is there's really not much that can be done about it from the player side, as this is the meta that BHVR has pushed the game into with their painful perk creations/revamps, and they're being their usual non-communicative/non-responsive selves in player feedback about the problems. Instead, continually pushing out more problematic content for the cash grab.

    Something really needs to happen to shake BHVR hard so they start working on these aspects of their flagship game like a company should.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 644

    I do use that perk from time to time and I have yet seen someone Dcing against it.