DBD is slightly killer sided (and that's great!)



  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    I mean, if you simply look at the kill rates vs win rates you can see that they are way out of the 60/40 goal.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    Oh, I totally agree with you that the game absolutely doesnt aknowledge any teams existing outside the swf lobby. Maybe shouldve said it out loud ;P

  • Cypherius
    Cypherius Member Posts: 150

    Just because they did not repeat mention of the feature does not mean they did no implement it, this would not be the first time an change is added without the patch notes mentioning it.

    What logs, if you don't mind me asking? I did find an article here in the forums as well that mentions team based ratings at least.

    As for your math argument: It is an inherently flawed. As you are oversimplifying the matter and assuming that a 60% kill rate is always a result of 2ks and ocasional 3ks. This is a snowball game where 0/1 kills and 4 kills are also quite common .

    Your argument also fails to account for the different skill levels and the gap between Swf and Solo and how skill floors can affect kill rates. And most importantly it fails to account how bad and inefficient the average solo survivor player is.

    We don't have any recent data from the devs when it comes to kill rates. The last one we got is outdated and from a very different meta. Nightlight' data may not be ideal but at least its recent. it shows a kill rate of 52% (as of writing this post) despite how bad the average solo player is. Killer is getting a 52% kill rate on average. This indicates that the role is underpowered at the higher levels of play while not being strong on the average level of play.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    No mention to any changes on matchmaking, or MMR, or anything team related. And the only mention on the dev logs are in this one before the patch was launched and that article you screenshot was written:

    If you follow the link from this twit, that is supposed to be the same one that you found in Steam with an included explanation, you would see the link is broken as the article was deleted:

    There is also no dev log for November in the list, jumping from October 2022 to January 2023. So, if you have a post of that exact same article / dev log here, post it, as I wasn't able to find the original source (I didn't look at Steam as my thought was that it would has being also deleted from there).

    But in conclusion, the only proof that such a system has ever being implemented is the Wiki, as they data mine things from the code of the game itself. And according to the Wiki, this system only affects survivors grouped in a SWF squad, not when you are SoloQing:

    And about my math, seriously, you guys should look what averages and percentage are and represents. It's not oversimplifying, it's pure math (60% of 4 = 2.4. 100 matches = 400 survivors, 60% of 400 = 240 survivors killed = 2.4 survivors killed per match in 100 games).

    And you can't balance a game based on the skill floor of the players but the skill ceiling for multiple reasons, starting with if you balance the game based on the players with low skill that doesn't know how to play the game effectively, those who do know would crush everybody else.

    And as I said, what Nightlight is showing is that even there survivors are winning more than killers on average right now for a small percentage.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    If you read the responses that specially @Firellius are making to me explaining in detail why BHVR wants that number and why it is having the game balanced a hundred times already, you would see that obviously it is not even enough to simply say that is what it should be.

    I already responded to you: I already explained everything multiple times. If you still doesn't get it, you should first learn what an average is and what it represents, second stop merging all killers in the same bag when you should see each one of them as an individual thing in terms of balancing with survivors being a whole entity as every survivor play exactly the same gameplay wise, and third keep re-reading all what I said until you get what I really said and meant.

    If after all that you keep not understanding it, it's your fault and something is preventing you from seeing reality. I can't do anything more for you.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    I already responded to you: I already explained everything multiple times.

    You did not explain anything. You keep refusing to answer. You keep refusing to consider the math.

    If you still doesn't get it, you should first learn what an average is and what it represents

    Do you? Because you seem to be confusing it for the median.

    second stop merging all killers in the same bag

    Switching tracks again. Not that it fixes anything, because whether we're talking about an individual killer or killers as a whole makes not a lick of difference for the purposes of this conversation. Which is probably why you bring it up now to begin with.

    If after all that you keep not understanding it, it's your fault and something is preventing you from seeing reality. I can't do anything more for you.

    I'm going to ask this question for the third time, because you keep dodging it. I know why you're dodging it, but I just want to make sure it's clear to you why you're dodging it. That you don't have any more pretence about having a proper understanding of this subject.

    How do you intend to raise the kill rate, while lowering the killer win rate?

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We recommend actually answering Firellus' question as we believe otherwise you 2 are going to keep going in circles.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685
    edited October 2023

    Can you have a 40% win rate and a 60% kill rate? Yes, it is theoretically possible.

    The problem is there is a natural inverted bell curve in the % of games that fall within the 5 outcomes for the killer. The highest amounts being 0k and 4k while the lowest is a 2k with 1k and 3k being in-between. This isn't an issue of balance, it's inherent within the current game design. There is no way that I've been able to work out to make a bell curve with 40% of the match results falling in 3k and 4k, while still maintaining a 60% kill rate.

    The reality is what many have been saying forever - kill rates are a bad metric.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Again, i know what you are saying, but it makes no sense to me. Maybe you want to explain it futher then you and others have?

    The reason why i dont understand your points is that i find You examples all irrelevant. Why?

    Because if the math is (or would be, we dont know) correct and killer really need 60% killrate to reach a 50% winrate, it will automatically drop the winrate on every survivor to 40%. Which then drops the winrate for 4 individual players to 40% and for 1 single player to 50%. That is not the right approach for any kind of game.

    Dead by Daylight is not a competetive 4v1 challange. Every person feels his own win or loose. This is not CS GO. Almost no survivors sits down after the game and thought about the game "well, only 1 got it, so we lost the game" if he is the one. He won. If you get out, you win, if you dont, you loose.

    Sure, some see it different, but that is then just a subjective feeling about the game in general. If you dont care to get killed, then this would not bother you to much.

    So in short. From your example, 1 player (the killer) benefits because he wins half of his matches on the cost of 4 other players who loose 60% of their matches individually.

    Feel free to correct me.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    I already answered all his real questions. The ones that I didn't answer are his mental gymnastics and tries to distort what I said. For example:

    I say: We get all killers across the board to a point where that kill rate on average is achieved by either general buffs or nerfs to killers and/or survivors

    His answer: Please explain to me how you intend to raise the kill rate via killer nerfs or survivor buffs. Or conversely please explain to me how you intend to lower the killer win rate via killer buffs or survivor nerfs.

    When have I said that? Nowhere. But he interpret it like that, because the other way around won't fit his narrative as obviously you get kill rate average higher by buffing all killers or nerfing survivors, and vice-versa if what you want is lowering them. And when you already got the 60% kill rate, you make every killer have a 2.4 average of survivors killed per match by buffing or nerfing every killer individually, as every killer has it's own powers and stats so they need individual balancing. That's what I said, and that's what he refuses to see.

    So, again, I'm not going to answer any of his fallacies and mental gymnastics because I already responded to his other questions with the logic for it and the math behind it. I'm not going in any circle, I'm sticking be the math and facts. If he still insist in not accepting it, it is on him.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    And with enough people doing 0K and 4K, you will get an average of 40%. Seriously, I don't think the concept of an average is so complicated to be sp hard to understand.

    And if getting too much 4K or 0K is not "an issue of balance", why are survivor non-stop asking for Nurse to be nerfed or killers asking for Trapper to be buffed? Maybe because of the balance and how they work they are able to get more or less kills?

    And kill rates is a bad metric, if you only stick by the number without realizing the math and logic that explain why it need to be an specific number. Something that I already explained here, but all of you still try to deny with whatever comes up to your minds to do so.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    First, it's 40%, not 50%, and as I has already explained in other post, a win for a killer is a 3K according to MMR. So, 60 kill rate = 40% win rate for survivors and for killers (even if for this to be true, every single killer need to be as close as that 60% kill rate as possible).

    That's why BHVR wants the kill rate around 60%, as that is half the job to balance the game done. Maintaining that 60% they only need to balance each killer so his individual killrate is around the 60% and then every single one of them and the survivors would have a 40% win rate ON AVERAGE. Meaning, no every single survivor would just win 40% or every single killer kill 60% in reality, there would be people that do more or less than that, but ON AVERAGE there would be 2.4 survivors killed per match.

    And last time I explain it.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    When have I said that?

    It is a consequence of what you are arguing.

    You want to push for a 60% kill rate because according to you, this guarantees a 40% win rate.

    The current statistics are a 53% kill rate, and a 46% win rate.

    This question is intended to make you actually think about what you are saying.

    How do you intend to raise the kill rate from 53% to 60%, while lowering the killer win rate from 46% to 40%?

     So, 60 kill rate = 40% win rate for survivors and for killers

    This is the problem. This does not follow from what you are saying. And you've been avoiding thinking about since Ratcoffee pointed out that this is not true.

    That is why I am trying to get you to answer the question:

    How do you intend to raise the kill rate from 53% to 60%, while lowering the killer win rate from 46% to 40%?

    Because then maybe you might realise that the current statistics on Nightlight are at odds with your assertion.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    See? I explain, in detail, how you get to a 60% kill rate and that would be the only way that lead to an equal 40% win rate for everybody, and his response is:

    Should I really need to explain it to him again? Should I make him an sketch to see if he understand it better? Or should I just assume that however I explain it to him he would still not understand for the simple reason that his bias makes him not wanting to understand and move on?

    So I'm not going in circles, I'm just taking option 3. He has the answer to his question posted multiple times already in this thread, he can re-read them the times he needs. In fact, the post above his has the answer simplified.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685
    edited October 2023

    Show me a distribution curve between 0-4k that results in 40% win rate for individual survivors and the killer, a 60% kill rate, and an average kill per match of 2.4, and I'll concede. I've been playing with this most of the day, and I don't think it works.

    Post edited by Maelstrom808 on
  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    At this point, yes. Especially since we've only seen anything remotely resembling an actual answer to his question way after the fact.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    "I explain, in detail, how you get to a 60% kill rate and that would be the only way that lead to an equal 40% win rate for everybody"

    No, you don't. You assert it, but you don't explain it. Because you cannot explain it. You keep dodging the question, asserting that you don't need to answer it, because you know what'll happen if you try.

    Let me try and make an analogy for what is happening here, and hopefully you'll get it.

    There's a group of ten people. One of them has no arms. This means that, on average, the people in this group have 1.8 arms.

    -I- assert that, given only the average number of arms, we -cannot- deduce what percentage of people have fewer than 2 arms. It could be one person with no arms, or two people with one arm.

    -You- assert that you know, for a fact, that the 1.8 average -must- mean there are two people in the group with one arm, and that there could not possibly be one person with no arms.

    Curtain rises, we see the group. Clearly, one person has no arms, while the other nine have two arms.

    You -see- the line-up, and turn to me, and tell me, to my face, that you are still correct about your assertion that there -must- be two people with one arm each, and that my insistence that this group with an average arm count of 1.8 does -not- have two guys with one arm each means that I simply do not understand it.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    No, in that case, what I would be saying is "the average shows that between all of them, 2 arms are missing" and you said "Aha! There was only one person without 2 arms and you are saying that 2 of them only had one arm, so you are wrong!". I never said that only two people would only have one arm, it's only in your head because you are trying to prove me wrong at all cost.

    But whatever dude, I don't have anything more to say to you.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    ...Honestly we don't know why we bothered trying as this is the point where both have lost the point of the discussion.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    For the sake of [BEEPING] closure. From our understanding:

    Batusalen: You are arguing that increasing the kill rate for killers will give both sides a 40% win rate average eventually. Your saying that first buffs to the kill rate then nerfs accordingly on an individual basis to effectively try and hammer the win rate to 40%.

    Firellus: You wanted an detailed answer on how increasing the kill rate will lower the win rate, probably in a more immediate time frame. At the moment, we not honestly sure what you want. You and the OP have shown that a 60% kill rate does not always equal to a 40% win rate and want to know how Batusalen's method would work.

    Are we understanding this correctly?

    Four our own 4 cents to at least be semi on topic: We think how sided it is depends on how many sided maps there are as most our harder matches are determined more by map/killer combination than survivors themselves. (Barring occasionals)

  • XshyguyX
    XshyguyX Applicant Posts: 107

    Then I must have played against those couple dozen survivors at 3am last week. Holy crap it went from average games to BAM!!! 4 matches in a row of me getting spanked. And here I was thinking I'm a slightly above average killer after playing for 6 years. I had a hard reality check that morning.

    Those are the kind of matches where you step away from the game for a few weeks. Oof.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    "No, in that case, what I would be saying is "the average shows that between all of them, 2 arms are missing""

    No, that'd be the equivalent of -only- talking about kills, but the issue is specifically about your assertions about wins.

    Your problem is that you do not understand the distribution of outcomes.

    Your 'explanation' is built in a system that has only 2Ks and 3Ks. You think that 'average' is a magical word that will, by itself, eliminate the weighted distribution that DbD has, even though Nightlight shows that this is not the case.

    You seem to be under the misapprehension that, on average, the kill distribution will fall into a neat, even distribution of outcomes, but we already know it won't. It doesn't.

    The question I asked is meant to illustrate that, but you keep dodging it. You keep saying 'I answered it!' by showing you stated again that you'd just set everything to 60% kill rate, but you didn't think this through:

    If the current win rate at 53% killrate is 46%, what do you think is going to happen if you add in more kills?

    If you buff killers to make their kill rate increase, do you not think that this will make them win more, too?

    Let me try and illustrate it another way.

    You state the following:

    60% kill rate is 240 survivors killed over 100 matches. This is, on average, 40 3Ks, with the rest being 2Ks, and thus a 40% winrate for the killer.

    This is what it would average out to, correct?

    Now I'm going to try to run this with the current Nightlight stats:

    53% kill rate is 212 survivors killed over 100 matches. This is, on average, 12 3Ks, with the rest being 2Ks, and thus a 12% winrate for the killer.

    This is what it would average out to, correct?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Let me try it for the final last time in very short. I need you to read first, then post, since you completly ignored what i even said and you just repeated yourself. What you are saying is not crazy complicated science.

    Your explanation on wins might be true, i am not denying that at all! The math might not be 100% correct, but the overall concept is for me very sound.

    But. it. does. not. matter.

    An imaginary "win" is completly irrelevant for the game and it is a tremendous mistake if the developers want to aim for that nonsense. Because in the end of the day, this game can only be balanced around 3 things:

    • Hook count
    • Killrate
    • A mix between both of those

    Your examples actually even prove my point. If 60% killrate is fine, it is only fine for the imaginary "winrate" on killer. What does a "win" in terms of ballancing even mean? Why should anybody care for winning 40%, drawing 20% and loosing 40% on average?

    If killer perform with a 60% killrate (no matter how that resulted!!) they perform above average. If individual survivors escape 40% they escape below average. Thats it. No more, no less.

    Kind regards

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    To address a couple points. You CAN increase the kill rate and have the win rate drop. You can see it in the spread sheet i added above. The thing is you can only do it a few percentage points before the natural distribution of kills gets so out of wack that you simply will not see it in normal gameplay.

    Look at Onryo for example. She has the closest numbers to a 60% kill rate and 2.4 avg kills, but her winrate is around 57%. You'd have to bring down the win rate around 16% without dropping her kill rate more than a percentage point and that simply isn't going to happen.

    The other thing is "wins". I'm a big supporter of making up your own win conditions, but the reality is it comes down to what feels like a win to the average player in normal gameplay. For killer that's a 3k or better. Survivor is a little different depending on whether they play for the team or themselves. The game is aimed at them playing for themselves so that's the best approach to this, and what feels like a personal win to the average player is escaping via gate or hatch.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    "And when you already got the 60% kill rate, you make every killer have a 2.4 average of survivors killed per match by buffing or nerfing every killer individually, as every killer has it's own powers and stats so they need individual balancing."

    "There would still be players that can get more or less wins on both sides as skill is obviously another factor for this, but on average everybody would still have the same chance to win on that ideal scenario."

    "Meaning, no every single survivor would just win 40% or every single killer kill 60% in reality, there would be people that do more or less than that, but ON AVERAGE there would be 2.4 survivors killed per match."

    I don't know where or how you two got to assume that "even distribution" of "Ks" would be a thing in practice or when I said that when I already specified that there would be disparity and that's why we need to get to an average.

    But keep going if you want, I already said everything I had to say about the topic and explained everything I had to explain.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    "There would still be players that can get more or less wins on both sides as skill is obviously another factor for this, but on average everybody would still have the same chance to win on that ideal scenario."

    So what I listed at the end of my last post is correct, yes? That is your claim? That is how you believe the game to function?

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    I know what you are going to say next if I say "Yes", so before you say it, the table that @Maelstrom808 posted is wrong. The real average for the "AK per match" according to his data is 2.114545454545455 survivors killed per match. The best part is that those "AK per match" are not even accurate as they are individually ceiling rounded (if we take the data on the rest of the table, the real "AK per match" of Skull Merchant is 2.656 per match with a kill rate of 66.40%) and the overall kill rates is also wrong as the real average is 52.84393939393939% kill rate, making the real "Overall AK per Match" 2.113757575757576.

    So, I don't know how he got that 2.25 "General AK per match" and that average kill rate but he got it wrong, as according to his table the real averages are 52.84% for kill rate and 2.11 for survivors killed per match if we round them correctly.

    With this cleared, the answer to your question is "ON AVERAGE, yes, that would mean mostly 2K with rarely 3K". But I'm sure you are going to simply ignore everything that has being said about balancing, skill factor, some players doing more wins or losses than others and that number being an average yet again and ask me "then how it is possible that by the distribution of "3-4k" indicates that killers are winning 45.7% of their games, then?" or something like that proving, yet again, that you don't know what an average is and/or you just decided to ignore what has being already explained and keep going till you are "right".

    So go ahead, have your false "Catch you, I win!" moment if that would make you to at least stop with your nonsense already.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725
    edited October 2023

    Yeah man I'm gonna be honest, even ignoring everything else you've said in this thread there's one very obvious mistake you've made in this post that really does not align with anything I've ever seen done in the academic field of statistics, specifically as it relates to reporting significant figures

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725
    edited October 2023

    That was not my intention at all; I love the wiki and have never found it to be inaccurate and I have no doubt the MMR article is the same.

    I was trying to throw the guy a bone a little. The thing he posted a screenshot of, claiming it was evidence of a source, didn't actually have any information documenting how it was sourced (it just mentioned how the wiki was approved by BHVR) so I screenshot the page that actually had that information.

    On reflection, especially since I had been in conflict with him and the shift in tone was jarring, I probably should have written a message specifying that was what I was doing, and I could have highlighted the part I was trying to emphasize or cropped it differently so it didn't look like I was trying to denigrate the phenomenal work our wiki editors do. I can totally see how someone looking at my post would get that impression though and that was truly careless of me.

    I personally wouldn't be so conceited as to think that those changes were made on my behalf, but I'm glad that page got updated to reflect the effort and accuracy of the wiki. Thanks for updating me to the change within 5 minutes of it being posted.

    On the off chance any wiki staffers see this post, once again you have my humblest apologies for any unintended offense and I appreciate everything you do

    (Edited because my phone auto posted halfway through writing for some reason and then i noticed typos)

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    "With this cleared, the answer to your question is "ON AVERAGE, yes.""

    If the math that I outlined is indeed how you calculate average winrates from killrates, think about it: What happens to your 'average winrate' projection, using your calculation of it, if the killrate is lower than 50%?

    And what would this value require, unconditionally, in order to be attained?

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    You know that even if I'm wrong in the "60% kill rate", by whatever metric in the game you want to use other than "a win is whatever I feel like" you are still wrong and the data on Nightlight shows that the game is not killer sided by any degree, right?

    So... yeah.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    You're the one who said that MMR determines what is a win or loss for both killer and survivor, right up until you realised that the hatch not being a win could drop survivor winrate under that of killers.

    Then you were all "a win is whatever I feel like".

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    Except what I really did is explain, in detail, why a hatch escape is counted as a win even if technically is a draw MMR wise, and that's because in game terms is a win with all the rewards a normal win grants, but with 0 effort or skill involved, only luck, and it is totally optional. That's why hatch is counted as wins for survivors even under MMR terms.

    I never changed what I said.

    Post edited by Batusalen on
  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Hey thanks for at least looking through the work. Yes in the screenshot, the numbers in the "Ideal" are incorrect because I had set the kill rate to 60% to test some things elsewhere in the sheet. The screenshot was not to prove any numbers, just to show I'm not casually doing napkin math on this. The numbers have long been reverted to true calculations, and this had no effect on my conclusions.

    As far as rounding, it does not matter if the AK per match was rounded to 2 decimal places for the sake of keeping it easily accessible visually. Largely because AK per match doesn't matter. It is simply another way of expressing kill rate and is a redundant stat that mostly serves to satisfy curiosity. That's also why it currently sits at the end of all the hidden calculation cells in the sheet.

    When I get home from work I'll post functional shots of the whole sheet and go into depth a bit on my points on how this all works.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited October 2023

    Should killers expect to win?

    Can you name another game where people who play a specific role (something analogous to survivor/solo queue) should play the game with the expectation that they are going to lose? Another game, particularly a PvP game, where people who queue into a specific role do so with the understanding that victory should be some sort of pleasant surprise that isn’t common?

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    Yeah, you explained that later when I pointed out that the hatch means survivor win rate isn't what you said it is.

    But that's -after-:

    "I mean that it is the MMR what dictates what is a win or a lost for both killers and survivors."

    And you also didn't argue why this only goes for the hatch and not for a killer's 2K.

    Also still curious about your killer winrate projection with <50% kill rate.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    ... because a killer doesn't receive the same rewards for getting a draw (2K) than winning (3-4K) in any aspect while survivors do? And it still requires the same skill to kill survivors while getting hatch can be as easy as it spawning at your feet even if no gen was done?

    And I really have to explain to you what having less than 50% kill rate would mean? Can't you just pick the percentage you want, calculate what that percentage of 4 is and see how much survivors would be killed ON AVERAGE per game?

    And I said it after, yes... but yet you still are complaining about it way after I explained it?...

    ... Are you trolling? Am I getting "Wooshed" by not getting this is all just joking around? Because seriously, at this point is the only explanation for why this conversation is still going.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    "because a killer doesn't receive the same rewards for getting a draw (2K) than winning (3-4K) in any aspect while survivors do?"

    That's not true at all! You can even score more points with some 2Ks than with some 3K+.

    "And it still requires the same skill to kill survivors while getting hatch can be as easy as it spawning at your feet even if no gen was done?"

    How is this an argument for hatch being a -win-, though? If anything, this would be an argument for the hatch -not- being a win. If it negates the entire match, it's not a win. You can't win if you don't play.

    "And I really have to explain to you what having less than 50% kill rate would mean? Can't you just pick the percentage you want, calculate what that percentage of 4 is and see how much survivors would be killed ON AVERAGE per game?"

    Alright, buddy, let's talk about this.

    If a 60% killrate MUST mean that on every 100 matches, 240 survivors are killed along a '40 3Ks, 60 2Ks' distribution, thus producing an 'average winrate' of 40%...

    Then your model also claims that on a 49% killrate, 196 survivors are killed along a '4 1Ks, 96 2Ks' distribution, on average.

    This would, according to you, produce an average winrate of 0%.

    Not 0.12% or 0.8% or anything of the sort.


    The ONLY way to get an average of true 0, without the inclusion of negative values (which don't apply here, no one has a negative winrate), is by never including any value higher than 0.

    If ANY trial, anywhere in the dataset, were to ever produce a 3K or higher, you already could not possibly produce a winrate average of 0%.

    According to Nightlight, there are -multiple- killers with a sub-50% kill rate.

    And they ALL have recorded wins.

    And if you've played DBD for more than a week, you'll probably have witnessed one of those wins yourself.

    This proves your model to be incorrect, and your assertion that certain killrates guarantee specific winrate averages is also incorrect.

    Which is what Ratcoffee explained to you from the start.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    The only thing that proves is that you still doesn't understand averages, any of that data, or what I have explained a million times already.

    So if you are not just trolling, my answer is still the same: I already responded and explained everything to you.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    I knew you'd just pull out the same dodge.

    Just handwave it by saying 'but averages!', even though I explicitly explained why that cop-out doesn't work here. You have no idea what an average is, or how it works. Whenever your model comes up short, whenever there's any kind of fault in your math, you simply say 'you don't know what an average is' as if there's some missing datapoint that's magically going to drag the average over to where you want it to be.

    And when I show you, explain to you a situation where that missing datapoint -cannot- exist, you just retreat back to not thinking about it and just saying 'but muh average'.

    I present you with your logic, I run the math, you don't like the outcome so you just say 'average' like it's a magic spell, and bail out.

    I'd respect you more if you just admitted that your calculation is wrong, instead of this thoughtless deflection.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2023

    Dude, you have being "showing" me the same thing over and over again, I explained you in detail on every way imaginable why you are wrong, and you still keep with the same arguments.

    What else can I say that I didn't said already? I have being answering your questions that was somewhat "legit" even when I said I would not keep answering, but if you are going to get back to it again, then: I already answered and explained it to you. Simple as that.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    Listen, dude...

    You presented your model. You've explained how you -think- these statistics work.

    Ratcoffee has explained that your thinking is incorrect. You have made a mistake in your calculations.

    I have explained and shown that your model does not work.

    At this point, it's blatantly clear your model does not match reality. It does not match its practice, or its theory.

    Your response is to reassert that your model is correct, thereby claiming reality is wrong, as opposed to -you- being wrong.

    At this point, you are either thoroughly dishonest or thoroughly delusional. Take your pick.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Surely not, but killer should also not be easily stomped with broken perk combinations and lackluster powers. And as far as expectations, no but that's why I play DBD to begin with. Closest I can think of is something like Dark Souls, where with enough deaths you learn how to manage around powers/perks/etc. At least that's my mentality going into survivor.

    Winning against a killer should feel like the team worked together to achieve it and kept their wits about them, not by easily bullying the role that's supposed to be intimidating. Or at the very least you tried your hardest against the odds.

    I've had plenty of matches where survivors get their stuff together and push through just fine without resorting to meta or broken combinations. And I in turn didn't tunnel or camp in return, unfortunately I am probably a minority with that as killer but when I play survivor I still try to work around those things instead of giving up on hook or DCing, unless the rest of my team just gives up.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Here's the full spread sheet as promised, sorry it took a bit longer that anticipated, work sucks.

    So anyway, you don't need a 60% kill rate to achieve a balanced game. In fact, you realistically CAN'T achieve a reasonable balance with that as that sets the individual survivor's win rate at 40% which of course to be balanced, needs the killers win rate at 40%, which because of weighting of each outcome, means that 1) The survivor team win rate would be so low that it would be an awful experience and 2) getting anything in real world that looks like the curve you'd have to have would be impossible.

    This is basically what the 60/40 curve looks like:

    That is just not going to happen.

    Even perfect balance isn't going to happen with just nerfs and buffs as you basically cannot have any 2k outcomes:

    My initial thoughts on balance was just to balance the outcomes, so every outcome has the same probability, but you ened up with a pretty significant gap between the killer win rate, and the individual survivor win rate. so while it's balanced against the survivor team, playing survivor ends up being considerably easier to get an individual win than playing killer.

    Really the Twins data here provides for one of the most balanced realistic curves I've seen, even beyond my own tinkering of trying find the most realistic balanced outcomes.

  • daLenster
    daLenster Member Posts: 101

    This is correct. I’ve been playing survivor (mostly, and solo) for the past five years. I could manage to escape through the gate 4 to 5 out of 10 trials. Now, I’m lucky to escape 2 out of 10.

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 306

    It's "where did the survivors spawn" and "how many skill checks did the gen jockey randomly get" sided.

  • xCALLxMExJJx
    xCALLxMExJJx Member Posts: 13

    Not killer sided. Just experienced veteran players know to play killer instead of solo que survivor with noobs or bots. It's simple really. You're experience in this game only accounts for keeping you alive on the survivor side. You can't loop the killer AND do gens. No you are limited to the ceiling of the sum of all 4 survivors. Meaning that if the other 3 survivors don't wanna fix gens your screwed. Because the killer is gonna be drawn to the noise the generator is making. Anyone with a sliver of brains would rarely play survivor. It is unhealthy. Highly don't recommend. Now killer is therapeutic xDDD no teammates.. just you and the bloodlust. HEY GUYS!!! Cujo would be a cool killer right. Play as a dog lol

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    This post just screams skill issue to me im sorry but im saying it how it is.

    "The game is so killer sided it is not even a question any more."

    Throughout the lifespan of this game for an average killer in terms of strength, it has been survivor-sided until recently when it has become arguable (which is the most balanced this game has ever been). The previous metas has been circle of healing until 2023 combined with old Dead Hard making every chase against a competent survivor a 3 hit chase so pressure evaporated instantly, small pp build before that (DS+Unbreakable) where survivors could consistently take 2 hits for eachother when combined with old dead hard mid chase after being unhooked. and before that we are entering the times where DS was an extra life and juggling was the only way to deal with it when i started playing dbd just before instablind flashlights were removed. This is not even mentioning the fact i have seen games where 4 gens have popped off the start of a game when BNP use to compete gens instantly (without that skillcheck minigame) and toolboxes had so many charges they may of well have been a base gen speed buff.

    Contrary to popular belief this game has NEVER swung in either side's favour from year to year, it just use to be broken.

    I think the game has gotten less fun on survivor I will give you that and I have made posts about this and the reason i think this is the case.

    I want less killers like the ones we are getting — BHVR

    Declining quality of killers and the survivor experience — BHVR

    But if you honestly think anything other than this game is in the most balanced state it has ever been compared to its history you are just wrong and looking through some rose-tinted glasses.