Scourge hook: Hangman's trick

Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Since Awakened Awareness exsist, it need to be massivly buffed or reworked.

What you want it to see if they are sabotaging the hook, that you can do with Awakened Awareness better since the Radius is bigger and works around you and not around scourg hooks.

a quick buff might be increasing the radius (more as 20m) and make the effect linger for a few seconds (like 5 sec) after you hooked so you have enoth time to turn around and check everyone.

Alternative add the effect:

After Hooking a Survivor on a scourge hook, every survivor in a 12m radius of every hook becomes his aura revealed for 10sec.


  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2023

    It would also nice to add the effect:

    "Scourge hooks do not break when a hooked Survivor is sacrificed or a Survivor using Breakdown is unhooked"

    Its not a big buff but fits in the idea of the discription

    But i think also good idea would it to just merge Hangman's Trick with Gift of Pain or Monstrous Shrine

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    It's called hangman's trick, how about it gave a sabotaging attempt a surprise hard skill check? I know that sabotaging is already really hard to pull off and that it's timer is really tedious (there were quite some sabo tome challenges of late, so I know), but this could be a nice way to throw a survivor off. The first time I jump on an Overcharged gen I nearly always are knocked out cold by the surprise skill check, later I am prepared, but still occasionally fumble.

    Saboing isn't exactly a regular problem, but we actually have no dedicates perk to deal with it. STBFL sorta shuts it's down, but more by accident, not as a main feature. Just increasing the sabo time would be bonkers, since the timing is already very tight, so a hard skill check seems to be the best.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Saboing isn't exactly a regular problem, but we actually have no dedicates perk to deal with it.

    iron grasp and agitation? most dbd matches contain zero sabotage. you could make it that starting a sabo action makes you lose 1 health-state. perk has little purpose. I thought about making the perk begin regression on all generators on the map when you hook someone. survivors that are on a gen produce a loud notification for the killer. the idea is that you can use it with surveillance to see bunch of white gens.

  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162

    I play only killer and its realy rare that i see a sabo pulled off, and even rarer that the sabo good. Because most of the time you can just go to another hook.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948
    edited October 2023

    I've been thinking about this perk... I've been trying to decide if having it add 2 additional scourge hooks would be broken or not...

    Would actually make this perk somewhat useful at near guaranteeing a decent scourge hook spawn somewhere, and increases the chance of getting value out of it otherwise.

  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162

    I mean before 7.1 it was "All hooks" but only 6m range. Now its only 4 hooks but 10m range.

    I think 6 hooks would be a good idea to give it a bit more value. Would also allow the combination of Hangman+Floods of Rage, to take a bit "random" out of the scourge hooks but cost you a perkslot.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Way back when it was first reworked I thought it should have been all hooks within 20m of you give a 16m aura read range while carrying. I still think it should be something like that.

  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162
  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286
    edited October 2023

    not really. If you give correct numbers, then both of them would have their niche. Hangman's would guarantee you see every survivor that could possibly attempt sabotage so you can pick another hook instead while AA gives you info about anyone that comes close to you.

    Sure there's an overlap in those, but there are some cases where you discover sabotaging survivor too late (very rare given how dense hooks are on most maps) with just AA and on the other hand you could see a survivor that you would not see otherwise, because you decided to go for a different hook.

    The key would be in picking correct number and lingering time (yet given how sabo is already too hard (so niche), I don't think the perk will ever be good given it's theme).

    There are multiple counters. Hard counters like iron grasp/agi were mentioned. But there are also a lot of different soft counters - best one being starstruck, but you can also use mad grit, STBFL, hangman's, awakened awareness, infectious fright or thana.

    I don't think it's good idea to buff "trash perk" by making it direct counter to another "trash perk". Both of those perk basically should get buff because both of them are useless (sure - breakdown is a bit better - you can get some limited value out of it if 4 survivors make build around it, but that still does not make it good or even ok perk).

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502

    I heard from someone reading the King's twitter Q/A that those might get changed soon. A proper rework for that perk.

    But I have not yet had time to read that Q/A myself.

  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162

    I don't think it's good idea to buff "trash perk" by making it direct counter to another "trash perk"

    Maybe i miswrote that i mean just delete one of the 2 perks and write the effect in hangmans trick