There are killers that destroy solo q
nurse, blight, plague comes to mind. they destroy solo q while swf sweep the floor with them. the overall balance between soloq and swf is stagnating. maybe its really a better idea to flung swf out of dbd because the game is not designed with team comp in mind but by pure RNG.
1. Amazed Pinhead isnt mentioned here as hes by far the worst offender when it comes to his performance against Solo and SWF
2. Your solution is to just delete SWF??? What???
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1 i said comes to mind so yes pinhead is also in soloq sweeper list.
2 tell me how you can solve it? you cant without removing it dude.
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It can not necessarily be solved as a full group of friends who understand each other will always be better than 4 strangers regardless of what tools you give them.
Removing the ability to play with your friends will kill this game faster than anything else that could possibly happen in this game as its basically a staple in gaming today.
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If you remove swf you literally kill the game my dude.
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Are there killers, that are better against solo queue than SWF? Yes.
What killers aren't? I guess Wraith, Billy and maybe Freddy?! They perform about the same against both. But other than that, communication will always destroy killers. And if we take that as our standard, then of course everything else is going to look particularly bad in comparison. The truth is, solo queue isn't really destroyed by any killer other than maybe Pinhead, if we're being generous. It only seems like it because SWFs are so much stronger.
Every other issue, that would explain why killers perform better against solos can be summarised by the term "skill issue". Because the biggest advantage, that casual SWFs have is that there isn't any weak link like in solo queue. They know who they're playing with and they know how to manage that. That doesn't work in solo queue when one player just isn't good.
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If they remove swf, then lots of players would leave. Survivor escape rates would also drop (as, per the devs, playing in a swf can increase your chances of survival by up to 15%, so I'd put escape rates at around 25%-30% (if that)) if everyone had to play solo. Lower escape rates would lead to killer nerfs, which would anger killer mains. It'd be just an all around bad idea.
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”…its really a better idea to flung swf out of dbd…”
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Killers that require some form of extra teamwork are the ones that destroy soloq
I disagree that Nurse and blight fit that Criteria because their interaction are mostly reliant on the skill of the survivors who are targeted by the killer. Meanwhile with a Killer like Plague requires that survivor to be on the same page or at least consider how teammates will be affected in the long run.
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just off the top of my head, assign a 100 point bump to the effective MMR when match making swf's over solo q's
I didn't delete anyone or any play style.
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No friends can save you now....
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Nurse and blight get sweeped by SWFs? Lol, my guy they are the defacto SWF destroying killers.
Also no mention of Oni or Sadako which is weird. Mother's comb Sadako can mori someone before corrupt is even over if the survivor messes up 2 tape runs. Oni gets 1 hit off a weaker player and then it doesn't matter if the other survivors are good at looping or not, especially if he has a speed addon
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Some people are straight up delusional about how good the average SWF Is. They talk about SWFs like they are gods who are descending from the heavens to crush mere mortals in DBD. If someone is losing more than a few games here and there as Blight/Nurse then it is 100% a skill issue. You've got guys out there with 1000 game nurse streaks and 1500 game Blight streaks for crying out loud.
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I agree, although even as a veteran player I still hit incredibly good SWFs time to time who usually give me a serious run for my money and I am sure wipe the floor with lesser killers. You typically see them running lots of hope and adrenalines because they are used to making it to endgame after rushing all the gens in like 4 minutes while using a survivor sided map offering. I am sure the experience is brutal enough it is burned into the minds of some newer killer players. I've seen some SWFs making it to the hundreds as far as 3 man out+ streaks go. DBD is just....very kind to experienced players and very mean to new ones.
Playing solo survivor has always been awful though, easily the hardest experience in the game and im saying that as a killer main. Every now and then you get a really great team who all sync up and epic things happen but it's mostly getting pubstomped or having people ragequit / suicide at like 5 gens left multiple times per session
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Absolutely brutal. I saw some of my strongest Survivor opposition when I first started playing but outside the events, rarely seem to get matched with these teams anymore. I guess that's the MMR working as it should, but there's no way new Killers should ever be put up against these teams. It's absolutely wild to me that this can happen within just a few matches.
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The nurse and blight don't make sense, if a SWF can sweep the floor with them that SWF can probably sweep the floor with anyone.
I'd gladly remove SWFs from the game entirely, but its not going to happen, it would be a financial disaster. I think BHVR feels that the SWF>killer>soloq formula works.
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My brother in Christ you used two players that are in the top1% of their respective mains to justify nurse and blight stomping swfs. It's simply not that easy my guy, if it was blight and nurse would be 1 and 2 in the stats, because atm killer mains for the most part feel snubbed by bhvr for whatever reasons they have. What you should've said is that Alfs nurse and Momo's blight are cordinated swf stompers, I've seen plenty of nurse and blight mains struggle and lose against cordinated swfs.