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Why does this happen with basically every Wesker

He tunnels all he does is tunnel. His power is extremely good at both having to stall survivors and deal damage so he isn't Twins level of weak he in my opinion is somewhat strong as a killer but yet he just tunnels...why?


  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    ikr, I’ve seen this happen especially often on Midwich, Lerys and Gideon… Garden of Joy and other darker maps, as well.

    He never takes off those sunglasses, fr, and I’m convinced that he’s just having difficulties seeing the other Survivors unless they stay up close near him.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,566
    edited October 2023

    Because he can. His power is good enough to end chases quickly and push through any anti-tunnel perks and tunneling is a more effective play style, than going for 12 hooks.

    Also, since when do we consider Twins to be weak? They really aren't bad especially now that survivors are more inclined to stay injured.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,940

    Why does Pyramid head tunnel?

    Because, due to their power, they are very strong at it.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,940

    Shhhhshhhh we dont want to make it too popular. Their pick rate could go up to 1%

    Scary stuff.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    If you played Wesker, would you tunnel?

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,206

    His infection allows him to get relatively easy downs on a recently unhooked Survivor. You can hit someone through Endurance and it applies more infection, which leaves them VERY close to becoming critical.

    I think the Infection should only start progressing again after an Unhook when a Survivor performs a Conspicuous Action. The window for getting healed and getting cleansed is rather tight at the moment, and this compounds with the tunneling issue.

    This small change would make Wesker perfect IMO. His infection would still be a thing you really want to get rid of, but it'd give Survivors more of a chance to recover after a hook.

  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    Unfortunately the infection allows him to do that, and with the players growing more sweaty by the year, tunneling with the hinder effect leads to wins

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,670
    edited October 2023

    You forgot to mention the 10 months of gen kick meta, where killers drove home 'do gens or lose the game' with oppressive regression perks.

    There's absolutely no need to increase gen times again. The entire reason they nerfed CoB and oppression at the same time they nerfed healing was to try and offset the regression. Their mistake was listening to killers, because healing (specifically circle) took trying away from gens that was valuable to killers.

    Killers want survivors spending time healing. But if you nerf healing too much (which is where we are now) then it becomes a waste of time and no one bothers healing at all. That's what the meta was before circle was released, and we're right back to it now that circle is dead.

    There's literally no other factor than the healing nerfs there. Even in the pre-6.1 ruin, undying, pop, pain res meta... the second strongest regression short of gen kick meta... people were healing because of circle and medkits.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,891

    Idk what games you get but healing cans till be VERY fast and have good gen progress. Also they only nerfed self healing speeds which were the problem about medkits.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,670

    The games I get no one bothers to heal at all, because healing was made to be an inconvenience.

    Healing takes time away from gens, which is why 'gens fly' in most games.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,474

    You think his tunneling is bad now? Oh man just you wait, because he's just getting started.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    There's no time with four survivors in the game. Trying to double hook everyone with four survivors up will net a few hooks total and all gens done. Getting rid of one survivor asap slows the game down enough (map dependent) to get in the remaining hooks and some chases (that still take way too long). Playing "fair" is a lost cause, and you just wind up being a BP generator for t-bag machines.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    Popular and powerful Killers are more likely to tunnel in general. Weaker players crutch on tunneling, and also tend to crutch on stronger Killers to make up for their lack of gamesense and skills. This is likely the only reason high power Killers have lower killrates, is bad players flock more to better Killers, and drag down the stats. That means only the dedicated mains are playing the weaker Killers, and drag up the stats.

    Wesker's design also pushes him towards tunneling. When as Killer, you fail to find someone on a gen, or fail to intercept a would be rescuer, the only reasonable option left is to go back to hook to find someone (this is why stealth at a gen isn't always the most helpful move for the team when at 0 hooks). Well now the person is likely infected from the previous chase, so they have to get healed as well as sprayed. If Wesker returns before BOTH are done, who would I rather chase, Surv A: the injured and infected person, or the healthy and more than half infected person, or the injured and uninfected person, vs Surv B: the healthy AND uninfected person? If I want a short chase, I go for the infected/injured person, if I wanted the extra slowdown I'd go for the doubly healthy person. Most people want the short chase, so they tunnel. Not only that, if I still can't find anyone, when that person uses a spray, I get Killer Instinct, so I can find someone even when all others are hiding (or if I intended to tunnel in the first place).

    I think the best options for Wesker are remove the tunnel encouraging features of his kit. First, infection cannot progress until a post-hook Survivor does a Conspicuous Action. Second, the Killer Instinct doesn't work on spray if the person didn't do a Conspicuous Action post-hook. If you infect and leave someone, KI still procs, and if someone infected gets unhooked and tapped a gen then sprays, KI still procs, but it wouldn't if they sprayed post-hook before anything else.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,857

    Healing isn’t fast by any means or method. If you have multiple survivors healing it takes away from gens. If you use some circumstantial healing perk (like Inner Healing) you’ve still gotta account for the conditions necessary to activate the healing (in the case of Inner, finding a totem, cleansing it, entering a locker, etc).

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,891

    There are definitely some non circumstantial healing perks like botany or leader. Botany already takes away 5.4 seconds of healing and leader is 3.2 but with the upside of working on every one around you. You can say "takes away from gens" all you want but the matter of fact is people can spread on gens to make up for that time.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758
    edited October 2023

    Because getting rid of single survivor fast is the best slowdown and it applies same to all killers, not only Wesker.

    You’d prefer getting tunneled by Wesker more than other killers like Nurse, Blight, Pinhead with Original Pain or else.

  • Tiamat_Adara
    Tiamat_Adara Member Posts: 40

    most times survs are down before the infecton really does anything, as with any fast killer, they are right on your heels and use the speed for the fast second down

    although i see few tunneling Weskers, its more Wraiths and Blights in my games