Oh my God skull merchant in chase is MISARABLE

First, glad they got rid of the chess merchant
I was playing a few games against her, and oh my GOD, I'm still wanna suicide against her, you can't do anything, she is just a bloodlust machine and you are guaranteed to be dead, unless she switch target or you are in a god pallet
I'm not trying to get her nerfed but wanna hear your opinions what you guys think about her
But honestly, it's impossible to get this killer fixed, she is 100% to be boring in any ways
Best option is maybe use this thread to gather advice on how to play against her? I wouldn't mind that either. I think she's essentially a new killer in that people need to take time to learn to play as her as well as against her.
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If you feel like you are not too confident to play in a loop against her, the greatest choice is to predrop, even if she gets bloodlust, you are gonna be wasting so much of her time, that it's gonna be hard for her to win.
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Personally, it seems to me that she is a bad killer in the pursuit in the sense that she literally has to hit you with quite visible drone beams 5 times (the survivor has a short-term invulnerability to repeated attacks when the beam hits him... well, at least that was the case in ptb. If so, then she definitely needs to hit you more than three times) so that you finally take damage and her ability becomes useful against you, and her haste only appears when there is a survivor on the map that can be tracked by radar (I only do this when at least 1 caught in a claw trap, this only appears if the survivor gets all 3 tokens ((well, maybe when the drone spotted the survivor, I didn't understand))
She seems stupid to me....
Just take a look at this:
1. The auras of drones turn yellow when they spot a survivor.
2. She can't turn broken drones
3. Drones are enough to take up a small space and easily replace them when they break down
That is, she still has the opportunity to find out where the survivors are, she still holds the territory perfectly and the triangle tactics remain the most effective for her, the only difference is that now she will place drones not in triangles, but simply in places of increased activity in triangles. To be honest, I'm disappointed.
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Eh, I’d rather verse new Skull Merchant then play anymore chess.
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So, now we have ""Chekers Merchant"?
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Shes still a GG next killer for me. I don't like the fact that she still gets free haste + slows down survivors for doing nothing. Also easy undetectable.
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Makes me not want to play the game. Played against 2 today and after the 2nd I got off. At least the game will be over fast. I will probably just go next against her every round I won't lie. The speed she gets so easily + bloodlust is actually mind numbing.
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Rework pros: they severely nerfed her 3 gen playstyle. That's a very positive change.
Rework cons: There's still zero skill expression whatsoever with her power. This is a skill-free killer. We shouldn't be designing powers that are this passive and easy to use. It will never, ever feel skillful or earned to be hit by or downed in relation to her power. This isn't even an issue of strength. It's just braindead gameplay where a much worse killer can down a much better survivor.
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Cry a bit on PTB and they always overbuff/overnerf for live release, honestly they need to calm down with haste effects when I play her haste is legit ALWAYS active, new passive injure+broken and new hindered are brutal too
you still get usual threads here complaining about her being useless, it's sad at this point
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Like I said she needs a full rework. Nothing about her kit makes her fixable.
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Yea this redesign isn't it. Outside of Wesker Behavior's recent killer design has been terrible so I am not shocked that the skull merchant rework is awful too.
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Yup, basically knight 2.0. SM is still one of the worse killers to play against lol.
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Not every power needs to be about mechanical skill. The macro game is just as important in DBD as the micro, i'd argue even more so. It is ok for us to have killers whose powers are designed around the macro gameplay.
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wow who would've thought that designing her new power just as passive haste + passive hindered was gonna turn out into another snooze fest 🤯🤯🤯
as if old chase merchant was somewhat an interactive and skillful kind of killer already
good job design team, always on point 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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the skill expression is looping bloodlust. in her case, it is using speed to win loops. chase merchant was always an m1 killer with little bit of speed. it is mostly the same. aside from exploit bug on one of the add-on, I would say the matches are ending quicker then 50 minutes. the last sentence is very ironic because looping regular killer is not exactly a difficult task in many maps. the worse survivor tends to escape the better killer.
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Had a chance to play against her today and well... :)
I really want to double down on congratulating the designers that reworked her power. You guys really need a promotion, good job! Such a skillful and interactive power, keep up the good work! /s
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Or they sort out this mess once and for all. There are enough concepts in her lore to create 3 different killers and her drones could probably work in a fun way, if they weren't static.
But I guess this will be the final version of this killer. Now that she isn't straight up unhealthy anymore I really can't see them reworking her again.
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Here's a better question.
Which killers do you think are actually NOT miserable to go against and that you think are fun?
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I can't stand going against SM. I hate the whole concept, the music, her look, all of it.
I'd be so happy if they deleted it. I am in the camp of the gg next folks.
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Like if using survivor or killer perks require any skill at all. Every perk work passively or by pressing a button. The only real variable in the game is the way you play. Not every killer should be hard to learn and even less when you compare it to playing survivor which is by far less skill applied required.
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Each killer that doens't make you feel witch 0 options in a chase and killer's powers which is based on bloodlusting
Clown, Dredge, Knight, Artist, Doctor are killers that makes you with 0 options in a chase unless we have a connected loop
I also hate m1 killers because they are the same thing with a different model, they just walk and hit, nothing special
Every killer that makes you play different is good
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That was what billy did. Look where survivors got him. Personally i know some killers are gonna be easier to play with more reward because this games made to appeal to all skill levels. Its why wraith is so popular.
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I’ve been saying this since she first came to the Tools of Torment PTB back in February.
Her power is unsalvageable. No matter how much they try to shuffle around the parts, she’s never going to be a good and fun killer.
A full rework is needed.
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So basically over half the killers in this game are unfun.
So i ask then, why do you play?
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because I play with friends and it's cool to play games with friends?
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I feel like this rework could've been a good opportunity to add some extra flavour to Skull Merchant, after playing a few good matches with her I find it incredibly weird that survivors can just get damaged out of nowhere by running into the scanning beams of the drones. One moment they're fine and the next they take damage, get the speed boost with no visual or audio feedback, it's really jarring sometimes. It'd be pretty cool if the drones would physically shoot claw traps at the survivors instead of that weird little orange flare that it does. While it's nice they got rid of the god awful 3-gen style of playing but man you can't shake off the feeling that you feel like you're playing someone that's had a hacksaw taken to them and then patched back together again with some duct tape. The entire kit feels like a disjointed mess now.
That and I actually kind of liked her old chase theme too and I'm sad that's gone but that's more of an individual preference.
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But my point is,over half of the killers in the game you find unfun to go against. Why not play a different game with your friends? This is the point i'm making, survivors complain about all of these unfun killers, but none of them ever stop to ask which killers are actually fun for them. And if so much of the game is unfun, why play it?
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Because we want to play dbd
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And you still have not answered my question. Why?
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Literally all except SM, Knight and Artist
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A god nurse and blight are miserable but at least they’re fairly rare. SM and Knight are miserable in general. Trickster and Doctor are plain annoying. Ghostface just has a mechanic that barely works. Most the other killers I don’t have much of a problem with, I think there’s more fun killers to go against than unfun but that’s just me.