Adding a “give up” option while down

One of the most annoying things is when a game is held hostage because a killer will purposely leave someone down while looking for the last person so they can get all 4 kills. I’ve had games last 10 min longer than they have to if me and the other person actually try to pick each other up. No game is that serious and I feel like there should be an option to just give up while down so this doesn’t happen.
Yeah, I think if you're slugged for an extended period of time you should be able to give up. It's not really fun for anybody to be stuck in a 2v1 for ages.
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well, imagine though- it would be kind of liek DC-ing right?? so whenever you get slugged ((even in the beggining of the game and others dont pick you up)) you can just GIVE UP. its that easy and you dont have to play anymore. kind feels like cheating : / maybe instead, something similar to the anti camping mechanic so there isnt too much tempation or fluiditiy to giving up ??? idk lol
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Honestly they could just make it to where you can give up if there’s only two people left. That way you can’t just give up early game, but you can still avoid a pointless game of hide and seek
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Its the fault of bad team altruism if your left slugged for long periods of time. The killer is actively participating by hunting down and chasing survivors left standing. It's on the survivors who have not been downed to avoid contact and attention to pick up their teammates quickly.
I dont think we need 1st hook suicides and definitely dont need a bleedout quitter option.
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I mentioned in the comment above that they could just add in the option if there’s two people alive. Altruism doesn’t change anything if they killer is proxy camping the downed person while one other person is alive
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Altruism is always a factor, the killer in proximity doesnt negate a teammates ability to pickup. With the right timing, even if it results in a chase, both survivors have a chance to escape chase. Add in some perks and the odds increase.
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When you get be slugged, hold down the shift key. You may also want to prepare your own weights. That will solve it.
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Same. Past halfway of the bled out bar would be fine for me.
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having bad altruism teammates dont have anything to do with you getting slugged at the end of the game when they down you and bleed you out just so they can avoid one person MAYBE getting hatch. happens way to often. gets annoying when i know i am dead and want to just move on to my next match but get stuck to bleed out.
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If a killer managed to kill the other two people and then down one of the last two, then it’s safe to say that it’ll be difficult to pull this off. I’m so confused why you’re defending this so hard as if this situation is bearable and easy to survive. I wouldn’t be bringing this topic up if there was a simple way to avoid this from happening
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Tell this to the survivors that teabag on top of the hatch as if they've earned a victory lmao.
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Im not trying to claim its easy, but it is possible and highly rewarding. The idea that its hopeless is where I believe the unbearable aspect begins, if someone thinks theres no chance then any time spent will appear pointless and a waste.
I defend it because those tense moment where a clutch save flips the outcome are one of the reasons this game has kept my attention over ther years.
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How does that even apply to this situation lol
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Up, i'm asking for this since forever
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I don't think it should be straight give up and die, just a way to make yourself bleed faster.
That other survivor the killer is looking for might run up and get you on your feet for an escape. If it's just "press x to die", survivors will hit it right away, and maybe Bill is risking his tail trying to get a chance to save. Don't want players rushing to give up.
But in cases where you're bleeding to death, it would be nice if you could hurry it along some.
Maybe dying survivors could have an optional faster crawl that also causes faster bleeding? That way they might do it a few seconds, but then see something that changes their mind before it's too late. That's dramatic.
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It could even just be after a certain amount of time. Or something like a bar filling up similar to the new face camping mechanic
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Being slugged isn't the end of the world. There's a few perks that you can recover yourself at least once. You can try to crawl to a safer spot for your teammates to heal you. Failing those, if you think you're gonna bleed out, go take a piss or get a glass of water. By the time you get back you'll be dead. But rage quitting because you got downed is behaviour I'd expect from most people these days.
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picking yourself up or crawling to a safer place usually doesn’t work if the killer is proxy camping. And I didn’t bring this up because I want to rage quit, I think this would be a good idea so the other survivor doesn’t have to hide until the downed person bleeds out. You mention the downed person being able to leave to get water or whatever but the survivor that’s still up can’t do anything other than hide, which is boring for everyone
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I've had two DC while I was finding the hatch for them. A third actually DCed after I dropped them beside it.