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Thought Exercise: If more players did martial arts would the community be better?

TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,222

I know this sounds strange up front but I'm bored right now so here's my line of logic about this. The primary causes of toxicity in the DbD community (well, PvP gaming communities in general) comes down to not respecting your opponents and not accepting that your gameplay helped contribute to a loss (or, alternately, your opponent was just that much better).

The best way to learn in martial arts is to find someone better than you, spar with them where you would lose continuously if it were a real match but your opponent pushes you just to your limits, and then have them up the pressure while you improve. This increases self-reflection.

As well, if you're not respectful to the other students and those you spar against you'll quickly find yourself looking for a new school.

I know it'll never happen but, if most PvP gamers did take martial arts do you think the gaming community would be a better place?


  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 971

    In the first place, the DBD community as a whole is working with the intention of abolishing meritocracy.

    People who realize that they are simply incompetent simply leave. And the community is not strong enough to be formed only by people who want to ride.

    That's why the management team accepts unspecified people with stagnant distortions into the community. Them chose the influence of numbers over sanity.