BHVR why did you bring Alien?

That is the most boring killer to play against next to Nemesis.
Always have a long range attack available, you drop a pallet or not it doesn't matter, he hit you no matter what, you vault a window? he hits you, you drop a pallet, he hits you, you bait it, he hits you, he lose his power? goes in a tunnel for 5 seconds and he's back to it.
Why did you bring ANOTHER killer that ignores every single defenses survivors have? pallets and windows aren't safe, and you cannot get distance forever, the turetts cannot take him out of his power unless he miss the hit, so they are ALWAYS useless, he has truly 0 counter play, even if you take him out of it he's back to it in 10 seconds, worthless.
I haven't seen anyone yet that loves to play against xeno, if you do IDC. xeno is the worst addition you ever brought into this game next to Nemesis, we are stuck with it.
I haven't seen anyone yet that loves to play against xeno, and of course i'll get many answers saying oh I love to play against xeno
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I mean people will say I love to face xeno, he's fun to play against.
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what I mean is there will play people that will say I love to play against xeno.
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But then why do you act like there are no such people in that same sentence?
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reworked it.
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He's quite fun to go against, and nemesis too
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no they aren't, you love dropping a pallet and getting hit no matter what? you love vaulting at a safe distance and get hit no matter what? you love that if you drop the pallet you get hit and if you don't you get hit?
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You can hate Xeno all you want, but who enjoys what is subjective.
Assuming you cause her to lose her power, then her retreating into a tunnel means she dropped chase. That means you won the chase; you wasted her time and she got nothing to show for it. She has to go somewhere else unless you chose to stick around.
If Xeno breaks the turrent first, then she's giving you distance that entire cooldown. Again, you're winning the chase in that instance because you're wasting her time (the entire point of a chase since you're expected to die, just waste the killer's time as much as possible before you do).
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You're right. I like playing against Xeno. It's something else. A killer that you always have to watch out for, use the turrets to counter and predict and mind game to delay in chase is pretty fun to face in my opinion.
Xenomorph doesn't ignore any defenses. Nemesis doesn't either. You have to use them effectively to counter both of these killers. Not all killers can be pallet Freddy. Different killers need different counterplay.
You are supposed to hold Xenomorph as a M1 killer, maintain distance, mind game and play around their cooldown. If you do neither of those, then it shouldn't be too surprising that you'll have a rough time against this killer.
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show me 1 video of you countering a good xeno/nemesis and i'll agree with what you say.
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If it was a safe distance then you wouldn't be getting hit now would you? Just saying
However I will say, I love Nemesis and Xenomorph as killer, not as survivor. I understand a lot of the frustrations surrounding going against them.
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I can't. Because I don't record any of my games. And even if I were interested in doing it for the sake of this discussion, I am currently unable to do that.
But you could watch one of the thousands of Videos on YouTube with survivors playing against Xeno. Or you just watch this:
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Easy just set up a flame turret/motion sensor near a loop and just run ahead of time v to take Xeno towards it or around it to make Xeno either hit the turret and lose distance on you or eat the fire and lose M2. Then it's either a basic M1 killer for some time or drops chase to go back into its tunnels.
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The recent cooldown change was all it needed. Best way to counter the tail attack is to fake windows and pallets drops. If they're right up your ass as you get to a pallet, run to the side and don't drop as they will always strike. Yeah, it's tough when it's an experienced player but the same could be said about any killer. Anyone who puts lots of hours into a certain killer can become formidable. Always have turrets set up too - this can be tough in solo queue. I usually spend a chunk of the game doing it myself.
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He's just frustrated. Xeno is cool. Can be difficult but still amazing looking and freaky
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he's trash
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this is truth
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singularity is so rare i'm happy when she shows up, weskey is so common i'm annoyed AF when he show up
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Dude, I play on console... I'm crap... and yet Xeno hasn't been at all strong since their nerf back to 1.2 m/s cause of the hitbox bug.
Its a shame we've never seen Xeno working properly to know if 1.2 or 2.0 is the right speed. I was one shouting how busted Xeno was originally, and it was, cause of the bug that meant it didn't slow down even if it missed.
One thing Xeno did do though when it was riding high was force me to learn to loop, I couldn't just get to the other side, throw a pallet, be safe and run to the next pallet. I had to learn to actually use fakes against the Xeno, and it's made me waaaaay better at the game.
It was still dumb, cause even if I managed to fake her, she just ran through pallets as she missed and hit me anyway... but since the nerf and hit box bug, I punish Xenos really hard, to the point I feel bad.
Xeno with fixed hit boxes is fine my dude, and when you learn to deal with it... tbh Xeno is one of the most fun to face killers in the game... right up there with Executioner... with the same problem that if they tunnel, its bloody annoying... but that's the same regardless of killer.
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You are getting matches against Xeno?
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Learning the game?!!!????
As survivor?!!?????
Outrageous xD
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Not me, but this guy looped xeno before it was nerfed.
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Not every killer is meant to be loopable. Some are meant to have strong chase powers that make pallets less and windows less useful. How do you counter this? Don't get chased. How do you keep from getting chased? Don't get caught in the first place. Stealth is an option, you know.
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what good killer get 360? with 4.3K hours It happened once to me 2 months ago and last time it happened was over a year ago, that wasn't a good xeno, he hit walls all the time and attack too soon or way too late. that was simply not a good xeno.
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idk if you are trolling or is stupidly serious but, from today to 1.0.0 there is absolutely not a single match that has happened that 5 gens were done and 0 chase started when the killer wasn't afk, so your argument is total nonsense.
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Yes Xenomorph is actually similar to Nemesis because both of them literally , just wait at the pallet to get a free easy hit and survivors. Can do something about it but it’s not going to go anywhere that well if it’s a pretty good Xeno!
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Personally I love Xeno because it's the first Killer since Knight that is fearsome in chase yet can be juked with enough skill (don't just take it from me, there's countless videos of people absolutely humiliating Xenos. Knight can't be juked since he can invalidate any loop by just pressing M2 for an instant and outside of guaranteed hits he's nothing special, it's boring.).
The reason why people hate her is obvious: lots of people forgot that Killers aren't just easy tiktok clips/youtube videos opportunities and the level of skill needed to face a Xeno in chase is slightly higher than every Killer after Wesker. Xeno is one of the only Killers that Survivors want to get away from instead of openly taunting.
With the recent hitbox adjustments to her tail hitbox, the skill floor has gone up a bit and I'd rather face a hundred Xeno than a single Knight or Dull Merchant.
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I watched this video a while ago and and honestly, the impression i had then is the same as i have now: Besides the turret thing, all he was saying is "hope the killer messes up or falls for your liittle tricks" in a different way. Funny enough, in the video all examples he showed were all misses or missplay by the Xenomorph. He actually could have hit most if not every single time if he would not have played so poorly.
I do understand the frustration and i would also hope they bring less of those type of killers.
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just die go next on every alien like i do.
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I don't really get the hate for Xeno. Now that they made the tail attack cooldown movement speed 1.2 m/s, I find Xeno pretty fun to go against, because even though pallets and windows are weaker, the inclusion of a renewable place-able structure as a means of both couterplay and distraction add an element of strategy and coordination that you can't find when you go against any other killer.
You probably just haven't learned how to play against Xeno yet, no offense. Try not to let it get you down. You'll get the hang of it soon enough!
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So you are saying that not avoiding the Aliens tail attack is a skill issue.
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Survivors are killers whose concept is to weaken them by countering them with turrets, but I don't understand why they think that killers shouldn't be amazing even if they can't handle turrets well.
And even though the game balance is based on the assumption that survivors will be defeated several times, there are too many survivors who get angry just by being defeated.
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That's how most killers feel. Funny, huh?
You should never be guaranteed any safety in chase. Not as long as you didn't do anything to earn that. And sorry but pre dropping a pallet is not what I'd consider earning safety. A chase should be a constant back and forth. Not a brute force your way through and hope that the survivors aren't good at looping until you create dead zones across the map.
Xenomorph and Nemesis are both killers that require you to actually play around their powers. Otherwise you go down pretty fast. And really I do not see anything wrong with that. Especially after the fixed cooldown and the nerf back to the PTB movement speed that Xeno got, you can do a lot against him. One missed tail attack buys you 8 seconds of Shift + W. And Nemesis needs to hit you 3 times and has no mobility.
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That alien was fairly awful with their tail timings and hit timings. I played against a few like that as well that were very easy to loop for all five gens.
The ones that can time it right are pretty solid.
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Why you added another killer that I can not win against by just using WoO and pressing W, BHVR? Not only I have to think on where to place turrets so they take away his power or distract him, I also have to learn the timing to avoid his attack!!!? How dare you to force me to develop a minimum skill to play your game? So boring! And if you don't agree, IDC because I'm right.
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I played xeno and it‘s hard to hit gods hits, because you always hit objects and then get slowed down. Also they run to a turret and then you also get slowed.
And it‘s way too punishing to miss and also to lose your power from a turret.
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Cmon man, while Xeno was BS with it's chase bug you had a point, but now there isn't an excuse for that. Xeno is pretty balanced now, requiring skill on both sides.
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if you are getting hit over pallets, then you are the one making the bad play to drop it. You either predrop with enough distance or go for a surprise stun. If you are getting hit through windows then you arent at a safe distance. Its also quite convenient how you ignore the clear built in counterplay of turrets that which, need I remind you, force him to be an m1 killer.
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Have there been matches where the killer never found all 4 survivors? nope. But have there been matches where the killer never saw a specific survivor? Oh yeah, that happens
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You really just gave us our own opinions. Nice, survivor main hypocrisy at its finest.
I actually enjoy playing against Xeno, as hes extremely easy to dodge and bully.
Also making him lose sanity by crouching behind invisible hitboxes(car fronts) is funny.
I know he kinda counters the 0 IQ shove face in wall and run around a rock 5 times, but playing like a non-NPC is fun.
Oh also turrets, its fun to annoy him with those too.