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Camping and tunneling

As solo player, who bought the game to have fun, and chill infew moments in the day i can spare on video games, i feel cheated by the devs who dont want to remove those tactics from the game. Maybe efficient teams in high mmr, sweaty teams in turnaments etc. can deal with it. But if im solo player, having 20min to play a game, ends up on a hook, and then once again untill i die, and my gameplay is basically just looking how hook progress rise, with killer wandering near the hook (yes anti face-camping mechanics do not help with that even tho killer does not allow for unhook) i just feels bad, cheated, robbed with my time and money. this is only my feedback. Maybe there ae people who enjoy doing nothing. Im just not one of them.


  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Congratulations, unfortunately you were not lucky enough to have better others. It must be very painful to play with such friends.

    If so, please give Killer a try. Since you're a solo player, there shouldn't be any obstacles to trying it out.

    There are no mid-game exits, and you can play the entire game until the end. Even if you don't like it.

    And what the killer has done to you, you will now have to do.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    How can i NOT feel cheated if i didnt know that before buying the game? Nowhere devs said that most of the time i will be hanging on the hook and doing literally nothing. People finds doing gens boring. Boring for me is being in a chase for 10s and then spend 2mins on hook. If You thinbk this is a funny gameplay... or gameplay at all... then i dont know what to say... its worst game design i ever saw. Imagine counter strike, where after being shot in a head 10s after spawn, you cannot respawn for rest matches (you cant even spectate). Imagine if respawn time in lol is not dependant on match time, and you see grey screen for same few minutes after first 30s in game because you was ganked (imagine you cannot even look anywhere except your body). In every game, especially games that try to be competetive, p[layers are allowed to PLAY untill the end. Here its not only removing you from the game prematurely, its worse - this game forces you do literally do NOTHING and wait to be removed from the game prematurely.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,849

    I get what you're saying, but genuinely comes down to a lack of experience. Killers reign Supreme at the beginner levels, as survivors don't have the experience to manage killer chases and such. As survivors get more experience, it all changes, as survivors fully kitted with experience vs a fully experienced killer will have the game actually in their favor. There's a lot of tools and resources available that can effectively shut down a killer (unless they are playing the broken nurse or blight). You're going down within seconds and being on hook for an extended period of time due to a lack of experience on the survivors' part. That changes over time as survivors start realizing how much power they actually have over the killer.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    But they are responsible for my experience. If they designed the game, which gameplay is:

    10s chase

    2min doing nothing (other players can play the game)

    exit the match prematurely.

    then yeah, it IS their fault.

    Game design IS game developers responsibility.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    Its not about "Not Dying". Its about "dying prematurely while forced to do nothing".

    I dont mind being killed.

    Im frustrated that i cannot play the game i spend my money on.

    Long time ago i changed to killer, and play surv only for daily/challange. But its still frustrating.

    And no. I dont have to camp nor tunnel to kill.

    Whole hanging on a hook mechanic is bad design. After being hooked, surv should hang them for some time, and be free in random place on a map after this time. Endurance should lasts untill performing conspicious actions for cumulative time of 10s or another surv is hooked.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 545
    edited October 2023

    I wonder what kind of other pvp games you play. There are multiple genres where the match doesn't end for every player at the same time. Team based shooters, battle royales, strategy games etc. Maybe you should look up what sort of title you are getting into before buying to not feel cheated.

  • JakeParkSimp
    JakeParkSimp Member Posts: 35

    I feel you. Getting tunneled out of the game in 2 mins is one of the most frustrating things you can experience in this game, especially as a newer player. Killers who do this are usually desperate to get a 4k for some reason (often archive challenges that require 4 sacrifices) and probably think that you're the weak link, easy to get rid of quickly, and then gens don't fly as fast anymore.

    The good news is, that with more experience/better teams, you can become better at looping so there's more of a chance that the killer goes to find someone else instead, or you get a team that either cracks gens at lightning speed when you are being chased/tunneled/camped or come to protect you to the best of their abilities when this happens.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,949

    Game Designers are responsible for the Design of the Game, not the play of the player.

    Please record your self playing Survivor, idd love to watch it.

  • Heks
    Heks Member Posts: 3

    skill issues, rlly not that hard to admit. I think you just need good coordination with your team, so play swf🤷

  • Foempticol
    Foempticol Member Posts: 232

    I will agree that the hook mechanic is absolutely boring, you just hang there not being able to do anything at all. No interaction whatsoever and if you're solo Q you have to rely on random strangers to come save you which doesn't even happen most of the time

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 616

    You do realize that almost any other game in the world is more worthy of your time than DbD, right?

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163

    There are some great anti camp and anti tunnel perks

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    I can't help but laugh at how absolutely true this is, lol.

    However, having someone to tow you is a really good idea. You should definitely do that if possible.

    Someone said that this game is a tutorial up to 300 hours. Someone else said that up to 1000 hours. One of the Fog Whisperers said it was up to 3000 hours. It may sound like an exaggeration, but I believe that last words are actually true.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    I have a weird feelings, that you guys have little to no understanging of what i have written here.

    But if you incist that you did understood, then its a pitty you prefer to NOT playing a game.

    Are you those, who disconnects or spam surrender in lol, after your first dead?

    Are you those who stop playing next matches in cs after first being lost?

    Are you those who disconnects from dbd after killer hit you once?

    For now you sounds like.

    im gonna repeat:

    Devs are responsible for game design. For now, game design makes killers camp and tunnel which effectively removes one survivor ability to play a game. you can say its skill issue, but bhvr wants player of simmilar level play with eachother, which means that if i get better, so does killers i play with, which in turns makes no difference if i get tunneled and camped. This may not be an issue for swfs since they play (mostly) as a team, and they are happy if at least two of them escaped. But for solo players? No. Even if all 3 of my teammates escaped, i have no satisfaction for not playing the game. Which is more frustrating because i payed for the game.

    Now i play mostly killer and i can win without camping and tunneling, which means everyone can. those are not essential "tactics", but certainly those are unhealthy.

    If one wants to know my suggestion to change it:

    When survivor is hooked for 60 seconds. Entity is releasing them into the trial, at least 40m from the killer.

    Survivor cannot die by being hooked. Its a slowdown mechanic.

    Trial has time limit. Escaping within the limit makes surv whole team won. Failed escape, time out, means killer won, survivors are consumed by the Entity.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Well, wouldn't it be more appropriate to punish SWFs who don't take good care of you?

    Advanced survivors will take countermeasures against being tunneled or camped, and will try to distribute the number of hangings among all survivors as much as possible. There is no difference between solo and SWF. It's a matter of skill and understanding of the game. Even if it's someone else, Everyone's save Everyone.

    If this is not done, it is either overwhelmingly advantageous not to help the person in a pinch, or the killer is too good to interfere, or your fellow survivors are simply not good at it.