I'm giving up on my solo lifestyle
I actually found people who want to SWF on this game and don't want to completely throw the game. SO long hellish days.
My heart goes to all the other survivors who are stuck playing by themselves or with no communication. I'll keep fighting on your behalf for changes on this game to make this game less painful.
Don't give up🌞
Good luck; I'm too introverted with too whacky of a schedule to do that but I think it's the better way to go.
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Can't fix people not trying to win.
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I've been playing solo all 6 years of playing with the exception of a few swf games randomly a handful of times over the years with family friends and even my daughters.
I prefer it honestly. Yeah it's way more fun with friends but I like the solitude. When matches get stupid bc of survivors throwing I just swap to killer.
However, yes solo is hard. The game almost demands swf. Yet coordinated swf teams drives killers away. Tis a conundrum
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In the last weekdays, I played for 8 matches and 6 of them went 8 hooks before kill, the other 2 werent tunneling either. It was mind blowing for me.
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Congrats on finding your way to that promised land! May your exit gate bags be plentiful and long-lasting! 🙌
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I was shy as well and expected people would be super weird if you didn't play incredibly well, I just played a different game and somehow people were friendly and I brought them over to DBD (and thankfully that game is pretty similar to DBD so they understand some of the basics already).
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I mostly play killer (70-30).
Therefore I have no issues playing alone. I don't find soloq to be that bad. Could be just me though.
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Miracles do happen.
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Yeah probably it is you, every killer main I see here always says solo is ok so not really a new point.
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What changes do you want to make solo queue better?
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It's a daily thing in Asia.
Killers will have a really hard time if they are faced with survivors who can manage the number of survivors hooked. It also means honestly acknowledging the other person's skill.
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Don't get me wrong: I lose a lot of my games. I escape maybe 2 times in 10 games. But that's because I'm not that good as a survivor. My games are still fun though. Maybe that's because I find survivor way more chill than killer.
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A ping system, some canned phrases that maybe you can edit, such as "take over my gen", "killer has X perk", "killer is X" etc. I'm sure it could be a lot more sophisticated but that is the idea. Solo would still have problems but I think it'd be a tiny bit more bearable.
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Honestly, being introverted does not even have to be such an issue for this. You dont have to be on Comms, not every SWF is on Comms. And the main reason people play with people they know instead of randoms is because those people are more reliable.
You dont need Comms if the others know what they are doing. So you wont have that Meg who throws down every Pallet instantly. Or the Claudette who uses Self Care in the corner of the Map against a Sloppy Butcher-Legion. Or that Bill who throws a tantrum and suicides on Hook because he went down first.
Just knowing that your team will do Gens when you are getting chased is already good. Even without communication.
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Ironically I was playing SWF when I started playing for the first few months. Always thought people were being dramatic about Solo Q. Then my friends stopped playing and I started playing solo Q it was fine the first few matches then it was HELL!. I took a long break. Came back August last year played a bit. Enjoyed learning how to counter Wesker. Then knight came and I stopped. 6 months laster, I saw the game updated with a new chapter so I played again that was when I first met Dull Merchant. Instantly stopped playing until a few weeks before the MFT era (Not that I run it). I'm still playing but I envy you I'm way too much of an introvert for that. Have fun :). Sorry if this was a rant but I feel it is on topic.
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Thats true I suppose.
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Wish we could say the same thing to killers, but it's only as survivor you have to go into a game with this kind of way of thinking. If the game is designed in such a way that as solo you only have 20% escape rate, i would think something is very wrong with the game, but as survivor you're supposed to accept but as killer you can actually complain if you have a sub 60% killrate and it's the game's fault because something something, the game needs killers duh.
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That;s what every killer says when they decide to de-stress from killer by playing survivor. If I played survivor 90% of the time and came here and said "when I play killer I don't face any amount of toxicity and my games seem pretty good but I just farm and 8 hook everyone and survivors are nice to me" I don't think you'd take my opinion on the state of killer very seriously now would you? Even if it was true for my personal experience, it wouldn't tell the whole story for the average killer.
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Why the aggressive undertone?
I just stated my experience. Again, i play 70-30 killer - survivor. That doesnt mean i only play killer.
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There was no aggressive undertone. You’re projecting. They said the same thing you did, but from the perspective of someone who mostly plays survivor and has relaxing games as killer. Lol.
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SWF ‘em up! not too harshly, tho😉😄
“I'll keep fighting on your behalf for changes on this game to make this game less painful.”
you better, SoloQ needs all the Luv😔
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This is true, and actually why I tend to stay out of killer discussions. I play killer but only minimally. I'm likely still in low MMR, and so I feel my experience probably doesn't resonate with those who play killer most of the time. I do feel like alot of the survivor experience and feedback gets derailed, or dismissed, by those who play majority killer role. It's unfortunate. I don't think you're wrong at all to point that out.
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Good for you dude, sadly it's the only way to play survivor.
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I was on about the "thats what every killer says" - thing. I play both. Maybe not completely equal but still both. They asked for my opinion and they got it. Their comment makes it seem like its not worht it due to my killer-survivor-ratio.
Please correct me if im wrong.
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Just because you play both doesn't mean you are as invested in both, that was my point. There are many killer mains who might play survivor as well, but they care a lot more about winning when playing killer than survivor (their own words not mine). That makes them killer biased. Same would be true for me. Even if I were to play more killer than i do atm, I'd probably still be majorly survivor biased.
Sometimes even people who play both roles 50-50 might have a bias towards one role than another. Maybe they only play survivors when their friends are online and fool around. So they only get to experience SWF perspective and killer perspective, and if they still care about wins when playing killer, that would make them biased towards killer.
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I always think people expect me to be good looper in swf. Big reason why I don't play it. I only play with my brothers though the other complains about everything you can imagine.
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I see losing as survivor not as bad because I'm not getting insulted at the end. Most of the matches I lose as survivor I also go down for the team. (Steve main)
Losing as survivor doesn't feel as bad to me.
Also. I see survivor as the more chill role because there are downtime from the action. When playing killer there aren't downtimes.
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I have a total opposite, I dont feel bad when losing as killer, even against toxic squads, Im quite immune to survivors' toxic. I have more relax when playing killer because Im the one control the match
Survivors are newbies? I injure them and let them a chance to play.
Survivors are decent? I play normally, most of the time I meme with them.
Survivors are great? I know they're better than me and accept defeat, not because the game is survivors' sided. And honestly I could win against them by simply putting 4 slowdown, playing Blight and tunneling. But my life isnt depended on how many 4k I can get in a day.
As survivors, Im not a good looper, plus I dont use meta. I may get stress if killers tunnel me.
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I think they were just saying you would not extrapolate their personal experience to what killers in general face. They probably said that because you used a trite, dismissive statement that virtually every killer main on this forum uses anytime anyone mentions playing solo queue.
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To be honest as someone who gets salty easily and is quick to point out stupid/bad play, I will also admit my own mistakes. And that is something I would also appreciate in people I play regularly with. Even Ayrun has chases he goes down in 20 seconds or so. That is to be expected.
The importance of SWF is more about having someone play reliably a specific role that is useful. If say everyone is bring flashbangs and looking for saves, that leaves no one doing gens. But if I SWF maybe I can get a person who will reliably do gens, or who I can ask to take over my gen if I'm getting chased. It's more so about overcoming the chaos of solo, that it is about expecting people to play well all parts of the game which is a rather unrealistic expectation to have unless you are top 1% MMR or something, and even those players make game-costing mistakes for whatever reason.
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Sorry then.
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We have different opinions then.