Is MMR back in the game?

I ask this from a genuine question because playing Killer as of late is almost impossible now to get a single hook or kill now. The only time I can get something is when I play Evil Incarnate Myers build. Outside of that I'm lucky to even get a down before 2-3 gens pop even with Nurse or Blight. Seriously, I have over 6k hours into this game and I play both sides. Survivor, even solo queue, is a lot easier and less stressful than playing Killer. Christ! I am about to go back to some other games and never touch DbD again!
MMR is a myth
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If it is a myth then why was it easier to play Killer around the last anniversary through the re-enabling of flashlights? Curious because that's when they said that they(BHVR) turned off MMR for DbD.
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If mmr was truly accurate to what it's supposed to do then you couldn't blame the game for it. That's not really the case though.
I don't want to be that guy, but if I can play my first two blight games with only yellow speed and bbq/shadow in the last two months and 4k both vs at least 1k hour players after dbd's attempted mmr degradation while highly inebriated tonight, then you can 4k as nurse and blight normally while running c33 and tunneling at the VERY least.
Like what are you expecting people to reply to this post? There's me who is a blight main and can say what I did above. There are people who are killer mains who will hard agree with you because they somehow can't accel in this game. There will be the in-between questioning you and the survivor mains laughing at you even though they also can't accel in this game.
I really don't want to involve your name but how are you not auto winning on nurse after 6k hours 99% of games? Although hours are pretty exclusive to dbd as a representation of skill, I guess that's what happens when it's the only visual representation of it. I've never heard someone refer to their hours in league or OW outside of clickbait titles on youtube.
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I think there is no mmr. When I play killer, I get the juciest swf survivors with like each having at least 4k hours in the game and knows everything about looping and mindgaming.
But the next game then I think...wait...these guys have at least 1500 hours in their profiles, they have ttv in their name, but they do play like 25 hours in total. And I even watched the game in their vod as at least 2 of them streamed that match live. They really acted and talked like...they just started to play dbd for their first time and I couldnt believe it.
And then, sometimes I get a lobby full of people with less than 200 hours in the game and you can tell they are just not that experienced.
Its all mixed and feels like there is no mmr. BUT there must be some sort of new player protection to seperate them all from more experienced players, at least on the papers. Last weekend, I saw some big dbd streamers make new accounts together, play as 4 man swf and call that a "hardcore survivor challenge" where every survivor only has 1 life and they try to reach Iri 1, when 1 survivor dies they cant use it anymore until they reach iri 1 or all survivors are dead. I wouldnt call that a "hardcore" challenge since they get babykillers who have sometimes just 1 perk at lvl 1. Since the 4 survivors all have a combined game experience of 50k+ hours, they are playing against killers in their first rounds and totally annihilate them and of course are surviving and doing well. So I would not call that a "hardcore" challenge, its more like a "grind to iri 1 by beating babykillers" thing imo.
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"impossible to get a single hook" is definitely a you problem especially in 2023 dbd
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As far as I'm aware it was never gone.
When it comes to MMR in this game, then the devs have a pretty difficult job to please as many people as possible. Some people would like DBD to be super competitive and others want it to remain more casual. Personally, I think MMR is fine now. BHVR have done quite a bit of fine tuning it seems and my matches overall have been way less predictable and stale than back when it was first added to the game. Although, it might also have something to do with how I approach the game now.
From what I understand, your matches suddenly became way more difficult than usual, correct? If that is the case, then you might have passed the threshold to a higher MMR bracket. In DBD the MMR distributes players in 3 brackets. When you win a lot of games it can (and should) happen that your MMR increases so much, that you enter a higher MMR bracket. This will mean that you consistently play against better players because in theory you could be matched with anyone in the same MMR bracket. How accurate the matchmaking is, is determined by factors such as queue time (and number of available players), backfilling and a bit of randomness (SWFs are treated depending on their MMR avg). Also, once you reached a higher MMR it takes a lot to drop down again. I have my own theory, why that is but as far as I'm aware we don't have any official info on it.
Another possible explanation is that you aren't playing quite as good as usual. It happens to all of us. Sometimes you just make mistakes you normally wouldn't and don't notice until it's too late. I also wouldn't say that one side is strictly easier than the other because that is very subjective and quite hard to determine. Killer and survivor gameplay differ by a lot, so it's hard to say who has more skill than the other and who plays better. Basically it's 2 different games. A reason why many people (myself included) often feel like survivor is easier, is that survivors get a bit of down time throughout the match when they work on gens. You could listen to music or some podcast in the background and it wouldn't affect your performance on gens. Killers on the other hand are constantly.