Purposely depipping is becoming problematic

I've noticed a LOT of survivors are purposely depipping so they can stay in the green/yellow ranks. You can tell they're not genuinely that rank by the copious clothing purchases, the P3 outfits, the tier 3 perks, and game play. I, as a rank 1 survivor, understand that killers in red ranks tend to tunnel, camp and slug...which takes the fun out of the game no doubt. But survivors don't stop to think about them taking the fun out of the game for newer killers - - being a new killer main and being a yellow rank going against actual red rank survivors who want an easy game? Pretty unfair. Especially when the killer has maybe three perk slots open and tier 1/2 perks and no good add-ons! I totally empathize with the plight of survivors getting some games that the killer goes textbook try-hard, but they're doing a real disservice to people TRYING to play killer by purposely deranking.

People complained about the no rank matchmaking because they said they felt bad going against newer killers...but deranking on purpose is worse because you're not just being randomly matched with a new killer, but you're faking your rank and deterring new players away from playing killer.


  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    This I don't think the people that say it's ok have fully thought through the ramifications fully. If a killer 4k's they can still only safety pip right now on the ptb.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Prestige and items show only playtime, not skilled.

    There are lots of survivors at red rank1 with those stuff that actually belong to the yellow ranks.

    But the actual problem is that there is literally no reason to rank up

  • Apoch
    Apoch Member Posts: 96

    High ranked players cant get matches because there are so few of them.

    The irony in letting high ranked players into lower ranks is that it's going to send any new prospective players joining our community packing before they've even had a chance to think about staying long term.

    This is just going to cause permanent undoable damage to the health, well being and future of our games community and population base. Not to mention profits for behaviour for all the people who might have stayed to buy their wares but hey, as long as the high ranks are happy who cares right.

  • Tawnieeee
    Tawnieeee Member Posts: 32

    You can easily tell by game play alone that they're not a real rank 15 survivor. It's not merely game play amount. Especially with how many bloodpoints it takes to get all of the best tier 3 perks, teachable?! You have to cycle through 3 entire bloodwebs to get P3 clothing. You have to be earning enough bp every match to make that happen, and surely they learn how to play well enough to pip because pipping isn't very difficult as a survivor. It's not that hard to tell that they're red or even purple rank loafing in lower ranks for a reason. Sure, there's some red ranks that are boosted by SWF and are out for themselves, but we're talking about red rank survivors purposely deranking to get easier games and wrecking genuinely new killers. Without killers, this game is dead.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    They might aswell have taken a longer break from the game, my survivor is quite low at the moment too

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @powerbats Exactly. I get that ranking up needs to get harder since at the moment, we have a lot of players on the high ranks who don't belong there. But the new pipping system won't help.

    I still think pipping should be bloodpoint-related again. And for that to properly work, the 8k cap per category needs to be removed (while keeping the 32k overall cap).

  • Tawnieeee
    Tawnieeee Member Posts: 32

    I mean, you can make excuses all day but it doesn't change the fact that PURPOSELY DERANKING is going to deter new killers from the game.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    I took almost 2 months off.

    I was Rank 15.. I’ve played 15 hours in two weeks, I think I am Rank 8 now.

    Some people just casually play or rarely play now, it doesn’t mean they all are purposely deranking.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    That's how I feel when playing survivor.

    I want to do the gens and get out. I'll do any totems I see for NOED, and I'll unhook a survivor near me and heal anyone I see. However I'm not going to go dancing in front of the killer to purposefully get chased, nor am I going to take empathy and follow an injured survivor around so I can be the first in line for the unhook.

    Seems I'm not going to be allowed in red ranks playing that way.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Pretty much, ye.

    The Emblem System was never a representation of skill, it requires inefficient and illogical playstyles to fill all the emblems. It's flawed in so many ways but even almost one year later they never bothered fixing it, in fact they made it even worse now.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Let us see how the new ranking system works out before calling it a failure. I am sure they have something in mind and have put thought into the consequences.

    All I can say is do your best and try to not take the game too seriously. Earning BP should be the first priority. Winning games consistently will happen eventually if you stick to it.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Earning bloodpoints should be the first priority? What? You must be a new dead by daylight player.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    What is the ranking system ranking?.... People seem to think it is about skill.

    What is wrong with a player, who hasn't played in 2 seasons coming back after resets and has over 1000 hour of progression on their account, coming back in and playing at rank 19 or 20? They aren't new.. but hey I don't see the issue /s

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • Ugum
    Ugum Member Posts: 26

    I play mostly Survivor because I would rather get into a game instantly then have to wait 10 minutes for a game as a Killer. I enjoy the game. I get camped, tunneled, looped and everything else everyone on here complains about.

    I don't DC if I get tunneled or face camped. I just move on to the next game.

    I'm a completionist so I'm working on finishing up my P3 Claudette (have all perks, just need to finish ranking them to 3). Then I'll move on to maybe Jake or even a Killer. Haven't decided yet.

    If you're getting this worked up over a game, don't play it. There's 1000's of games out there that can entertain you. I'll never understand these people that keep doing something they don't enjoy.

    If the game dies due to lack of interest, that's on BHVR.

    Patient: Doc, it hurts when I do this.

    Doctor: Then don't do that.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Sure but if you spent over 1000 progressing your account... do you think you are new?.... Should you still be grouped up with new people? nah. i dont think so anyways.. at some point i think there should be no way for a new player ever to face a veteran player (rusty or not) unless the game population tanks, in which case it won't really matter anyways.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    What? I always get instant lobbies as killer but wait forever as survivor.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    What does rank mean?

    What do you get for ranking up?

    Is there a prestige outfit for hitting ranks 15, 10, 5, 1?

    Is there a series of perks only available to ranks 1-5, 6-10, 11-15?

    Is there a bp increase by rank bracket?

    Perhaps a iridescent shard bonus for high rank matches?

    Wait, I know! Is there a blood web discount based on bracket?!


    Rank has zero meaning other than an ego stroke. Let me explain one of the primary reasons people don't rank. Red rank players take themselves way too seriously and tend to be twice as toxic as all other rank brackets. Been there, done that, did not get anything for it other than lots of toxicity. In other ranks, I can have fun matches. I can let survivors run out the door, or I can make sure the killer gets me before I escape by "accidently" forgetting a pallet was used and loop in the wrong area. Why would I do that? Because the killer is obviously new, but played a great match.

    See, some of us don't care about escaping or 4k's. Some of us just want to have fun and have a few laughs after the match. The higher you go up the ranks, the lower your chances of that. You think Rank 1 survivors are going to play "get the totem" with Pig/Hag? (A little game I've created in the game. It has been a blast and most survivors have participated. Lots of laughs.) No, red ranks are not going to give a flying crap about it. They want to pwn the killer, or the killer wants to pwn the survivors. It is an ego stroke, nothing more.

    So, I don't sweat depips. I do dislike those who do it just to bully lower level players. That is pointless. Is their life so pathetic that they have to bully in a game? /shrug

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Shame on you for wanting to have fun while playing a video game.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Why does rank need a reward to be worth accomplishing? Rank is for competitive players.

    Do you get anything special when you hit Global Elite in CSGO?

    Do you get anything special when you reach Divine in Dota 2?

    Do you get anything special when you reach Grand Champ in Rocket League?

    Do you get anything special for placing #1 in PUBG?

    Rank is a always nothing but a personal goal you want to achieve. That's why they should finally implement two game modes, casual and competitive. I'm a very competitive player by nature and I would really appreciate if my opponent and my teammates have a similar mindset. Nothing is more frustrating than to really try hard to win or turn a game and then you realize the rest of your teammates are throwing the game even more to make it next to impossible to win, because they just "want to have some fun" in Rank 1.

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    It seems pretty straight forward to me. Not many survivors want to have long wait times, play the same killer over and over, and play killers who are generally unfun and super sweaty. If you get demolished every match it becomes unfun to play. If you can reward people enough to want to be in the Red Ranks (extra BP per match or something of the like), then people will want to be there. This will cause more people to strive to be a Red Rank, causing more people to be in the Red Ranks and therefore diluting the pool of "sweaty" killers so not every match is miserable to play. By simply rewarding people to be there, it fixes all the problems.

    Stop trying to change human nature by punishing them. Reward them for being selfish and in turn cause everyone's game play to be more fun and rewarding. It's called ######### capitalism. It just works!

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I really hope the ranking system goes in to effect even if for just a month. The only people that will hate it will be the people who have their ego and being rank 1 tied to the game. The only suggestion i would make is if a survivor quits the killer gets the FULL emblem equivalent(3 hooks and Death) not the bloodpoints keep that at whatever it currently is. My HOPE is that we would have a larger pool of players and faster lobby times. I have only played just under 2 dozen games since the last event because of lobby wait times.

    You may say well play killer i will when i have a daily. This game after playing for almost 2 years has become just something i play with friends. When i want to play single player games i usually prefer to play other stuff.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    That's why I think rank should be independent of other peoples' rank. It should just be random matchmaking. This would take care of the inconsistent ranks.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Sure but losing rank is intended design, so all you can do is give an actual reason to rank up, because currently there is none

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    edited March 2019

    At least certain streamers can be happy staying in the yellow ranks with their flashlights and t bags.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    That defeats the whole purpose of the ranking system, might as well remove rank lul

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    there needs to be an incentive to rank up. our rewards for red ranks are long queue times, horrible ping lobbies and going against the same players almost every game. 2 game modes wouldnt work because this isnt a competitive game and there aren't enough players, meaning even LONGER queue times. also I dont know about those other games but dbd is super easy to rank up, so ranks dont really mean much

  • DwikeyMain84
    DwikeyMain84 Member Posts: 107

    at least you can't just dc over and over to depip like you could before that was ridiculous

  • Tawnieeee
    Tawnieeee Member Posts: 32

    Okay sure, but I'm not talking about random people who simply took a month off. We're talking groups of SWF who purposely derank.

  • Tawnieeee
    Tawnieeee Member Posts: 32

    Except vice versa - no new killer wants to go against sweaty survivors who purposely derank so they have a better chance at surviving. There's a lack of red rank killers, sure - - but letting veteran survivors demolish potential killer mains is not gonna help fix the killer shortage.

  • Tawnieeee
    Tawnieeee Member Posts: 32

    Lol, I main survivor. I occasionally play killer, but 75% of the time I run solo survivor. Wait time for solo survivor is generally less than 5 minutes max, shorter for killer. I keep frequently getting lobbied with P3 survivors with top tier perks and play a damn good game who are conveniently rank 14, going against a rank 16 killer. As a red rank survivor, even I can admit it's not fair. I would rather be camped and tunneled by a sweaty red rank killer than have a completely unbalanced match versus a low rank killer with only two perk slots open and basic tier one perks. It's not about taking the game too seriously, it's about people always wanting to have a guaranteed win but refuse to play people in their rank and instead get unfairly matched with newer killers. If newer killers get repeated lobbies with these deranking SWF, they're gonna ditch the game, leading to the disproportionate survivor/killer ratio.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @PiiFree Great, so competitive players can rank up and enjoy being competitive. Everyone else can ignore rank and depip so they can enjoy playing against others that are not sweating at the keyboard over a depip. No, I'm not insulting you or others that care about rank. I'm saying that you will try harder to obtain rank because you feel it is a sign of your skill (unfortunately we all know DbD rank is not about skill, but more about time).

    DbD is not a competitive game, it is more of a casual game. This game's balance is too out of whack to be considered a competitive game by industry standards. Therefore, rank has no material meaning in the game, at all.

  • Terminator525
    Terminator525 Member Posts: 18

    Get rid of the problems that cause people to derank then this won't be a problem. I'm not going to wait 5 minutes as a solo survivor to get into a match. SWF is impossible. Hope that the killer doesn't leave in lobby even when I'm playing solo. I literally cannot even play the game in red Rank as survivor. I go into every match already mad because I had to wait so long to play.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    Players have been treating 4k as a normal for a long time. For 50% of games to end in 4k, surivival rate for each survivor has to be around 15%. I can't imagine that being satisfying for survivors.

    The strange thing on this forum is that killers aren't satisfied with pipping - they demand 4k be the norm yet at the same time demand that survivors to be satisfied with pipping and not actually surviving.

  • LowSodium
    LowSodium Member Posts: 26

    Another factor not usually considered whenever people talk ranks is that skill in any given killer is not necessarily consistent with the others. I suck at Nurse, but do well at Hag and not terrible at a few others. When I'm playing with a new killer, or dusting off one I haven't played in a while, I wait until rank reset, and either play then, or wait a week or two for the ranks to get more reflective of reality, because it's really the only way I'll have a chance to play long enough to even learn. Between gen-rushing and survivors skilled way beyond their ranks, there's simply no chance that I'm going to have much success trying to learn in the purples where I normally "wind up" by about the end of the rank period.

  • Stompa
    Stompa Member Posts: 154

    it sure is totally healthy when swf queues with 2 rank 15-16 and 2 rank 2. totally not an abuse of a flawed matchmaking and totally not toxic towards newer player/potential customers, i mean why buy cosmetics or a dlc when a killer get ######### on by those deathsquads on a frequent basis?

    here is a little hint: let the highest rank of the group determine the matchmaking ladder, less abuse and sure a few will complain (like thats something new) but in a long run it healthier for the game and its balance witch is anyway more than just fragile

    edit: and it runs rampant on weekends

  • LowSodium
    LowSodium Member Posts: 26

    Short of evaluating the "value" of individual perks and relative skill-set with that perk set, there will never be a "fair" matchmaking system. Derankers definitely amplify an existing problem of skill-set disparity. Casual gamers (I include myself) are never going to be at the same skill level as a streamer that literally plays the game for 8 hours a day as his or her job. But there are just not enough people playing DBD to provide enough players fill games on demand that are balanced.

    Derankers have generally one of two reasons: They're streamers who need to present content other than 20 minute lobbies and the same sweaty killers over and over again; and trolls who, for whatever sociopathic reason, get off on playing toxic games where they can "bully" and get a guaranteed win, and/or cause the greatest level of psychological harm in their opponent. (I'm sure if they didn't have toxic gaming to release this mental pus, they'd be torturing small animals or something instead.)

    Highly toxic streamers (who I won't name, but we all know who I mean) want both. Their income depends on them spending a good chunk of their day in games against people they will find easy to humiliate and antagonize. If they can get the opponent to disconnect, it's an even greater win, and often bears additional financial rewards in the form of added tips or subscriptions.

    As long as you have these incentives, this will *always* be a driving factor in the game, and because of the pressures of profit and innate human cruelty, these will continue to escalate. There is zero incentive to counter this and reward "good" behavior, just ongoing pressure to make deranking easier (i.e. the real reason for the new and absurd emblem values) and toxic play more effective (new ways to stun the allegedly more powerful killer, and awarding more and more points for doing so.)

    From that perspective, this game will never have balance. You either tolerate the play against sadistic jerk-holes in the majority of your games as the price of getting the occasional *fun* game where there's balance, or you quit playing because the issues of balance never get more than band-aid fixes, and the issue of toxic play is utterly ignored (unless it's a killer that camps or tunnels, in which case let's invent whole new perks to advantage survivors, and take away tons of points from killers for doing the *effective* thing rather than the thing that maximizes survivor fun.)

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    -Take more 5-10 minute to find a lobby at red ranks


    -de-pip while u're doing something else, then Take 1 minute to find a lobby at Green rank.

    What do you prefer?