Xenomorph's tail hitbox

Hello everyone.
Since the last patch the Xenomorph tail hitbox has been pretty weird. Before, I used to hit survivors through some objects or over objects, but now I do the same and it doesn't happen anymore, the tail hits the object and does not reach the survivor. I don't know if it's just me or something is definitely off with the character's tail. I don't know, I feel like out of nowhere I'm having a much harder time controlling the tail and giving hits with it. Today, I saw someone uploaded a video about this, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkrarrDpMNc
same, i keep missing hits i would have been assured and its frusterating :/
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Right? It annoys me :(
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I guess what the video is illustrating is that if a survivor ducks around what looks like a short walled object they'll 100% dodge the hit by ducking, which previously didn't work all that well for them. I think it wasn't working because it was broken, and now things are as intended. I wonder if the last iteration of the tail had a sort of abusable feature that made it difficult to accurately use visuals to predict its hit location but had a delay in when its hit was recorded on the target resulting in unintended lagging looking hits around or in this case over edges.
Two issue with the video example though, that car and all cars like it are terrible when their collision is considered against to what you're seeing. And maybe it is 100% intended that if the survivor hits duck over a short wall, you should 100% miss.
I personally think that's not a fair or balanced state, but it feels intentional from recent games.
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this would make sense if it were consistent. the problem is that you can still hit survivors that crouch under objects but its just very unlikely, its still possible which makes me think its a bug rather than intended
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Xeno's tail attack doesn't arc over objects. That's just an illusion that happens because Xeno has a lowered field of view in crawler mode, but the tail's hitbox it based off of Xeno's normal field of view (which is taller than it is in crawler mode).
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im aware of how the hitbox looks visually while attacking. i didnt say it was an arc??
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You said "crouch under objects" like it's some sort of trick shot.
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Yes it appears like you are hitting a survivor that is already ducked in some situations.
It also appears like the tail goes straight through survivors in other situations.
I have no idea ######### the game is actually doing to make the decision over the hit being a hit or a miss. I suspect you could sum it up as the location of the tail at any given moment is not equal to what a player might be seeing, in so far as such things can be said to represent each other, the Xeno tail is poor at it.
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im ngl i have no idea what you think i was implying, but i dont understand why hitting a survivor over an object would be a "trick shot" and even if it is, i dont see the problem? going for hits over objects was the main appeal of xeno for me, i dont want to only hit survivors thatre locked into an animation or straight lining etc. up until the recent midchapter, xeno was able to do that reliably. most wouldnt call a huntress or slinger that hits over an object a "trick shot", so why is xeno being able to do it too an issue all of a sudden
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When survivors are "crouching under objects", they are often very much visible and in line of sight of the tail, it's just that it might look like it's a trick shot because Xeno's field of view is very low in crawler mode.
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im ngl i have no idea what you think i was implying, but i dont understand why hitting a survivor over an object would be a "trick shot" and even if it is, i dont see the problem? going for hits over objects was the main appeal of xeno for me, i dont want to only hit survivors thatre locked into an animation or straight lining etc. up until the recent midchapter, xeno was able to do that reliably. most wouldnt call a huntress or slinger that hits over an object a "trick shot", so why is xeno being able to do it too an issue all of a sudden
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I said what you are actually seeing for many reasons doesn't sync up with the math equations that are the entirety of the game.
Both building on the discussion you and I had about elevation and angle, and other conversations about lag and hit validity led to me saying the above.
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Calling it a trick shot is a problem because it gives the impression that Xeno can make any sort of special shot... and it can't.
The tail's hitbox was heavily nerfed between the PTB and Live, and it was heavily nerfed again when the cooldown bug was fixed. Xeno's tail has been absolute trash compared to a Nemesis whip, and this happened before the midchapter dropped.
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alright, im just going to assume theres been a misunderstanding or youre not actually reading what i wrote. i do actually agree that nemesis' whip is way better when comparing the two, the only real downside being that a survivor needs to be infected first to lose a health state. hopefully xeno's hitbox gets fixed in the future, because with the way they are right now i dont want to play them anymore, and i wouldve never purchased them if i knew the tail was going to be changed like this.
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I have been playing Xeno and I feel like dragging is a bit off. I keep hitting the wall as if my tail hitbox is not extending to full 4.8 meters so while the hitbox does work correctly in open areas and straight lines. it has trouble hitting over objects. the active hitbox of the tail still feels a little bit bugged and needs a little more improvement. I thought it was just me playing badly but it appears other people have same problem.
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i think it was fixed in todays update, with no mention of it in the patch notes.