Why are map offerings still around?

I feel like it's a pretty simple question. It's not a core mechanic to the game that would make their loss some massive hindrance. They exist now solely to make sweaty, one-sided matches. Maybe getting a new map after it releases. Why keep them around when they only really serve to make the game more one-sided and oriented towards toxic players


  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 571

    because the alternative is springwood twenty times in a row

    i'd rather not have the first map i load into be my map for the rest of the day

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,745

    I'd throw out a map offering when I'd get an indoor map several times in a row, as I generally despise them all in either role. So breaking them up is nice I agree.

    Beyond that the only agreement I can sorta get behind is a few killer builds are absolutely map dependent. That speaks more to certain add-ons needing tweaking than maps, so I could live without them for that reason.

    The fault isn't directly with the offerings themselves, it's more the imbalances on several maps that needs attention. That prolly should be the focus imo. Otherwise the offerings would just be preference only, which is the intention no doubt.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I like map offering sometime I mean when there is no map offering played I got the same map over and over again.I mean I'm sick of shattered square.

    I seent he same map more then 3 times I going play a map offering.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,724

    of course because so survivors can burn garden of garbage BADham and eyrie in a cycle. maps are objectively and admittedly -since they are reworking their maps nonstop- broken so i really don't know AT LEAST why offerings aren't gone yet. **** scratched mirror myers, not worth it.

  • ShErMaDeRmA
    ShErMaDeRmA Member Posts: 338

    Well considering I've had runs of Ormond map offerings go all day, I'd prefer it be rng than people being able to pull a massive part of match in their favor by default

  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 571

    sac ward

    they're not super hard to get though i think they should be a little more common

  • ShErMaDeRmA
    ShErMaDeRmA Member Posts: 338

    Bro that is NOT a rare offering. I can't get them for the life of me, and if you DO use them, I swear it's the only time an offering isn't used. It's the deliverance of offerings. That's still to say, between a p40 Quentin, P15 Nic, P10 Wesker, I have 2 Sac Wards total. I have been continuously leveling these three at kinda the same rate since their releases (Nic a bit quicker). I usually dont use my wards because they are hard af to get. But even if I am using them loads, why tf do I only have 2 between all that? I've got like, a warehouse worth of ultra rares, why can't I get a handful of sac wards? Tf kinda rng is this

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,842

    They need to be converted to map ban offerings, and only one from each side gets utilized.

  • They are good during boosted maps. Last week I was so sick of Borgo I had to resort to offerings.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    The REAL solution would be to fix all the horrendously bad map design so that every map is about the same to win both for killer and survivor. Maps should be nothing more than cosmetical in nature. There's an argument to be made for the need of indoor map for stealth killers, but map balance is significantly more important than offerings.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Burning a map offering is my no 1 excuse to tunnel at 5 gens. I am always pretty open about it and somehow survivors get always defensive, like "Bro, you tripping? I didn't know that TheGame/GardenOfMisery/TheCornfields are survivor maps, I swear. I just chose it for fun." One such instance I would believe and feel sorry about, but dozen upon dozen of "accidentally strong maps"? And with everyone running WoO/HeadOn plus Flashlights? Yeah, sure....

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,200
    edited October 2023

    Because some of us are playing a horror fanservice game instead of an e-sport.

    Some of us are here to have fun rather than to sweat our asses off and then complain about everything.

    If I want to play on Nostromo, because I'm a huge Alien fan, and because it has some of the coolest map interactions, then I want to bring an offering to do so. It has nothing to do with sweating for the win. But even if it did, why should that be a problem? Oaks, Coins, Reagents, Blueprints all exist, these offer you an advantage, that's what your offering slot is for you to spend on. Map offerings having the ability to grant you an advantage is no different.

    If there's an issue with that, then the issue isn't offerings, it's the maps themselves. Fix the cause, not the symptom.

    Inverted offerings wouldn't be any less abusable. All you've need is a SWF to veto Lerys, Gideon, RPD and Midwich and now you have no indoor maps available. Now the SWF can see the killer at all times, and any stealth killer is screwed. Meanwhile the killer could veto Garden of Joy but that still leaves about 10 other survivor sided maps to pick from. This is 100% a nerf for killers and solo's, without touching SWF at all, despite the fact that 99% of map offering complaints are from killers fed up of Garden of Joy and Springwood.

    Inverting offerings isn't a solution to anything, it nukes the freedom of choice map offerings are designed for, without fixing the issues players have with them in any way. Map bans would have all the downsides and none of the upsides (the actual purpose of the offerings). Worst possible idea.

    And every time this topic comes up and spawns a dozen comments about turning map offerings into map bans, and patting themselves on the back for their ingenious, novel, yet totally ill-thought-out suggestion, I can't help but wonder what backwards universe I just fell into.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The only one that legal to use map offering is Scratch mirror Myers.

    I would make map offerings are to prevent you getting that realm. Tier1 Myers should have 110% though. These are all the changes I would make

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Well, believe it or not, I usually don't tunnel as my usual MO, but playing in a certain way out backing me against the wall will make me. And I regard playing a map offering of the strong survivor or exploitable maps as an open declaration of war, expecting no quarter and giving none.

    Burn maps at your own risk, but I will play as scummy as I can in this cases. How else will survivors learn not to use this unfair items? I actually don't care if RNG decided that you had to go to a certain map 3 times in a row (well, not entirely true, this people have my sympathies, but I have no way of detecting them), a burned map offering is 9/10 times a SWF looking for an easy win and to ruin my fun of the game.

    Getting send my RNG to Gardens of Miwery is devastating enough, but if you send me there on purpose, well, I'll make sure that YOU pay an equal price for that.

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 516

    Its so mind boggling its still in the game, all other games have map prevention, such as map ban votes, not the opposite way around for a huge amount of very good reasons. Just make map offerings block the map and the game gets like 10x better.

  • Nightmarefan
    Nightmarefan Member Posts: 65

    In general I bring bp items but sometimes like yesterday where i went to borgo 5 times in 10 games I need a change.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,201

    To make Outbreak Breakout possible in a reasonable amount of time.

    I'd rather they make the maps not suck than axe map offerings.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Please devs do this, map offerings should do the opposite and block the map it's simple, before event i was sent to garden of joy/farm maps constantly, it's 4v1 but one single survivor can choose the map it's weird to begin with, not fair

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    "Why keep them around when they only really serve to make the game more one-sided and oriented towards toxic players"

    Not gonna lie, this is so true. Flashies and offerings characterise bullies mostly.

    For me they just pile up and I almost never use them. Almost... the exception is when I want to feel god with Myers Tier I. :)))

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 516

    In fact, they should do it without mentioning it in the patch notes or testing it in a PTB, just throw it in somewhere. For no other reason because i think that'd be hilarious. We all know its only used by people either sweating desperatly or using a very toxic build and playstyle at this point.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I often burn them just to get map specific achievements.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    The hook offerings can be a detriment sometimes if you use them though

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    This game excels at keeping stuff in the game that favours one side by a large margin. The ultimate fix would be to balance maps. However, given their track record and recent rebalancing that will not happen. Until then, it should be easy to change map offerings into map ban offerings. Whatever you burn, you will not get send to. To avoid SWFs abusing it, only one map offering will be taken into consideration from each side.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 843

    Maybe offerings should only slightly increase the odds of getting the map you want (by 12%, say)?

    Or they could remove offerings altogether and do something similar to Mario Kart, were all players chose a preferred realm (or pick a random option) and then the Entity will decide. Would still be easy to abuse by 3 or 4 SWFs choosing the same realm, but at least the Killer might have a chance of getting the offering rejected. It would still be better than the current system, where there's never enough Sacrificial wards to burn.

  • ShErMaDeRmA
    ShErMaDeRmA Member Posts: 338

    ...I hate map offerings because it FORCES you to play sweaty and not have fun. I said exactly that in my first point. I guarantee most map users aren't just super casual players who like how a map looks. I.E, I barely see a survivor take me to Dead Dawg, but when they did, it was to abuse duo locker flashlights. Then all other map offerings have been to one sided maps, i.e., GoJ, The Game, Badham, etc.

    I've yet to see Oaks be very influential to a game. Same with coins and reagents. Blueprints can be pretty annoying, but it usually only matters when you've already got a 3k, so eh, and the basement? That's just useless imo.

    Yeah I'd love for the maps fixed, but if the reworked red forests showed me anything, that's not happening anytime soon, so next best option would be to stop those maps from being abused

    I didn't offer inverted offerings, but everyone who has, seems to have said one per side, which goes against that SWF getting rid of all indoor maps.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 573

    Their ridiculous and have no place as long as maps can decide the outcome of a match. I had like 20 dead dawg offerings stacked up on my blight and decided to see if I could get a winstreak with them, and I did. I'm like, an average blight at best. map offerings should go.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    They are too much of an advantage to the side that brings them especially since they’ll usually have a build around it. It’s time for them to go

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 102

    So that youtubers could make funny videos and dbd get that viewership.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    I agree but I think a better option would just be the ability to favorite maps so that it increases the chance of you getting a lobby with said map (like it will try and join any lobby’s in that map before just searching for available maps) obviously this requires that the map is pre determined (I don’t know if they are) but that shouldn’t be that hard of a thing to add

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,277

    so i can make my friends mad by bringing them to rpd 20 times in a row