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So how offten do you see Alien in your games?

In my games from the past days, zero.

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  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I took a long break from this game but I came back because of the Halloween event and have only seen it like one time. I thought it would be a much more popular killer… what happened?

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I just went against one and i saw like 2 yesterday.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I've seen alot of Myers, most of the games.

  • Member Posts: 857

    I think it's been like a week or two since the last time I saw one thankfully.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    The fabled "Halloween-Effect" and the pull of big licences.

    Would be nice though, if some of the more iconic killers, like Myers or Freddy, would get some more love and QoL updates, if not reworks.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I played about 10 Alien matches yesterday and his tail is finally usable again, but I don't know ... at this point I wonder why he has the turret counterplay and can his power taken away? It doesn't feel any more powerful then comparable ranged killers.

    Either make the tails power above the curve, but with the caveat that it can be taken away, or make it normal strong (like it is now), but have it up indefinitely and only reset on a down or pickup.

    Right now it got a severe identity crisis...

  • Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2023

    Good job guy!

    Enjoy your wesker blight nurse match!

    Life find a ways, and nerfing him led to other killer being picked more.

    His M2 power:

    • Short range - barely longer than a lounge attack (yeah let nerf that)
    • Can be shutdown by counter mechanic (Nemsis unlimited, wesker 2 dash with shorter cooldown, pyramid infinite, DS infinite)
    • Long ass cooldown after missed and after counter by turrets
    • crawling, make you have less vision

    sad to see, it suppose to bring alot of people back for this Alien IP.

    Looking at you now Predator

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    The hype died down.

    So much for "Omg Alien is coming to DBD?!" or "Imagine if Alien came to DBD?!" for those same people to not even purchase the chapter LOL.

  • Member Posts: 159

    Even tho its the biggest franchise in dbd, in my opinion, its just terrible and too simplistic designed.

    Alien should have different powers

  • Member Posts: 250

    I don't see it very much outside of my time playing it myself. There are still some frustrating bugs with it. For example, if a Survivor is almost done setting up a turret, and you try to hit them, they are both invulnerable for some reason?

    The other thing is that they brought Alien's tail more in line with Nemesis's whip, which isn't so bad, but I figured the point of the design was for Survivors to burn the Alien out of its power, and thus they made the power strong so that you weren't only trying to loop against it. I think players who played Alien liked using the tail, but now that it's not as powerful, they're going back to Killers where Survivors don't have a lot of control over the Killer's power.

  • Member Posts: 2,501

    At least 1 a night

  • Member Posts: 1,394

    Yeah, I tried playing alien and I had a Yui that stood right in front of me, I used the tail attack while she was standing still, and the tail went through her, the projectile effect even went through her torso. The next time it worked, oddly.

  • Member Posts: 51

    He is still bugged with the hitbox.

    BHVR sells a good killer so everyone will buy then debuff them letter. All they really had to do was fix the cool down of his tail no they had to just trash him. I rather play tapper.

  • Member Posts: 65

    4 in the last 2 days.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    I've been seeing Xeno a bunch, actually.

  • Member Posts: 524

    Been playing xeno since release, and im up to p35+.

    My main issues with xeno is the randomized tunnel underground network often forcing you to lap the map to go to an exit thats about 20ish meters away. (Basement spots, haddonfield houses,etc) or exits being in some really awful places like the eyerie of crows main building putting a xeno exit on second floor back balcony , away from any normal foot traffic or gen spots.

    And when you DO have a properly placed exit, the disorientation when coming out of it is extreme , some kind of arrow or visual effect indicating where I'll be facing as soon as i pop out would be great.

    Now the tail power.... it's extremely good when mastered and lets you outplay certain tiles without having to pallet break. (Fake a direction, survivor tries looping to the other and you smack them over the pallet). Having a crosshair is extremely helpful too.

    However for a killer counterplay to disable the killers power, it warrants a power thats nurse/blight level, i think its time for bhvr to implement different basestats for killers and alien could have been the stepping stone for that with either making the self destruct bolt basekit , or making alien 120% when in crawl mode.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    I don't see it.

    I play it.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    That's a negative outlook. I really enjoy playing against Xeno. It's more than the usual drop the pallet, run around wood, wait until they break and run to the next until I go down because I have no wood left.

    I enjoy the variety of killers and their counterplay. Playing against Blight and Wesker all day becomes very stale.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    I don't see Xeno that much but there are more Trappers, Spirits and Twins (Twinses?). Yes, even more people use Twins. Blight replaced Whiskas and Blights want to KO everyone as fast as possible. This is the only complaint. Some start going into the Void when the last or last two players are on the ground.

  • Member Posts: 272

    To add on, from nightlight community submission.

    This is sad to see, sub 50% kill rate and 5% picked now. even less than wraith kill rate as the M2 killer

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    edited October 2023

    Not seen one for a little while. But DBD can be like that sometimes. You might not see a killer for ages until the entity decides to give you half a dozen to face in the same week.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Less than when it first released but still a bit. Although I still see them every time I play because I've been enjoying our new friend. I don't even remember who was the last killer that I seriously went "Yeah, they're going to be part of my main rotation of killers" and stuck to that (probably Sadako).

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Any killer that get shut down by teamplay is condemnd to bite the dust

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited October 2023

    I know you’re a killer main, but how often do you play survivor?

  • Member Posts: 456

    None, luckily. I dislike going against Alien. Nothing about his gameplay excites me

  • Member Posts: 250

    I agree with the notion that Alien in Crawler Mode should feel very powerful. The point is that Survivors need to force it out of it's power.

    BHVR changing the turret radius was good, but still caved to people complaining about not being able to loop Xeno like they loop Nemesis or PH, instead of developing any skills with the things BHVR provided by design.

  • Member Posts: 373

    The killer that being nerfed after released 2 week?


  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I'll get one or two within a couple hour period

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    I get a few every week. Definitely not rare to see him for me.

  • Applicant Posts: 23

    Past that first few days after release, maybe once?

  • Member Posts: 335
    edited October 2023

    every. day.

    and they run STBFL and only M1 🤢

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I tried playing Xeno yesterday. Fun, but the tail feels really weird now. Though it doesn't help the event has tanked console performance which makes it harder to see and aim from such a low angle.

  • Member Posts: 456

    That would be fine if turrets would be actually doing their job. Run that green add-on (emergency helmet), and you can run into a turret, get blasted, take it out and still be in crawler mode. But the turrets, even well placed ones, don't do that half of the time. And you also need to account for most players being solo and thus not coordinated.

    And to other people in this thread: Oh, and the only thing they "nerfed" was actually a bug fix. His M2 did not have a cool down period which it was supposed to have. I am sorry Behaviour took away y'all's broken toy.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    Never fear. They will come back to being upset about the lack of variety. Lots of first-order thinking going on.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    And to other people in this thread: Oh, and the only thing they "nerfed" was actually a bug fix. His M2 did not have a cool down period which it was supposed to have. I am sorry Behaviour took away y'all's broken toy.

    Incorrect. They fixed a bug that wasn't applying slowdown, and then drastically increased the slowdown on top of that.

  • Member Posts: 456

    No, they brought him to where they wanted him to be from the beginning

  • Member Posts: 605

    Especially on Freddy is this massively needed. Myers has a big fanbase in the game and a really good pickrate.

  • Member Posts: 191

    Did all the neutral challenges in the event tome on survivor and didn't run into a Xeno once.

  • Member Posts: 543

    I played Xenodoggy twice today. If you missed me- you missed out!

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