Too much vodka for the devs

3 kills is barely a black pip now? what?! xD
Why am I getting punished if survivors don't rescue each other more often? One of the survivors got rescued in phase 2 only and the last survivor escaped.
What is this o,,o I hope they will fix this asap!
It bugged dw
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Be glad, ranking up is a bad thing =)
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But you will be...
They mention.. for red ranks.. you need 10 hooks... how do you think you are going those hooks? You won't get much for only 4 hooks that end up killing all the survivors.
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You cant use CI?
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And again 3 kills => black pip
Is it possible that I get less chaser points as The Plague if I put them into broken state and then hit them? It makes the chase a lot longer if her ability doesn't count as a hit for Chaser. That would suck though. I got all survivors at least once and the 3 who died hung 3 times. This feels really weird ...