Not entirely. The other way they could go, is to just give up and create a "ranked mode" in this ranked mode you MUST play with a SWF. Then in this mode they can make balance changes different. Then in the other mode it is solo queue only, and is more casual and unranked. For example like counterstrike where in the "casual mode" you get more money between matches, or you get a free defuse kit and armor etc. Whereas with ranked you are much more limited in what you get. So in the ranked mode, it is assumed that you are playing with a SWF squad on coms, and they can make balance decisions that affect that mode only. Then in the casual mode that is solo only, it can be more wacky and they can have rotating secondary objectives like the current event for bloodpoints or just in general have it be more about "vibes". They could also make it so in the casual mode people can leave with no punishment, because the bots takeover, and in the ranked mode, someone leaving the game is a much harsher punishment scale (I.E. scaling from 1 minute/10 minute/1 hour/24 hour/3 day/7 day). But only lock you out of playing ranked.
That would also solve the problem.
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Cool story bro
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That would be great. But I have no clue you get to that point when most casual players can't even get past the game's skill floor. Sanding off the game's rough edges won't compensate for that.
I'd say that BHVR not wanting VC indicates that they wanted the game to not involve communication, therefore maximizing the chaos and randomness in each match. That doesn't sound very competitive to me. Their refusal to add in-game VC reinforces that belief.
I couldn't comment on Mario Kart's matchmaking. I don't play it. My guess is it just chooses players that are geographically near to you, as their games have trash online.
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You could enable in-game chat right now and solo queue would still be a mess. Having VC won't make your teammates suck less and it doesn't mean they won't throw the match doing personal objectives or just go AFK when they get hooked for the first time.
Solo queue doesn't need VC. A solo team with four solid survivors can win against a solid killer. The problem is that you potentially need hundreds of hours to get good at this game. Closing the gap between high-level SWF and the average solo queue team requires getting survivors past the game's obnoxiously high skill floor. The transition from absolute noob to competent shouldn't take as long as it does. How you fix that, I don't honestly know. Better tutorials could help, but it would likely only achieve so much.
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Sadly, that's the current for many of us. For me, at least, minus long waiting times.
Killer experience: 2 gens done after first chase / hook.
SoloQ experience: 0-1 gens done after first chase / hook.
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You have no idea what type of game they just had. It's a viscous circle. I already spoke about survivor queue times. Its gonna keep increasing as nobody wants to play killer right now. I normally play both 50/50. In the last 6 weeks I have played survivor way more than killer, like 90%.
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The curse of MMR being in DBD. Can't enjoy it as much as it once was cause it's now a comp scene the majority of games you play Killer or Survivor.
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While the OP sounds grossly exaggerated, their are two flaws in your math reasoning for the setup.
Around 32 meters in the survivors should start hearing the terror radius and should be able to start reacting to them
Let's assume you have terrible reaction time, and don't start running away for about 3 seconds, meaning the killer is now 22.2 meters away from you
This presumes the survivor recognizes the direction the killer is coming from and realizes the killer is coming for them. As a killer I'll usually get a lot closer than 22 meters before the survivors start to run.
Lets assume you are really bad at the game, and don't use any pallets or windows, but just shift +w away
This gets brought up a lot, but it's not true.
Killers don't hug the walls of the map, they control the center (barring a map like Midwich). Which means as the killer approaches the survivors choice is not just run into an infinite field, but to choose a direction. They obviously shouldn't run toward the killer, and likely running in the exact opposite direction of the killer will quickly lead to a wall, so they have to choose right or left. This should give the killer an angle, radically shortening the time it takes to catch them.
Also, if the survivor isn't looping at all, all of those things that loopers use suddenly becomes hindrances to the shift + w as a pure strategy.
Finally, most killers have some type of power that applies in a chase. A ranged attack, a potential stealth exposure, a speed option/slow down survivor option, etc. This means they don't have to always do the just m1 chase.
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I just run Distortion 100% of the time to avoid that non-sense. As for UW, I don't mind really since I rarely see that perk being used.
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I find that to be false.
One of the worst perceptions that gets pushed is survivors have to run a killer until downed or abandoned. Escaping a chase while the killer is still trying is possible.
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I enabled the VoD of todays stream. I had some good matches, but sadly my internet connection was acting up at the start and there were some unwatchable scenes. After fiddling with the settings, goober me turned off the mic and I talked for two hours with myself :V
Well, three time is the charme, right? I reached Iri1 while streaming and will now play a bit more varried killers, not just Pyramid Head (even though I love his kit).
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You can question my validity all you like. I plainly disagree on the basis of my own experience and knowledge that this is how I escape chase. I never liked the run the killer for 5 gen strat and I dont intentionally draw out chases just to buy time. I take any opportunity to break los and escape even if its moments after the chase begins. Granted I cant win every chase, but not every chase is without options.
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Hyperbole is a shield against reason.