Who do you main? Why?

tea Member Posts: 140

Just curious to see who everyone's mains are out there. There's always a survivor/killer for someone. :)

I main Kate, Felix and Cybil for survivors and Demogorgon for killer. Kate and Felix are the most aesthetically pleasing characters in my eyes and have some great cosmetics. Cybil was always my favorite in SH and her screams are just the best. Demopuppy was the first killer I really latched onto and got a lot better at playing over time. I was lucky I had one of his gooey cosmetic set before the license ended too.



  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,287

    On killer side I always end up with Nemo. I just really don't like pallets 😅His whip is also a lot of fun, once you get a hang of it. - Not to mention the meme potential Sandra and Norman offer.

    On surv side... Leon and Felix are my BP-dumps and, if the changes to hide prestige go through, will probably be my mains again. Atm there's just too much dodging involved when I pick them and I don't like the whole last-second-switching. Leon because I love the RE remakes (played RE2 around the time I started playing DBD), and Felix was first a cosmetics-choice - but stuck because of the lore background. --- That being said: My default character to play as in the meantime has been Quentin. Idk why. Probably because he's pretty non-descript and I don't have to think about which cosmetics to put on him, since he doesn't really have any.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    I main Pyramidhead in the killers side, but also play a fair share of Clown, Singularity, Xeno (since the last update) or whoever I got a daily for.

    Wesker, Knight, Legion and Wraith are also regulars in my rotation.

    On the survivors side I main best girl Jill, but with survivors I will regularly also play someone else in order to change things up and I am a sucker for the bloody P6 outfits. I also got a couple survivor's preloaded with builds for daily sabo or gate opening builds, and I will switch to those if needed.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,648

    Survivor: Ace. That smile. That damn smile.

    Killer: Hillbilly. I don't know. I guess I like pain.

  • AlphaYandere
    AlphaYandere Member Posts: 66

    For me its Artist ^^ i love her base Design and her Skins are all so pretty. Also her ability is my favorite because you can cut the survivors from loops and cross map snipe like huntress in some situations.

    On Survivor side, it was Feng a long time but yet and when she was released is chreyl. Her basic design is also extremly good. (specialy the combination with prestige 2 and 3 + christmas hoodie) also with cheryl you have the ability to play so much "different" characters because a skin.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    I love the Artists last Deep Rift outfit so much. The blue tint on her weapon just looks SO good :)

    Oh yeah, Artist and Spirit are also in my rotation. I want to git gud with both of them and actually nailiing a double snipe hit from half the map away by layering the two crows a couple of seconds away: MUAK! Chefskiss!

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,972

    Killer: Pig (also a good amount of Demo, Xeno and Dredge)

    Survivor: Steve

    The Pig is by far the killer with the most fitting kit for my playstyle. I like to play m1 killer with a strategic aspect to it. She just hits all the boxes. On top there is 🐽

    What more could you want?

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,660

    Survivors : Dwight, Jake, Feng, Yui, James and Maria, Yun-Jin, Haddie, Renato, Nicolas.

    Killers : Trapper (honestly, naughty bear got me into him), Wraith, Myers, Cannibal, Legion, Trickster, Dredge, Mastermind, Xenomorph

    When it comes to survivors i like their characters and cosmetics and when it comes to renato i like his menu music and i like nicolas cage voicelines.

    When it comes to killers i enjoy the more traditional killers. So nurse is kind of the far end of the traditional scale, trapper is probably at the start and i enjoy killers that lean more towards the lower end.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,474

    Zarina and Demo

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 244

    Killers are clown huntress trickster and Knight because they're fun - don't care about winning and don't do add-ons because I can't be bothered reading what they do.

    Don't play survivor that's too boring

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803
    edited October 2023

    Oh cool another Cybil main

    I mostly main Cheryl and all her legendary skins and mostly because I love the silent hill trilogy

    and for killer i main wesker and pyramid head (and used to formerly main hillbilly before the 2020 nerf)

    wesker because he’s fun to play his dashes are cool and he reminds me of old hillbilly and he’s also skill awarding

    pyramid head: mostly because he’s by far the coolest killer in the game and has the coolest m2 ability and I love silent hill

    and hillbilly: the old one was much much better and recently I tried playing him and was disappointed with how he was functioning so I just decided to not play him again cause he rlly isn’t like he used to be

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,322

    Kate - quiet and hot.

    Ace - quiet.

    Vittorio - cool looks.

    Nicolas - for the voice lines in game.

    Thailita - the new cosmetic looks really good.

  • Livion
    Livion Member Posts: 162

    I main The singularity, because I love set up killers but I also love agressive killers like Billy and with Singularity I have all in one (also I find his ability extremely creative and fun)

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    My mains are from most played to least.

    1. Gabriel- you give me any type of sci-fi genre show that involves space exploration, cloning, a dystopian world etc, i will automatically be hooked on it. Love gabriel's design and his perks fits my playstyle being adaptive in any situation whether in being chase or objective focused. Also, his whimpers are so funny. also, bhvr better give him and Singularity more skins. They need it. Lol!

    2. David- I knew the moment before his sexuality reveal, i just knew. I felt it. And once it was announced, i connected with his character even more. And his second tome really brought me to tears because it helped me come out myself. Also, his screams are funny. Such a drama king.

    3. Vittorio- his tattoos are what gravitated me to him. So unique. And its something you dont see with the other cast.

    4. Felix- a man with class. And when im in the mood to look good during the trials, i put on a suit with him.

    5. Lastly is dwight- he was my 1st played survivor and i kept him as one of my main roster played because he is just too adorable.

    But overall, you kinda get a sense on why i main all 5 of these men. For the plot indeed.

    Oh yea, killer, i play like 20% of the time with killer. But I do love playing as trapper. The screams when a survivor falls into my traps and i gleefully run to my prey. Feels great.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105


    Claudette because back in the days, my friends told me she has the best perk in the game, called Self-Care.

    Ace because he is not annoying me with his loud moaning like some other characters do. And also because he always seems to not give a damn about anything.

    Ash: Because long time ago, i heared people saying that Ash players are the best. I increased my skill by 150% the second i played him.


    Every single M1 killer.

    I am to lazy to learn any M2 killer besides Nurse properly.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 310

    Killer: Nurse.. I know I should be shunned, but I love her lol. Followed by Freddy and Huntress.

    Surv: Adam, Ace and Steve

  • theblimp
    theblimp Member Posts: 158

    Legion for the chase music

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Huntress. Throwing the hatchet is fun and hitting with them makes my brain release happy chemicals.

    Claudette + Ace. I like a lot of their outfits, simple as.

  • TheycallmeLix
    TheycallmeLix Member Posts: 334

    Killers are: Myers,Ghostie sometimes Demo and Freddy.

    Myers and Ghostie most of the time cuz they hot asf and I like how unique they are and don’t worry, I never bring Tombstone in my games ;)

    Survivors are: David (been my main since I started playing and still love playing as him ❤️)

    Yui cuz I really like her cosmetics a lot and I’ve always loved her Japanese outfit.

    Felix, always was my favorite survivor out there after maining David for awhile. 2nd crush after David 😅

    Leon, I’m a big time Resident Evil fan and he was my first P100. I really love Leon a lot and wish he got more cosmetics 😔 also play a lot of Chris Redfield and Carlos Oliveira (also cuz they hot asf 😇)

    Claire, I really liked her in RE2 and I always get hyped when I see her in my lobbies. Just wish she was a bit more quiet while being injured 🫣 recently bought Sheva too and I really like playing as her as well cuz RE5 was my favorite game ❤️

    Vittorio, when he got leaked for the first time I immediately fell in love with him! He was really sexy and I still play him a lot these days! His tattoos are really sick and he’s got a great voice too ❤️

  • coco_shotz
    coco_shotz Member Posts: 249

    For survivor: Mikaela because goth witch with added sprinkles of jake and Felix since they are daddies (although yoichis new outfit make him look quite nice 😏)

    For killer: trickster also because daddy af but the killer I'm actually good with is wraith and that's just the cloak

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735
    edited October 2023

    Survivor: I main Yoichi Asakawa - My only P100 Survivor. I really like BHVRs Idea how they re-envisioning him as an adult with the Design and Background Story. I always love magic and supernatural things, so that Yoichi is blessed with paranormal psychic abilities really hooked me too (And omg look at his new Outfit. Such a cutie!). After that I mainly Play Vittorio Toscano (P47 right now) - Of course Magic and Fantasy really makes him interesting to me. After that I switch between Dwight, Jake and Adam.

    Killer: As for Killers I enjoy The Knight and The Demogorgon the most. I know people don't enjoy the Knight, but understanding each Guards strength and weaknesses is really cool. I still hope BVHR is gonna fix many bugs with Knight and do some changes towards his basekit and addons. Demo is simply a good boy, I love having chases with. No Gen perks, only chases and it's a blessing.

    By the way I am playing in Europe if anyone wants to join me. 💜

    Post edited by The_Daydreamer on
  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 310

    My brother in arms lol, how old is your nurse by the way, mine is 91

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    I main Zarina, Yui, and Yun-Jin on survivor side. Reason is they’re all hot and bad asses:

    For killer I’ve said it many times at this point lol.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,893

    We don't have a main as we play everyone sans nurse, but our favorites be Artist, PH, and ghostface. We like artist kit and are fans of Silent Hill. Ghost face is just funny causing random chaos with our build.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,793

    On killer side it's undoubtedly Sadako, followed by Pyramid Head, Deathslinger and Dredge.

    As for why Sadako, she is the reason I bought the game to begin with. I learned every loop and map with her. And despite her buffs whether or not people think she's weak or OP, I've learned ways to play efficiently without condemned being the focal point and kickstarted me trying unconventional yet strangely effective builds on other killers.

    On survivor side it's Yoichi, Vittorio and Nic Cage equally. Yoichi since he was my first character I played as, Vittorio because I find him interesting, and do I even need to explain Cage?

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    I really really tried to make a go of him, but it's just too janky and frustrating with a controller. Too much effort for ehhhhh results, and that's without considering emps...

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Blight, because his killer design is infinitely more fun than the rest.

    Sheva, because she's hot and needs a rocket launcher.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    Slinger - Legion - Pyramid Head and Singularity are the only killer i main

    Slinger because he has a f. gun with a spear and he's a zombie cowboy so..there's nothing cooler than him

    Legion because i like the masks

    PH because it's PH come one

    Singularity because everyone say he's crap so...i want to use him

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 551

    For survivor Yui and Feng simply because Feng was my first main so I have most of the perks maxed out on her and Yui I liked her lore and she's badass so yeah. For killer Pig because big Saw fan and Amanda was my favourite and I enjoy her power and addons. and just a mix of every other killer I own except Freddy.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited October 2023

    Survivor: Feng because I enjoy her aesthetic and the chapter she came with. I have mained her since I started playing

    Killer: Freddy, I am just used to playing him, been a Freddy main since 2020. There is no killer I am more confident with, I love the dream world and his character in general

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,487

    Meg is the only character Ive stuck with since the very beginning. It all started when I was leveling her up and got lucky by getting all the perks I wanted.. Self Care, Borrowed Time, Premonition and at the time I was going after Sprint Burst. I got those perks VERY quickly at either level 2 or 3 which was something that hasnt happened with previous characters, I always got unlucky. Because of that I stuck with her, got her to Level 50 and then the All Hallows Eve event dropped.

    As I was getting those brand new Will O' Wisps and Lunchboxes I thought to myself; "Im going to lose these one day because I know Im going to prestige at some point." Thats when I started dumping all the points I was getting into Meg as I didnt to miss out on event exclusives like that again, or risk having more offerings removed like the Bouquets, Common and Uncommon map offerings

    Finally got Meg to P3 at the end of December 2017. Ive gotten other Survivors to P3, and I even got all killers to P3 but none of them have stuck quite like good ol' Megalodon :)

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 925

    For survivor it's Meg and Rebecca.

    Killer i get bored really quickly playing the same character over and over, but my comfort pick always been Artist. Sort of has a global presence with her birds, cross map snipes are really satisfying and easily shut down loops that would otherwise be too strong against M1 killers.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    I've been trying to get P10 on every killer first before i start maxing them so shes only like 13.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited October 2023

    My main is:

    As for why, I am a huge Saw fan and didn't even realize she was in the game when I started playing, soon as I found out I quickly bought and embraced her. She's so fun. When we got the Saw tome with her having a reverse beat trap on her own head, I was so excited. Only thing I hate is that they didn't even ask Shawnee Smith to do her squeal. I really wish they would patch her in, but I know they probably never will even though she's said she is willing.

  • ironligma
    ironligma Member Posts: 119

    Slinger and pinhead because I like suffering, mine or survivors.

    For survivors its leon, ace, yui, and felix.

  • Funky_lPunk
    Funky_lPunk Member Posts: 47

    Stevie boy for survs coz i've never seen a sandbagging Stevie, they are always fun so i try to do the same. He's also my fav ST character.

    For killers it would have been Nemmy, but recently i hit elo cieling and matches became too repetitive and difficult. So atm i enjoy Wesker most (bought him on sale just a few days ago)

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Demogorgon as killer, Jake & Yui as survivor

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Nea as Survivor, I just think she has the most variety when it comes to Outfits.

    As Killer, not really a Main. I always come back to Billy, so he is probably my Main, but I also like to play a lot of other Killers. (Basically everyone except for Hag, Knight and Skull Merchant)

    CECIO Member Posts: 60


  • Artworks
    Artworks Member Posts: 8

    I play as Ghostface sense they are my favorite movie killer in the game

  • Komodo07
    Komodo07 Member Posts: 34

    Killer: I main SM currently because I like the technology aesthetic. I'm always drawn to classes like engineers and machinists with drone or turret 'pets' so to speak. She's also great at stealth and crippling a chase which fits my playstyle. Nothing is more boring to me than chasing someone all over creation.

    Survivor: I don't really have a preference since they're mostly just skins for perks.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Survivor - Been Jake since day 1. Just loyalty really as they are after all just skins.

    Killer - Oni / Knight are the only two killers I play. Oni feels a lot stronger although requires more attention and concentration on console as he has a precision based power, than Knight who is a bit of a handful to win with, still doesn't require too much finesse and I can play him a bit looser than Oni who is also on the clock in regards to his power. Thankfully there power is as fun to me as cool they are aesthetically. I'm a big fan of the more badass menacing killers, id be well up for a grim reaper or gladiator style killer some day.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937


    つ ◕_◕ ༽つbring back stranger things or riotつ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I favour playing Artist, Thalia, Trapper and Vittorio.

    Artist is fun and she's South American as is Thalia.

    There's no sound in DbD more satisfying than that of an overconfident, BMing survivor running straight into the strong loop you trapped at the beginning of the game.

    Vittorio has been around since the 14th century and studies the Entity. He's just cool.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Myers is terrible and not fun. Stealth plus one shot is not interactive no matter what for one side.

    Blight isn't fundamentally broken xd.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 938
    edited October 2023

    Knight, i like summoning role and gameplay.

    Rebbeca because of "combat medic" looks cool to me with altruist builds.

    Post edited by ARTRA on
  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 351

    Sadako since release. Love Onryos and i enjoy their films and stories etc.