Can we get an official response regarding Blight's Hug Tech thing?

Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

This thing is just obnoxious to go against, it straight up allows him to ignore the way you counter him and its almost impossible to react in time to dodge it due to how fast he moves.

Doesnt help that he has some of the most stupidly OP addons in the game, but at least those are getting patched as far as im aware.



  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945
    edited October 2023

    Sure, the usage of it is technically unintended, but the reason it happens is completely intentional. It happens because if he wasn't immune to wallbounce when he was close to a wall like that, he would constantly get stuck on things. Like he did on the PTB before they added it in.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    Yeah its a necessary evil. Thing is other killers have techs that are way more impactful yet arent talked about nearly as much.

    Trap Shoving (Which Im sure is completely unintended) and Xeno/Nemesis Drag Tech

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    You mean Trapper? well if youre healthy you can disarm the trap, and if he hits you, you just go trough him.

    Dunno how you could fix that though.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074
    edited October 2023

    Trap Shoving (or Trap Buffering) is buffering the input while moving to place a trap into places youre usually not supposed to

    A good example is the doorway upstairs on the west side of RPD (the one that leads to the room with a hole in it) where youre able to completely shove a trap into the ground. I can try posting a clip later

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    Hug Tech isnt really that hard to pull off tho. Knowing how and when to do it takes a bit of time without a doubt, but the same can be said for quite a few techs

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,088
    edited October 2023

    The devs directly stated that blight's hug tech wasn't intended and they were working on a fix.

    That was about a year and a half ago, so either they changed their mind, or the fix is difficult/low priority at this point.

    ETA: Here's a thread from May 2022. OP directly shows community manager Mandy confirming this is not intended. Mandy is also active in that thread to confirm it.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Its not. Especially if the person who made the killer said it was a bug. However, he never got the opportunity to fix it before he left and it wouldve took so long to even find a solution for it. But now everyone just accepts it.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,352

    The counter is learning to recognize it happening and leaving the loop. Admittedly newer players won't be doing that for a painfully long time.

    Blight needs his various collision issues fixed first, which may not be totally possible or realistic, and of course some of his add-ons tweaked. Base is actually in a very good spot. He and Wesker are the best all-around killers they've made. Oh and did I mention fun to play as? Yes, fun.

    My only issue with this or most of the "techs" is them being able to be performed across all platforms. But we have so many other priorities well above this one.

  • Mavericks
    Mavericks Member Posts: 90

    From the survivor's side, playing against Blight is the most fun experience. But people keep complaining about him. Think about your mistakes against him

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    Certainly the fact that hes the second strongest killer only behind freaking Nurse, while having arguably the strongest addons in the game and an unfair tech has nothing to do with said complains....

  • Mavericks
    Mavericks Member Posts: 90

    Strong killers should be in the game. Many killer players just want to win all the time. On high mmr without these killers you will have hard games. The basic kit of the blight is in perfect order, if it is changed, the character will be broken / incapacitated. Some addons require a little reworking and everything will be fine.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022

    I cant believe this is still being brought up. I'm 80/20 survivor, and Blight is fine. Bias maybe since he's my fav killer to go against, but there's nothing wrong with anything he can do now. His add-ons are stronk, but its not "hopeless" stronk like these threads seem to think.

    Also, playing blight even just one time in a custom or something will give you worlds of info on how he works. Grab some friends if you have any and give it a good run. :)

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945

    I don't believe mandy is a dev, but is a community manager. Based on that, i would guess one of the following:

    • Mandy was mistaken and after talking with the devs they said that it wasn't actually a bug.
    • They decided that it would be impossible to fix without breaking blight. Which is probably true.
    • They realized it would be too hard to fix
    • They decided they like the interaction and want to keep it.

    The bigger question i would have is. How exactly would you fix it? It did not exist on PTB blight, and PTB blight was awful to play. Not in like a "he is a bad killer buff him" but in a "this killer is actively not fun to play as" kind of way. He would constantly get stuck on things right next to him that he wasn't trying to bounce off of to the point that you could forget using his power in any meaningful way.

    If they were to take the brief wall invulnerability away, then he would get stuck on things again. So in order to "fix" it, they basically have to make the killer one of the must unfun killers to play as. And that probably isn't something they want to do, since in general the devs are shooting for things being fun and healthy.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,352

    I feel many devotees of Blight are very afraid he may get the Billy treatment. That wouldn't be good for the game at all.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,165

    Mandy said one time it's not intended but I think they realise they can't fix his hitboxes to compensate him for removing hug tech

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    Unfortunately, the more Killers BHVR releases, the more problematic "high skill" Killers are for game health.

    The average player has no influence over which Killers they face, and are therefore unable to keep pace with the skill development of players who only play one Killer. Every time a new Killer is released, Survivors have fewer opportunities to learn the counterplay against every other Killer.

    If I was BHVR, I'm not sure how I would address this issue.

    My inclination is to design a series of LTMs that reignite interest in the game whilst promoting a diversity of playstyles, all with the hopes that one of the LTMs gains enough traction to eventually replace the core game mode.

    The alternative would probably be to institute a Killer/Perk ban system, and see what the landscape looks like after a few months of player-regulated matchmaking. Survivors could forcibly increase the variety of Killers they encounter, and Killers could either ban meta Survivor perks or ban perks that uniquely hinder the Killer they are playing

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022

    lol Every thread becomes an Us vs Them. I love this community!

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    I mean, it depends.

    Do you take the dev who created blight and left bhvr before being able to properly adjust blight to then remove it later on down the line although it being intended by him in the mean time or the couple statements mandy has made with no input from any other bhvr individual?

    So I understand mandy is more valid in terms of bhvrs stance, McClean is far more valid logically and I have 0 faith that they could/would properly remove the hug tech without creating massive issues with the killer. But hey, there are a lot of individuals on this forum that don't know better and want it removed because something fluid that has interactive counterplay is in the game.

    "But it's not intended" yeah, lmao what an argument.

    But yeah I guess double speed blight at killer sided filler tiles using the hug tech is pretty strong, but who am I to say that's 100% fine.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Sadly we can differentiate that skill.

    The survivors you are talking about are good at one thing. Doing gens quickly.

    In chase they are good, but I've seen way better survivors in soloq matches.

    Just yesterday I had a match against a 4man that did 3 gens in exactly 90sec. Why did this happen?

    I played Sadako (I am strongly contemplating to main her again....) on nostromo wreckage. I got a super fast first hit on one of them because they didn't look around them. Then I chased them with Stbfl (1 stack) + rapid brutality. Due to made for this, they got almost across the map to a stronger tile, where they where able to see me over the loop. Looped it for two rounds, then dropped the pallet.

    BAM! 3 gens done. Then I broke the pallet and they ran to a jungle gym. First Mindgame and they went down.

    Same was for the rest of the team.

    On survivor, skill is coordination AND looping. Sadly one makes you win games a LOT more than the other.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960
    edited October 2023

    But leaving the loop results in a hit anyway. A Hug Tech can be set up in about 1 second. Leaving the loop after that (even with 0s reaction time) gives the survivor too little distance to make it to any object that might be a hinderence for the Blight. And even then, he can bump on it and hit you still by either going for a Hug Tech again or using bump logic and his 3 remaining rushes (with no addons). Blight has the power to force survivors into lose-lose situations way more frequently than he should.

    I also think Hug Tech is not really adding to Blight's skill cap. If anything it makes him easier. I am far from the best Blight but even I can do a Hug Tech and a J-flick to get a hit on many loops, where I would otherwise struggle to get hits using bump logic. It's just another thing that he absolutely doesn't need to this extent (although completely removing it might make him almost unplayable). You can perform perfectly fine without sliding along the walls of shack and hitting the survivor around 2 corners with only 2 rushes.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022
    edited October 2023

    I cant believe this has devolved into whether Mandy is credible or not lol. ofc she is. Some forum nerd isn't in any position to tell anyone at BHVR, regardless of their role, what is and isn't.

    Hug tech is here. Its likely here to stay. Get onboard or try TCM.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,088

    This is just the kind of mental gymnastics that some people do here on the forums.

    You can present evidence of a dev literally saying 'you're wrong', with receipts, and they will fight tooth and nail to say otherwise.

    CECIO Member Posts: 60

    Bounce logic Blight is a lot stronger than a Hug Teching Blight, I much rather have a lot of fun with a blight going for flicks than a Blight with Crow+Adrenaline Vial that uses Bounce Logic.

    After you play against him for a lot of hours and actually invest time playing as him, you will see what I'm talking about

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    So what? He can be strong and fun to against? I for example think Nurse is rather fun to go against... Also I would even argue that Blight is stronger than Nurse because of how op some of his addons are and nurse not gaining much strength from her addons...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That sounds like a matchmaking issue though... Such one trick killer players should have a rather high mmr and therefore not be matched with the average player... Also high skill characters are good to keep players on board, the game would be really boring if there was nothing to learn.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    To add on to this, don't forget that exploiting bugs is a temp ban offense. Make sure to report 'hug tech' Blights and 'drop tech' Survivors.

    Found here -

    Cheating is cheating, don't justify your cheating just because you aren't using external software. Play with bugs with friends in private lobbies, but keep that out of normal matchmaking or risk a justified ban.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,174

    With your logic, people should be reporting anyone that tries to 360, since that exploits the Short Forced M1 Attack Bug. Are you fine with people getting reported for that?

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,924
    edited October 2023

    Even without Mandy 's confirmation, I already knew that this was a bug.

    It makes no sense to any coding, when sliding off the objects just because you "hugging a wall" and looking down.

    A better question is: Is this considered as a bug exploit? Because if it was, the players like @Lilithomen would be banned like 3 years ago.

    I haven't seen a single gameplay by him, when he didn't use a hug-tech.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,174

    When BHVR raised Blight's camera view, it created collision bugs. BHVR couldn't figure out how to fix these bugs, so they gave Blight a secondary collision detection, where Blight could "choose" to slide off of things by looking down. However, this created a bug where Blight would get stuck in place if he tried to start a rush while facing a wall (and looking downwards or upwards). To fix that bug, BHVR allowed Blight to slide instead, which is now known as hug tech.

    Just to summarize, hug tech is unintended, but BHVR purposely added it to the game to fix a collision bug.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    The devs love to say something then turn back on that a month later and pretend like it never happened

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699
    edited October 2023

    Mandy has also recently said that Pain Res hitting blocked gens was an intended interaction after a patch made Pain Res hit blocked gens (when this wasn't the case before), then has since been shadow patched in a recent patch. I'd say there is quite a fair amount of miscommunication amongst the staff. That said, I would love for an updated take on hug tech.

    All that being said, I doubt hug tech is ever likely to go. Blight is an incredibly complex killer to code, and they've gotten him to a state where's relatively consistent. Besides, every day, new Blight players are learning to play him as he is. He's not problematic statistically, and requires a fair amount of skill to play well. Hug tech or not, a lot of average Blights don't perform especially well.

    To OP, if you think hiding behind little piece of clutter is supposed to be counterplay, I have bad news. Top tier players can outplay hug techs just fine. Adapt and overcome, or continue crying that the game is too hard.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Is it a bug? Then yes. At the same time, the player on the opposite end of this (if it is a) bug has agency. If the Killer refused to lunge into a spin, they risk a miss. There is no agency from the opposition to prevent the effect of Bug tech and anti-stagger drop vaults. So I would view those 2 with a harsher lens. Essentially they are all wrong, but it is the difference between burning a house or burning a car or burning a toilet paper roll. I think you can live with the toilet paper being burnt, but that doesn't justify the arson.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Do not listen to this person.

    The devs aren't going to hand out bans for use of hug tech and you're just going to be putting in reports that clog up the support system.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,174

    It would be better if you were at least consistent. If “people should report all bugs”, then you should be reporting 360s, even if they “aren’t as harsh” as hug tech.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    "I want to get away with cheating by doing things expressly against the rules and don't want to risk my cool 'drop tech'/'hug tech' being temp banned" is what I heard. Problems should be addressed, and this is one of our only means of raising awareness to these problems. Posting on the forums is yet another realm available to us. How would you like it if someone said "I disagree with you, so I want you silenced on the forum"? It is just silly.

    The important stuff in the queue is stuff you plug in a support ticket for, typically with video evidence. They respond quickly when you provide video evidence of hatchet throwing Ghostfaces, or a Deathslinger reloading and moving at 5m/s, but the ticket-less reports are likely in a backlog. Essentially this won't hinder the critically important reports, so I still advocate reporting cheaters regardless of the degree.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    I wouldn't have an issue with them trying out balancing around high level players, if they started with the MMR system first. It would have to be effective in matching people of equal skill. This would increase queue times for certain groups but that would just be how it is for balancing around high level play. It would be the best way to see what actually needs balanced and doesn't. As it stands, a highest level player can be matched against a 50 hour player and that isn't good for determining anything. I also won't say its fun for either side unless someone just enjoys demolishing lower skilled players.

    The MMR would also need to work in a different way. Someone can run a killer for 5 gens, get caught, and be camped to death. Even though they carried the game, for the most part, they are punished for playing better than the opponent. Even if they weren't being camped their teammates may just leave them.

    Personally I think doing all this could remove some of the random aspects of the game that keep it interesting or fun. It would also remove some of the things that people find aggravating though, like being paired with new players or not being able to counter a higher skilled opponent.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited October 2023

    already confirmed to be not intended and that it will be adressed in the future HOWEVER its been months..sooo ....yeah

    they also mentioned that they will change his addons but once again no info about it yet.

    BHVR moment. also they broke fast vaults on females again with todays patch ....yikes .

    Am telling you dude the day BHVR announce the hug tech removal people that rely on that tech are gonna be spamming blight is dead on the forums like crazy , the same with the MFT nerf for busted survivors.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Hug tech removal can mean one of two things: either they fixed every collision in the game to where they work exceptionally consistently, and bump logic Blight will be even more powerful, or they removed secondary collision, and Blight is how he was in the PTB, getting caught on every tiny hitbox. One kills the killer, the other one is a major buff.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I am consistent. The degree of how bad a bug is determines on a sliding scale of how large of a problem it is. I guess you view things in a binary 0/1 instead of a range of 1-10, to each their own, but that doesn't make me inconsistent unless you falsely translate 1-5s as 0s and 6-10s as 1s. Plus my method is more in line with actual game development. You worry about hard crash bugs, then critical story path progression bugs, then side quest bugs, then QOL bugs (and more but I'm shortening the concept for simplicity). If there is an easy workaround (like a lunge against a 360 which only even works every 100th attempt, making the 99/100 hit rate a 100/100), that would put it in the QOL category. If there is a strong threat in very circumstantial areas (drop stagger) it would probably be closest to the side quest bug. If there is a strong threat in every area, but only for a specific Killer (hug tech), then it would probably be somewhere in-between the story and side examples.

    There also is the important factor of intent. Someone could accidentally do something, or intend to do something else. For example a 360 attempt could be attempting to confuse the Killer by moving under/within their camera or erratically instead. Someone might accidentally panic and spam their keyboard during a drop and get the vault. Someone might accidentally hug tech by panic spamming M2. If that person drop-vaults twice in a row, or the Blight faceslides consistently though, they are clearly knowingly abusing a bug. I only bother to report people I can see that intent to exploit within. Once isn't enough for me other than a blatant cheater. Although to be fair, against a blatant cheater I stop and pretend like I'm giving up, then start my recording software and gather as much evidence as possible.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I'm not concerned with your stance on hug tech and I don't care if it stays or goes frankly.

    You shouldn't be encouraging people to file unnecessary reports against other players without an actual cause. You may not like hug tech, but it isn't a reportable offense. Just like using the current portal/void infinites aren't reportable because while they may not be the fairest thing ever it isn't cheating or exploiting in a way that warrants reporting.

    All you do by reporting hug tech users is slowdown the process of dealing with actual cheaters and exploiters who are going out of their way to ruin games.