Flashlight saves take 0 skill these days

For such powerfull effect to destroy Killer's pressure and hook stage/kill its bizare how easy and offten it can be done.
Not only you have extra nice window of you not needing to be precise at all, just aim not too late at the Killer and Its GG EZI, but also the fact that Background Player is like Sonic speed for 5 seconds makes countering them in the open pretty Impossible againts team of cordinated Survivors.
If you laugh at Killers for running lightborn, just remember Flashlights were made much easier to use then ever and Background Player exists that keeps getting buffed.
and I’m here constantly mis-timing my flashlight save 😭
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It's not hard at all. You can find guide on YT if you need to learn it. Just not be there too late (Background Player will help you with that).
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Yeah Ik they aren’t that hard but there are moments where I just get too greedy to get the save just for it to mistime like basically it renders a blind but doesn’t render a save
and I’m currently low on shards so I can’t buy the character who has the teachable and also I haven’t played in a long while but I might try out the buffed background player if it doesn’t get nerfed when I play again lol
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It is just as easy to avoid getting hit by flashlight by picking up in a way they cannot get the angle or not pick up straight away and taking notice of whom is lurking.
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Yeah ... with the change they did the Background Player, the saver can be litterally anywhere in the vicinity, not just around the corner. It made me consider taking Lightborn, maybe I will experiment with it for tonight. Getting downs and hooks in a timely manner already IS on a tight schedule and an uphill battle, getting flashlight saved just like this out of nowhere isn't exactly fair or fun for the killer.
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Background Player shuts down all these "look away" angles and you can't know where someone is hidding unless you can see them or hear them coming after you down someone.
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its because bhvr babies survivors
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so good survivors always used 99% SB to use flashlights. that is why i don't understand scott's opinion for example that says flashlight is worst item in the game.
Being able to give your teammate a second life is crazy strong. It is just that doing 99% SB flashlight took a lot of skill to use it. With background player, you don't need to run SB anymore so just use it as filler perk to flashlights. Saying flashlight take no skill is undermining action. most survivor actions don't take skill once you learned how to utilize the perk/item in question. My suspicious towards popular scott opinion that Flashlight = useless item is that survivors were trying use them without using 99% SB so they see it as an easy counter to look away but no. flashlight are really good when the player is knows how to use them with haste.
Another skill-cap of flashlights is how you go down as survivor. one of issues for why soloq flashlight is hard is because survivor in soloq cannot see aura of teammates so the downs can happen at bad places where survivor is facing an easy wall for killer to look at. if you go down in strategic places like out in the open, then flashlight become exponential easier. there is also element of stealth. if you make killer believe no one is there, they might pick up at wrong angle and that also makes flashlight easier.
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And yet with Background Player and Sprint Burst being options, I only rarely get hit by a flashlight save. I find pallet saves with the new Background Player more of an issue.
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This is not true, at all. A lot of killers can quickly look sideways. I'm mostly blinded if there are 2-3 kids I cannot anticipate (all at once).
Also, rarity (with rare add-ons) can affect strengths. The "spooky" torches are quite decent during the event, hence the abundance of their use.
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I wish they reverted it. Old fl saves felt more rewarding.
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And having so many blind killer challenges makes it even worse.
Ive seen 4x flashlights quite often
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No way yo detect lurkers anymore with the new background player. Survivors can literally (no joke!) cross half of an ENTIRE MAP in 5 seconds now (map dependant, of course).
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While it is annoying as a Killer it is also very annoying from the Survivors' perspective.
Some keep following the Killer until the chase is done. Only to do the save while that time could have been spent with gens.
But this is probably due to the many blind challenges out there.
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I run lightborn every match. No exceptions.
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MFW backround player
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I must be a god at killer then because I don’t get flashlight saved often. Maybe once every 10 killer games.
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My understanding of his reasoning is you have 1 person never on a gen for 90% of the game when they could be, attempting the flashlight save, and only getting the save 1 in 10 times at best. The loss of gen time coupled with the low success rate makes it so they set their team up for failure, even on the matches where they get the lucky save.
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The beamer's are the strongest item ever and they have no counterplay /s.
I run Background Player and 9/10 times they are looking at the other side or a wall, else they have Lightborn on lol.
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And how would you make flashlights more skillful? It's no different than Trickster's power tbh.
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right so that why you use background player or SB to reduce risk factor of it. one thing to note is that because survivor has such overwhelming advantage in early game, as long you finish the gens closest to center/break 3 gens on the specific map, the large gen spread means that the killer cannot patrol gen effectively. as a result, when roughly 1-2 gens remain, you don't really need 3 people on generators anymore. you just need killer to not get hooks. yes it becomes slower to finish gens but if killer is not getting any hooks, your progressing generators while killer is accomplishing nothing. Maybe they're breaking few pallets but as long killer does not break the entire map than it really does not matter.
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They still aren't pumping gens for the vast majority of the time. Also if the Survivor was looping, they typically are within a Jungle Gym or a wall with a pallet. The only way to blind against a wall is with a Flashbang, and they weren't pumping gens to get a Flashbang, so it is impossible in normal circumstances to get a rescue. A gen in 53s is preferable to a gen in 90s, and it is safer to have the final Surv on a different gen in case the Killer interrupts. Having the 'fast gen' and the 'slow gen' is still far more valuable than an extra hook is the vast majority of circumstances.
If you doubt what I'm saying, go into soloq with Empathy and/or Bond, and watch the flashlight Survivor single-handedly throw the game for 10-15 minutes, forcing you and the other genning Surv have to carry them and pick up the slack.
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Yeah I mean with us not being able to vault properly and killers getting gimp hits, totes babied.
Also killer + high ping is incredibly powerful, but yanno, survivors are the ones they baby, whatever that means.
They released data only they have and the kill rate is higher than the escape rate so please stop 😭
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The current flash-light saves can even be done easily while the killer is carrying. It's too funny.
As far as I'm concerned it's all good because I don't mind to slug and I usually get the would-be savior always crouching nearby.
And yet they keep trying. So cute. 😄
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Same here, but I can't deny that the saves are easier than ever before.
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A bug now means that they baby killers?
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All hail to our lord and saviour Lightborn 😎
The messiah to all us casual killers.
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Wall or lightborn
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The only way to blind against a wall is with a Flashbang, and they weren't pumping gens to get a Flashbang, so it is impossible in normal circumstances to get a rescue.
this is why i talked about tactically going down in open spaces allows SWF to use flashlights to save survivor easier because there is not as many walls. you want go down near walls so that person who is trying to go for save can "stealth" but the killer has to pick up survivor out in the open. Yes, you are correct that flashbang is far superior to flashlight for saves but this is because flashbang requires the survivor to work on generators compare to flashlight. It is inherent more limited in # of uses unless you bring like 4 flashbang perks or something but that a lot of perk to devote to this gameplay where as flashlight costs 0 perks.
A gen in 53s is preferable to a gen in 90s, and it is safer to have the final Surv on a different gen in case the Killer interrupts
not necessarily. if there 1 or 2 gens remaining and gen are spread out, the killer spends like 20-30 seconds of walking to go across map. Suppose he successful does interrupt gen, what exactly does he accomplish on 60% gen for example? The killer regression is 4x slower. for that gen to regress fully, it takes 240 seconds to regression. 240 second is 4 MINUTES. 4 minutes is eternity. you can finish 2 other gens before that gen regresses to 0. If he interrupts, you just start another gen across the map. if he camps gen, you just get free progression elsewhere. If he doesn't camp gen then you just finish it. The only caveat is that you need to NOT be in 3 gen setup to push gens like this. that is why it is important to do correct gens in early game so your late game is easy. Of course, if you face killer that just camps 3 gens from the start than that is inherently going to be different game.
Having the 'fast gen' and the 'slow gen' is still far more valuable than an extra hook is the vast majority of circumstances.
it depends. flashlight saves save hook-states but when you have 3 hook-states, you can spend hook-states as resource. from hook 1 -> hook 2, you have safest flashlight save because if it works, you delay killer a lot but if it fails then the person goes to 2nd hook. from 2nd hook ->3rd hook, you lose 1 survivor which is very big. you should not suicide to save survivor but if you get flashlight save, then it is pretty big because killer will tunnel the person on hook and every second that is chasing is extra gen-time for your team. The thing is that when you flashlight save a killer, it is harder to do it again because killer is more attentive to try avoid it.
If you doubt what I'm saying, go into soloq with Empathy and/or Bond, and watch the flashlight Survivor single-handedly throw the game for 10-15 minutes, forcing you and the other genning Surv have to carry them and pick up the slack.
Soloq is not going use flashlight correctly because flashlights require coordination. They can use it correctly and if they bond or empathy, they're more likely to use it correctly but it is not guaranteed. It is same how soloq will not use bodyblocking correctly with adrenaline or unbreakable bodyblocking or acquiring healing or end game hook saves which is really simple. right? It is just take a hit, hold-w, unhook and bodyblock to exit gate but even if that simple teamwork action is difficult. with stbfl, it just two people take a hit but even that is too much.
so how well this stuff works is highly dependent on your MMR level and your teammates. Flashlight are not useless. it is how player uses them that matters.
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Looks at wall can't use beamer
Blinds at pallet uses ears, and they get less distant but I guess they destroy pressure
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The regression example fails because you don't twiddle your thumbs waiting for the gen to regress. You actively play the game. You chase Survivors, you hook Survivors, you kill Survivors. Especially if you have perks such as Pop/Eruption/Pain Res. In my example I was assuming 3 Survivors are free, and 1 is in chase with 1 gen remaining. Personally I think a trio gen in ~43s doesn't save enough time compared to the versatility of a ~53s and a backup 90s gen, and losing a Survivor to attempt saves doesn't provide as much value as the 37s of gen time the duo offers, but that's just my assessment of low odds saves.
You keep conflating a flashlight save attempt and a flashlight save success, so I'm curious, how often do you think flashlight saves actually work? In a normal match, with roughly equal Survivor and Killer skill, I'd give it 25% odds in the best case scenario. Do you think it is vastly different? I run plenty of intel perks, for example Iri Cam on Ghosty is a god-send. That basically reduces pickup saves by any means down to less than 1% success rates. Clown Cigar Box similarly hard counters save attempts. Infectious Fright and/or Forced Hesitation seen not too uncommonly on Oni/Blight/Bubba also significantly reduces the efficacy of saves. Not to even mention if you have had a Flashlight Surv pestering you like a fly, you know to expect them there, and can easily prevent the save with an unmelted brain. Other Killers have various basekit intel features like Plague vomiting, or even Freddy's glowing dream Survs. So again, at what rate do you realistically expect saves to occur at compared to attempts?
Soloq isn't going to use flashlights correctly, well just a heads up, soloq is 60% of the game. So even if somehow they could always succeed in SWF, it would sit at an adjusted 40% save rate. I don't think soloq v SWF is nearly as black and white as this, but that is because I would say the saves are down to near nothing for both sides. The other night I just had a tunneling Legion and a duo continually doing pallet (Flip-Flop/Power Struggle) and flashy saves. The problem, was it forced 2 people on gens the entire time, and if they had simply not done stupid acts in the first place (rescuing 12m from the Legion), they wouldn't be in that situation to force the non-duo to pump gens. Eventually the tunneled Survivor died, and we finished the gens. I opened one gate, but the flashlight Survivor duo member still alive refused to unhook, refused to open the other gate while I went for the rescue (I pointed at the other gate and ran to hook). Sadly the other Surv thought she opened it, reached it closed, and died. Luckily (although technically planned) I was able to Deliverance to safety and the flashy Surv hard left. They justified their negligent homicide of the other Surv because she (gen Surv) interacted with the event for her tome... That is how Flashlights melt people's brains, and give Killers (2 in my example) free kills for no good reason.
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Right? It’s when it DOES happen. I get blinded to oblivion. Even at angles you never expect during pickup. I’ve been blinded through a crack in a wall because Background Player allowed the injured player to circle around the structure to reach the crack after I smacked them.
“I said there is no way they can flash me through tha-AAAARGHSWOBDLAMRG”!!!!
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The regression example fails because you don't twiddle your thumbs waiting for the gen to regress. You actively play the game.
In your example, you said that killer interrupts the gen. ok who cares? if he interrupts gen, the gen takes forever regress, you just work on another gen. If killer leaves gen, you finish it.
You keep conflating a flashlight save attempt and a flashlight save success, so I'm curious, how often do you think flashlight saves actually work? In a normal match, with roughly equal Survivor and Killer skill, I'd give it 25% odds in the best case scenario.
25%? if 1 person is in dying state and two people are going for flashlight save, it is not 25%. it is easily 90-100% especially if survivor purposely out in the open when he gets hit. 2 players that have 99% SB/Background player will almost consistently flashlight save. the last person is on a gen somewhere.
I run plenty of intel perks, for example Iri Cam on Ghosty is a god-send. That basically reduces pickup saves by any means down to less than 1% success rates. Clown Cigar Box similarly hard counters save attempts. Infectious Fright and/or Forced Hesitation seen not too uncommonly on Oni/Blight/Bubba also significantly reduces the efficacy of saves.
your talking about counters to flashlight and using high-tier killers to showcase that flashlight saves can be risky because of chance of getting slugged. i do not think it is so clear cut because flashlight have considerable range. you don't need stand right next to the survivor to perform flashlight save. by default flashlight have 10 meter distance. with like purple add-on, high end sapphire len's, it becomes 12.5 meters. this is not global or anything but you can flashlight save for a considerable distance if you know pick-up animation perfectly. Getting angle is biggest challenge for flashlight saves. The angle is given for 2 people going for saves but not so much for 1 player. 1 player is 50/50 depending on angle of survivor pick-up. you need flashbang to get ~ near 100% saves as solo but that costs a perk slot and is a lot more limiting.
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So if the gen is interrupted I didn't say it was even kicked, simply that they cannot progress it due to the threat of Surv A being in chase, and Surv B giving a free hit if they pump the gen. You would decide whether to kick or chase dependent on the circumstances. I wouldn't waste time kicking a gen without perks if I wasn't hypermobile like Wraith/Blight. Even then I might not only Eruption a gen, if it would cost me a hit to do so.
I was being generous assuming only 1 person is going for saves. If you are legit thinking 3 people are busy in chases and only 1 is pumping gens, you are saying the match will take 7.5 mins to pump the gens. You basically are going to have 2 people bled out by then even if you never got a hook (as if they threaten the save to such an extent, the Killer will have 2 Survs on the ground before attempting pickups). Even then they can't permanently be un-exhausted. So lets take the 90% success rate (which I think is absurdly high and basically saying the Killer is a baby and doesn't understand the basic mechanics of the game, but whatever) so you get the hook 1 in 10 times. Even a powerless M1 would get enough injuries and downs that they could easily win after the first hook. The 1st Surv has to be unhooked, the 2nd is chased, and the 3rd can't leave the hooked Surv to die in order to threaten the blind, so the 4th is still progressing gens and hooks will flow easily as normal.
You consider Ghosty, Clown, and Bubba high-tier? I mean I know I'm good at Ghosty, but I wouldn't consider him anywhere above the dead average middle. 3/5 Killers I listed are in the bottom half, so you ignored the majority of my point to make something up. Again, you are assuming Survivors are permanently un-exhausted here. It would take 30s tops to down someone injured (barring god pallet delays), so they still have 10s where they can't save unless they Killer gift-wraps it for them. This again is all assuming the Killer isn't injuring and downing multiple Survs before pickup in the case of multi-blind attempts. So again, baby Killer gift-wrapping blinds for Survs for no good reason has 100%, Killer who uses their brain, far far far less. Even if the 4th Survivor is a SWF with a giga-toolbox and BTL, teleporting between gens, that would shorten it to ~6m of gen time, which would only require 2/3rd downtime to get 3 bleedout kills, easily accomplished if you are expecting blinds the entire match, but I would think hooking them would kill them faster so I'd just do that. Plus on top of that, the normal Flashlight can only get 8 max blinds, and most people attempt chain blinds reducing the number all the lower, on top of people not doing frame perfect blinds for perfect charge protection.
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You consider Ghosty, Clown, and Bubba high-tier?
I am talking about blight and Oni in demon fury in which you mention as infectious fright as some sort of counter to flashlights. you can still get flashlight saves vs stronger killer but you have to be more careful around some killers.
If you are legit thinking 3 people are busy in chases and only 1 is pumping gens, you are saying the match will take 7.5 mins to pump the gens.
you missed key sentence in my previous post. When there are 1 or 2 generators remaining, flashlight saves become more detrimental to the killer because killer is not progressing the game while survivor can use their 4vs1 advantage to keep progressing the game while preventing killer from getting hooks. so no it does not take 7:20 minutes. It takes somewhere between 90 seconds and 180 seconds to finish the game. This number can go up and down because you can sometimes have 2 people on 2 separate generators.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on1 -
The IF/FH perk possibilities tell you when to slug until a hit and when to pick up in general.
I thought you were specifically talking about regression vs gen stacking in that post, not saves in general, as you didn't mention them in that paragraph. To that I would say it is quite easy to win the game before they even reach 1-2 gens. A normal start should have at most 2 gens pop, as the hook should come in and either the Killer Pop or PR a gen before it can be finished. Then they are stuck in the 1/1/1/1* death spiral even if the Killer had a weak start with 2 gens being finished shortly after the first hook.
* 1 on hook/being healed, 1 in chase, 1 en route to rescue/healing after hook, 1 on gens.
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you think bhvr can do anything about high ping? lmao yall are getting basekit perks, help with flashlight saves, theyre REFUSING to nerf mft which is a broken survivor perk, added anti face camp, they've been trying to "fix" vaults (its really just a buff) and more. they've even experimented with base kit bt. Survivors are being babied. also your "kill rate data" is from one year ago lol the most overall recent kill rate data we have is from nightlight which is around 53% I believe. (which is bad for killer)