Have you ever dreamed about dbd?

I used to see dreams about dbd when I played it lot probably too much. There is lot of feeling that you can experience playing this game so it can get to your dream quite easily. My first dbd dream was nemesis chasing me and my friends I realised it was dream so I woke up myself.

Usually though I see survivor dream where I loop the killers to oblivion or something like that and my teammates fix the gens so slow. I do like some crazy tricks and made them miss lunges and it's not enough. Eventually they catch me I think sometimes they just facecamped me too. But I think my dream teammates have always saved me at least so I escape at the end.

Killer dreams though they are more frustating. Very memorable one was where survivors fixed gens in less than 5s. Then they teabagged at exit and started to screw around and I managed to kill them all with noed I think. After that there was another trial happening in other side map and I went to help trapper to get them at least that was fun.


  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    Mostly I just dream about tbagging survivors. Nightmares more like.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    Yeah, I have which are either cause that I played too much or haven’t played in a while. But my dreams are hard to explain anyway lol. But that because well I tend to get a lot of weird dreams too.

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    When I used to main Huntress and still when I play a few matches with her I'll be lying in my bed and then I hear the lullaby. Not a dream or a nightmare but its always there in the back of my mind.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Actually no, now that you mention it.

    It's weird in itself given the time I've passed on it.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,965

    just last night, in fact. Even if that was more about a charm in the rift that does not exist.

    it’s always rather mundane. Though, from what I remember of it, my subconsciousness sure has the maps memorised pretty damn well.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,143

    Once. I was being chased by Huntress

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Hahaa, yes!

    In 2018-2019 I was playing around 10-12hrs everyday (15hrs daily, weekends) for like 7 months. When I went anywhere, and especially while working, (I worked overnight at a resort lodge, at the time) I was seeing everything in “DBD vision.” The surroundings became in game maps. I’d envision pallet locations, evasion or cutoff routes, and at times I’d find myself evading ppl and even sneaking up on others w/o even fully realizing the gravity of that was taking place. It was fun imagining and even feeling like I was still in the game while living life, but after while, realizing how addicted I was to DBD was an intense awakening. Most all my thoughts were consumed by this game.

    Every night for months was a DBD dream, and that’s all there were. They weren’t graphically toned, like the game itself, either; It was surreal, and extreme, like an out of body experience of being in the entity’s realm as a Survivor with other random ppl and some characters from the game; gens, hiding, being chased, etc., along with abstract convo, and incoherent sensations, like I wasn’t always in control. But it was never friendly, and the vibe was fearful. Weirdly tho, no one ever died. I remember others being attacked, and several of the actual Killers from the game being in the dreams. It was always oppressive with an atmosphere of dread.

    Happy I stopped gaming so often, and that I’m not addicted to this game anymore, for sure😌

    Still have occasional DBD dreams when I play a few 6hr days in a week, but they’re infrequent and mild. I attribute this to not playing nearly as often. Thankfully haven’t had any since stopping play in August🥳

    Hey, awesome topic btw, and thanks for sharing!

    It’s cool and kinda relieving hearing of other’s DBD dream experiences. Makes me feel less like a weirdo or sth😅

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I had one being chased by Huntress, in a restaurant named Enormous Two, throwing big spoons at me, in this outfit.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    I've had a few... either as a Survivor or a Killer

    I do find it funny though... some dreams happened in the games maps but others happened in IRL places

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Honestly, yeah I have dreamed about dbd. I've had a dream where I was the Artist hunting survivors down, and I've also dreamed about being myself as a survivor looping a Dredge for several minutes running from tile to tile. In whatever dream I'm having I seem to do really well in whatever role I play.